Update on Robberies

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Update on Robberies

Postby HwaRang777 » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:10 pm

Okay, if you guys remember, I posted a thread in the prayer forum, asking if anyone of you guys would be willing to pray for my family, after my dad got robbed at gunpoint on thurs. sept. 22nd. well, I'm not going to ask you for more prayers or anything but I want to let you guys know what has happened so far. Since last week, there has been four other robberies in the Alpine/Walker which police suspect that they are the same group of people that robbed my place. Two african-american males, 6'+ and looked under the age of 18. This is all in a week!! I'm surprised that they've gone this far and have not been arrested or retaliated by some employee.
Arise now, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Dire deeds awake, dark is it eastward.
Let horse be bridled, horn be sounded
forth Eorlingas!
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Postby starfire » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:14 pm

That's seriously bad. To state the obvious. And never feel bad about asking for prayer when you need it. I'll pray for you and your family. God bless.
My thread. Click the magical link and ye shall be transported to a land of threadiness!

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God bless and keep you all the days of your life.
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Postby Yumie » Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:27 pm

Wow, that's insane. Well, on the bright side, if they keep being careless and robbing the same area so frequently they're bound to get caught. Just over the past month or two in my neighborhood eleven houses were robbed, including the ones on either side of my house, and once people knew who we were looking for they were caught quickly. So I'll pray that they'll be stopped before they rob anyone else!
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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