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Seen/Heard/Felt Them?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:44 pm
by Emanku
I recently had an encounter with a demon and I was wondering how many others have had visitations. Have you ever seen an angel or a demon? Have you heard them speak? Have you felt their presence? What about God? (this should get the most responses; if it doesn't, something's not right) Have you heard His voice or felt His presence?
I've felt the presence of the Lord on many occasions, but can't remember directly hearing His voice.
I've never been visited by an angel, but I have been able to identify demons, or demonic influence, at times. One of the most common is for me to walk past our front door and feel a demon glaring at me from the other side, unable to enter, for which I'm thankful.
A few days ago, my dad and I went out and did some construction work. We were supposed to move a set of cabinets and reinstall them. Because of a lack of communication and preparation, the day went by slowly and we were a bit ticked off when the time finally came to install the unit. It went fairly well until we got to the cabinets that would be off the ground, screwed into the wall. I had a wrong grip on the first cabinet and it fell and struck my dad in the head. He gripped his skull in pain and swore about five times or so. Fortunately it didn't pierce the skin and we got back to work quickly. As we were setting up the second shelf, I saw a shadow pass over the entire inside of the garage. I quickly looked over my shoulder. There was no door on the garage and everything was sunny outside. My stomach churned a bit and goosebumps formed on my arms. The hair on the back of my neck stood up too. (first time that's ever happened to me) I could feel a massive amount of power where I was looking, but saw nothing unusual. I've felt demonic power before, but this was on a whole different level to anything I'd experienced. I quickly instructed my dad that we needed to pray. As we did, the ominous presence slowly receded and we continued working on the cabinets.
Later that day, God gave me insight on what happened. I'm fairly confident in what I got:
We had been working on a showhome in a new expansion of the city. At the time, there had been almost nobody living there, just a few construction workers and stuff. When dad got upset and swore, it alerted the demons to our presence. God had been shielding us so none of the demons noticed anything unusual and hadn't paid much attention. Dad's outburst and my shame over dropping the cabinet made them take notice and they recognized us as Christians, making us a threat. Since a pair of devout Christians posed the most immediate concern to that new neighborhood, the newly appointed principality confronted us directly. I don't know what it had planned on doing, but whatever it was failed and the demon was driven back by God's power through our prayers. It's comforting to know that God can conquer a demon that strong just through the prayers of two people.
I'm planning on writing up a prayer request for that neighborhood once I look up the name of that section of the city again, but until then I wanted to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience or knows someone who has.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:14 pm
by Starfire1
towards the beginning of my first year of high school i got left downtown because my ride forgot me. i had no way to contact my parents or anyone who could give me a ride. the janitors were starting to lock up the school and the secretaries were leaving so i was pacing up and down the sidewalk and it kept getting darker outside. i panicked for a minute, thinking i would get kidnapped or raped if i stayed alone downtown at night then just stopped and sat on the steps and prayed. i did calm down at least but then i decided to try to find someone who could help me in the building one more time. i had just turned my back on the office doors after i saw it was dark inside and locked and someone called my name. it was a woman i had never seen before but she knew my name somehow and i felt just so safe when she came near me, and all the panic-y feelings just lifted up off of me. almost before i could ask, she gave me her cell phone. i called my father to come get me and gave the phone back then went to the door. i turned around because i had forgotten to thank her for being so kind but she had disappeared. i got home to a very worried mom (they seem to worry more over only children) who had been praying very hard that i was safe. i told her about the woman and she convinced me that God sent me an angel, because who knows what could have happened to a naieve kid like me lost downtown. i think back to it and it makes me remember that He is always watching over me.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:18 pm
by Nate
I see this thread getting locked soon, primarily because different people have different opinions on the supernatural, and this will most definitely spark a debate.
No, I've never heard God's voice. I feel when most people thing God is telling them something, it's really their subconscious mind telling them something, and they just assume it's Him. I have felt His presence, though, many times.
As far as demons go, I think they get credit for far too many of the things that go on in this world, due to a) the curse placed on Creation at the fall, and b) the inherent sinful nature of man. Yes, demons do exist, and they are at work, but I can't help but feel as if they have many things attributed to them that are not their work. I'm sure they love it, though, to have people constantly live in fear of them.
