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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:10 pm

Yeah as some of you know i did a post on whether i should go back to public school or get my GED well i decided to get my GED so in a month when i turn 16 i am getting my GED and then im gonna start college at herritage if i get accepted i decided to go to herritage because if i become a massage thereipast first off my dad wont gripe second i can make enough money to fund my dreams of schooling in japan for a year or something like that and so yeah i didnt want to go to herritage but today i say the college and it was nice and i told them i was only gonna be 16 and they are just fine with it as long as i get my GED.
ne advice? :poke:
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:14 am

ya positive this is God's plan for ya? Pray about it!

and college when 16? that'll be tough! Honestly I wouldn't do it.... enjoy highschool when ya can!
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Postby TurkishMonky » Fri Oct 28, 2005 7:56 am

There's nothing wrong with going to a local college (i think that's what that college is?), especially when you're a younger student. I've been taking classes at a local community college for several years during highschool, and i'm continuing to do it for my "freshman year" of college, to save money.

But, as MSP said, the most important thing is to pray about it
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Postby That Dude » Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:30 am

I'd have to agree with MSP and TM. College is not a thing to be taken lightly and you should pray a lot over it. I would suggest not to go until you are at least mostly sure what you want to major in.
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Postby agasfas » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:12 am

To be honest that's seems like a huge decidsion to make being so young. Massage therepy is a really awesome trade, but schooling for that is only about 6months or so. I don't think many places would hire a 16yr massage theropist....
And I can understand you wanting to goto japan for schooling, but finding the funds to go and stay over there isn't as easy as getting a job as a massage theropist and saving money for a few years.

Do you konw anyone in Japan to help support you? If not, do you really have the means to support yourself in another county w/o any help? What about the entry exams? Stuff like plays a major factor in the decision.

I'm not trying to discourage your choice, I hope you end up doing what it is you want to do. But at the same time, things are always more completated then we just saying, "I'm going to get a GED, goto Japan and attend a univeristy there," especially for someone your age. In reality things are much harder then that. My brother was in the same boat kind of. He graduated highschool but then wanted to goto college in another state. We had family there, and he had money saved up from working for a few years, but the amount he saved or would continue to make in next couple years wasn't enough to cover his schooling- let along a place to live.

Whatever you chose to do, I hope the best for you. But I still think you should continue to think and pray about... or even like others have suggested, attend a local community college and try to figure out whether it is or isn't something you want to do.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 10:59 am

This college will be slightly hard but easyer than not because its only massage therepy school i have prayed about it im going to be 17 by the time i graduate it takes 14 months and i dont really know if im going to go to a college in Japan i mean ive been thinking about it and i dunno.
Here is my plan for my future w/e=
Go to herritage for 14 months and get my asscociates degree.
Get a good job somewhere i dont know where but like i said somewhere.
Save up some money and use some for like gifts or whatever you know i cant just save all of my money i mea seriously im gonna be a 17 year old girl lol
Once ive saved enough money i MIGHT go to a college in Japan if i decide not to ill use that towards a new car or something for my fam or church.
That basically my plans.
and since its a college for Massage therepy and Surgical ... uhh w/e ill be with only the massage therepy people now see not saying the is the reason why im going cause its not and i just found this out yesterday when i toured the school.
Instead of dumb desks we have massage tables and we sit on those and what not i get my own tabe after i think it was uh 4 classes are completed.
and after i graduate i get a massage chair so it will be cool and i know that this is a big step for a 16 year old but im sure i can do it!
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Postby agasfas » Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:17 pm

Oh, I kind of got the impression that you were planning on getting your GED, then going to massage school with the only intent on going to Japan...

And yes, I'm sure you're capable of doing so :)

It still makes the situation a bit tough. Personally I would try to enjoy every moment I had left being a kid :)

Just make sure if you do decide to do this it's because it's something you really feel is is the right thing to do... ya know?

Anyways, let us know what happens.
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Postby Alice » Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:00 pm

Yes, please let us know what happens. Regardless of your ultimate decision, I hope it is the correct one for you. :)
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Postby Puguni » Fri Oct 28, 2005 5:36 pm

Wow. That is a big jump. Everyone is a bit skeptical because this is has not really happened before ^^; But if God gives the OK on your rush to go to college, then it should be fine. But, now I'm curious: isn't the college going to make you take core classes, or are you just taking massaging classes?
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:40 pm

the ONLY classes they offer are Massage therepy and surgical b/c its a massage therepy and surgical college only so theres no other classes they dont teach math and all that so yeah
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