neo hippie settlements?

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neo hippie settlements?

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Nov 22, 2005 2:27 pm

Heh dunno how many replies this'll get, but thought it would add to make a new unique topic :/

So anyone have any neo hippie settlements near there? I know we've got tree huggers over here that enjoy protesting are some are still currently living in a shack in the woods (in prevention of a parking lot, which is in prevention of car accidents since it's a bad area for that :/)

Also... took a trip to this nearby island this summer (I'm sure the BCians on here will know what I'm talking about ;)) I heard that back in the 60s hippies would go over there and well, the settlement's culture has stayed for the past few decades :/ It is like a total time-warp! Everything's so artsy there, with pottery, the odd shapes of the houses, and well, lotsa hemp to make jewelery from! But seriously, these are like, neo hippies! The clothes, culture EVERYTHING! It's just... so different...

...and that my friends, was my first experience in having a taste of what it known as "culture-shocker" :/
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Postby Technomancer » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:01 pm

Also... took a trip to this nearby island this summer (I'm sure the BCians on here will know what I'm talking about ) I heard that back in the 60s hippies would go over there and well, the settlement's culture has stayed for the past few decades :/ It is like a total time-warp! Everything's so artsy there, with pottery, the odd shapes of the houses, and well, lotsa hemp to make jewelery from! But seriously, these are like, neo hippies! The clothes, culture EVERYTHING! It's just... so different...

That sounds like Salt Spring Island! My grandparents retired there, so it was certainly an interesting place when I came to visit. And no, my grandparents aren't hippies, the family has a long history there going back to the early settlements. But yeah, it was a real surpise being in Ganges on market day; I hadn't expeced that.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:05 pm

my friend's a hippie (or somewhat of a hippie).... but she's a Christian Hippie, which makes her like way cool
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:24 pm

[quote="Technomancer"]That sounds like Salt Spring Island! My grandparents retired there, so it was certainly an interesting place when I came to visit. And no, my grandparents aren't hippies, the family has a long history there going back to the early settlements. But yeah, it was a real surpise being in Ganges on market day]

Nah not Salt Spring (I guess it's another settlement along "the isle of hippies" then :/) I was talking about Hornby Island. Similar though, cause it's also a retirement island too.
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:42 pm

Just a mod note to direct discussion: limit this to the settlements themselves and where they are, rather than a discussion about the merits/drawbacks of their particular political or environmental persuasions.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:25 pm

I don't know if we have any near here,but there is a Buddhist monastary outside
of town.
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