Finally, I'm not entirely sure that "darkness" and whatnot are what demons actually entail. Remember, Satan loves to masquerade as an angel of light. I'm sure he can do much more damage pretending to be an angel or God than he can from being a looming dark shadow, and the same would go for the demons...which are basically fallen angels, and therefore retain the same basic qualities as regular angels (save for the disdain for God).
Anyway, there's my two shiny pennies before the lockage.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:27 pm
by Emanku
That's a nice story, Starfire. I wish I had one like that. I've heard a lot of them before from my parents and their friends and the only one I was in happened while I was asleep in the vehicle's back seat. (D'oh!)
Anyway, thanks for sharing.
(P.S. : You write very elegantly for a 3-year-old. ^_^ )
I really hope a debate doesn't come out of this. If it does, I hope the debaters have the good taste to do it somewhere other than my thread.
You hear that, guys? Sharing only! Don't argue or criticize what someone else has to say. Alright? If you do want to debate an issue, don't do it here, please.
You have a number of good points, kaemmerite. Although I don't fully agree with you, you have given me some things to think and pray about, for which I thank you.
Thanks for sharing!
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:32 pm
by Nate
Emanku wrote:If it does, I hope the debaters have the good taste to do it somewhere other than my thread.
You have more faith in humanity than I do, then.
![Eyewink ;)](./images/smilies/wink.gif)
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:35 pm
by Emanku
[quote="kaemmerite"]You have more faith in humanity than I do, then. ]
Not so much faith as hope.
![Grin :grin:](./images/smilies/grin.gif)
Hope is always a good thing to have.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:39 pm
by Slater
The Bible makes it clear that people can have encounters with angels, both of heaven and of hell, and what to do when encountered by them. While I have never encountered one face to face yet, I know what to do... Always ask if Jesus Christ is their Master. A demon can not lie to that question, and nor will an angel.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:40 pm
by Yumie
Well, I've experienced some unusually freaky things in my life that could have possibly been demonic, but I'm not really sure if they were. However, I do know some Christians that I respect who have told me about unusual encounters that they think were demonic, and though I can't really know if they were I think it is possible. Anyways, I don't want to say anything TOO definitive if it really will just start a debate, especially since no matter how I feel I can't really know for sure whether any of my experiences were truly demonic.
As for hearing God's voice, I've never been sitting someplace and suddenly heard a real voice say "Do this or that," but God has definitely lined up some events in my life to show me very definitively something that I should do. However, some people I have known or heard speak have claimed to feel the words of God in their spirit, like Beth Moore's story about when God told her to brush the hair of the man in the airport (I don't know if anybody else has heard that story or not. . .) and this other time when a woman I know, Deedra, was in CVS waiting for a prescription and she saw another woman in the room, and suddenly she felt God telling her to go tell the woman that she needed to stop taking anti-depressants. She didn't even know the woman, but she went over and said, "I know we don't know eachother and that I really know nothing about you, but I feel like God wants me to tell you that you should stop taking anti-depressants because you need time to grieve over whatever it is that happened to you." And the woman looked all suprised and said, "I was just trying to decide if I should stop taking them or not! Ever since my husband died I've been extremely depressed and I didn't feel like the medicine was helping anything!" So even though Deedra didn't know anything about the woman, she was able to help her with something in her life because God moved her to do it. So on that level, I think you can feel God moving you in a nearly audible way. I can't say for sure though, but I know he communicates with us in one way or another.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 3:55 pm
by Slater
Actually... I do remember one time I was at my computer (several years ago, back on my Win95 machine), playing with a CD version of an encyclopedia someone had just given to me. I was home all alone, and as I was fiddling around I heard clear as day behind me... what sounded like a man's voice. "Nicholas."
That was all it said... my name... nobody was there, and that was it. Being that I was not a Christian back then, I don't know what it was.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:05 pm
by Emanku
Sound advice, frwl. I've heard that the best phrase to confront them with is, "Is Jesus Christ your lord and savior?"
Thanks for sharing, Yumie.
That's one thing I didn't really mention, and is something to think about: the difference between the Lord's voice and the Lord's promptings. Is there a difference? Again, I want to emphasise that this isn't meant for debate, just something to consider.
I like that story of yours, frwl. Being Christians we have a certain level of God-given discernment on such things that a non-Christian would lack. I think it would be next-to-impossible to tell the difference between God's voice and that of a demon without the God's Spirit in us.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:05 pm
by Sage_Al-Kahira
I've had many of the same experances as you have had frwl. Like one time I was at school and walking in the hallway when I could have sworn I heard my name being called and turned around and no one was calling me, or when i was in my room reading I heard my name being called too, but no one was there.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:40 pm
by Yeshua-Knight
i gotta speak up now just 'cus i feel that it's time, please don't allow for your personal focus to be swayed just 'cus you may or may not have had an experience with angels and/or demons, our gaze is to be fixed upon God, even as Joshua in the bible found himself face to face with an angel of the Lord, and Joshua bowed before him, the angel told him "do not worship me, for we are both servants of the Lord", to tell you the truth, i have to wonder sometimes about when people have such experiences with angels and demons because it has a tendency to draw our focus from where it should be, i'm not taking into question the validity of the experiences, i only take into question the motive behind the experiences, so i say this only as a warning, please don't put any more emphasis on seeing an angel or demon than u would on any normal person, unless of course they deliver some sort of special message, and even then it's the message that's important, not necessarily the messenger
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:12 pm
by Slater
well... Angels don't need saving... ^^;
they are sinless beings, unless they are fallen. Angels who fall are not eligible for salvation.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:14 pm
by meboeck
I've never seen/felt a demon or an angel, but a woman I know says she once looked up during a prayer meeting and saw a demon leaving the room. I have definitely felt God. This is the strongest I have felt Him: I had depression a few years ago, and I was on medication. I went on a weekend retreat with my youth group, and I forgot my medicine. In just one day, the anxiety and hopelessness came back with a vengence. During the service that night, I couldn't concentrate on God at all. I just kept thinking about me and how horrible it was that I was getting depressed again. Finally I heard a voice say" Stop being selfish and talk to God." For the people like Kae, I think it could have been my subconscious telling me that. But then when I started talking to God, I felt Him there with me. I just said, "I can't deal with this, I'm giving it to you." And a peace came over me like I had never felt before. It was so amazing that the whole rest of the night my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
I have also felt God through visions. Sometimes while I am at my youth group I imagine that everyone has this glow coming from their chests and shining up through the roof, and I know that it is a vision of how God sees our praise rising to Him.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:34 pm
by Dunedan
I find it odd that I have never seen or felt a demon or angel.. though I have felt fear, and more importantly, I have felt God. And I think thats something way cooler.
God is way cooler! welcome to the dorks for god society... sigh...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:42 pm
by Yeshua-Knight
dunedan, let's just put it this way
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:13 pm
by meboeck
I don't think the intention of this thread was to belittle how awesome it is to experience God. I think Emanku was just curious to here about people's experiences with the supernatural.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:26 pm
by Emanku
That's exactly what I was going for, meboeck. Thanks for backing me up. ^_^
I absolutely agree that the presence, majesty, beauty (etc.) is infinitly better than anything else. Experiences with demons/angels are just a lot rarer, so I think they're worth sharing. When I was confronted by that demon it was an unusual experience so I wanted to hear about experiences other people had. If I broke my leg for the first time I'd probably post that here and ask people how they reacted to similar injuries. I don't mean to demean encounters with God's presence or anything, and I apologize if it seems that way to anyone.
Encounters with angels and demons are mentioned in the bible, so I know they're real and not something terrible. I'm just a little curious about the similarities and differences between the biblical visitations, my own, and those of others.
You've all given me lots to think about, thanks.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:36 am
by Starfire1
Emanku wrote:(P.S. : You write very elegantly for a 3-year-old. ^_^ )
gracias senor.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 6:18 am
by Aka-chan
frwl wrote:Actually... I do remember one time I was at my computer (several years ago, back on my Win95 machine), playing with a CD version of an encyclopedia someone had just given to me. I was home all alone, and as I was fiddling around I heard clear as day behind me... what sounded like a man's voice. "Nicholas."
That was all it said... my name... nobody was there, and that was it. Being that I was not a Christian back then, I don't know what it was.
I've had that: something distinctly calling my name when no one was there. I didn't think it was supernatural or anything, though, and just kind of shrugged it off. Interesting that it should come up here...
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:14 am
by ~Natsumi Lam~
yea... i totally know about them... i made a thread about a month ago on this subject ....
I told about my demonic experiences and how i dealt with them and how i am going to be an excorsist. If you want to know my experience with it... which has been my whole life... that thread explains all about it
![Happy :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
I hope it is helpful.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:46 pm
by That Dude
I've never seen a demon or an angel...But I do know that I've confronted demonic strongholds in people...Like one of my brothers would have a demon (he wasn't sure if it was one or not but we prayed that God would reveal to us whether or not it was and God immidiatly showed us that it was) accost him every time that he tried to pray and he asked for one of my other brothers and I to pray for him about it and we prayed for quite a while over it and God just totally helped my brother and even though he still get's cussed out in his mind when he prays it's no longer a big deal...It's just a nuisance. I've had one or two other expeiriances like that.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 4:49 pm
by bakura_fan
I've encountered such things yes. Instead of me repeating my story, why don't you check out my testimony?
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:20 pm
by mitsuki lover
Live long enough and anything is bound to happen to you.
As far as it go I will only say that there have been times when odd things
have seemed to happen but I perfer not to discuss them as I am not
entirely sure what really happened.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:37 am
by Kisa
I have felt God many times before...
Demons, I had a weird thing happen, don't know if it was a dream or what, but...
Lateley I have been growing closer to God and seeking His will for my life and one night I was in bed. I had a dream in my room exactly as if I were awake, and this dark creature was sitting on my chest hissing and growling at me. I could feel the weight of it on my chest and it was about a hands length from my face. I quickly closed my eyes and prayed that if this was a dream I would wake up, and if not that God would protect me. I opened my eyes and it was gone. I have never felt anything like that before and my parents think that Satan/demons are trying to hurt me case I'm seeking God's will and becomeing closer to him latley...
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:26 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
KisaTohru, that's remarkably similar to an experience I had several weeks ago.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:16 am
by Warrior4Christ
I haven't had any experiences myself...
One small group at our church shared an experience one Sunday they had recently. They had gathered for their weekly meeting and during it, two of the people could see demons and were demon-controlled to an extent... This was probably the first time something like that happened to them, and it went on for several hours. But it had an almost anti-climatic ending because God always wins
![Happy :)](./images/smilies/smile.gif)
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 3:02 am
by Catapult Turtle
I've never heard God directly, but sometimes I hear Him, but I don't. No, that made no sense. But God sometimes doesn't make sense to us. Like one time I had a question because I was thinking about a story I wanted to write and I wondered what God thought of it. I went to youth group and when I came out I had the answer. It just slid in.
Demons- not the most experience. Normally when it's dark or I'm in the elevator I can see shadows shifting. And the room above my apartment was supposedly empty, but I heard sounds in it. But the old Get behind me Satan sure does work.
Angels. Erm. I don't think I've really seen or heard one. But I've felt them before, just sort of knew they were there.
It seems whenever I feel God, the room gets colder O_0
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:03 am
by kazekami
One night I was laying in bed in my haunted dorm room. There was something evil there. but it didn't really manifest itself until my last year in the dorms. Though I relized something after my roommates and I were talking about what we had experienced that last year and what they told me made me relize that 2 prior roommates had actually said some things simillar. I think that it had gained power that last year because everyone in the suite pretty much hated each other that last year. We had lots of yelling and screaming and strife. The thing opened heavy locked doors. when no one was near them. These were the doors of the hall which lead outside. Only LGA's and people in the suit had keys to the doors. there is no way the wind could blow them open because they locked when closed. But one night I heard an evil sounding voice say "listen to me" scared me I said 'Go away in the name of the Lord" and started praying and it went away. But that thing still lived in the hallway. 0_o
Also last year I saw something. I also started praying and it went away.
I also have heard Gods voice medophoricaly speaking. It's more like I feel i have to do something. It's like something tells me that I must do something. Not actually an actual voice. But I know its God giving me direction.
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:26 am
by ~Natsumi Lam~
ive decided to put a new sig up... so no one is wondering what my stance on demons and spiritual warfare is.