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PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:15 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
I hate them.

Who else hates them? Anybody go through one this semester?

It's like 5:15 AM and I got a project due in like five hours. And while I'm almost done... goodness. I am so sleepy.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:36 am
by Peanut
That's why I usually say screw it if I've been lazy and haven't even started a paper the day before. To me it isn't worth the lost sleep to stay up all night and write a rather subpar paper which I'll get in on time as opposed to getting sleep and writing a good paper which I end up turning in late.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 7:44 am
by Etoh*the*Greato
I did a lot of those in college. I was horrible with procrastination and usually put off my papers 'til the last moment. Strangely, though, my best work was done that way, while a lot of my most mediocre work was done ahead of time. Still correlation does not denote causation. I remember where one for a lit class where we were assigned to write a new chapter to Dante's inferno adding a new modern sin. I screwed up the project because I didn't understand all the instructions (evidently we had to document something or other and actually write a real paper alongside our fiction) but the professor was so blasted away by the awesome of what I wrote he gave me an A+ on the paper despite the failure to follow the instructions. He uses it as an example now of how to write the project.

Would've passed that class if I'd bothered to do the reading, too.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:14 am
by Radical Dreamer
I've never pulled a legitimate all-nighter; the closest I've come is staying up until 4AM working on various paintings and drawings and papers, and waking up at 7AM the next day. XD I do hate them, though. I'm pretty alright when it comes to working last minute on anything, but I hate the lack of sleep and the stress of it all! XD I'm hoping I can actually, you know, do my work BEFORE all of that kicks in this semester. XD

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:28 am
by Cognitive Gear
I've never done one, because it violates my cardinal rule of college: Get decent sleep every night.

It's a difficult rule, but it definitely pays off to be able to focus in every class, and on every project.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:00 am
by ChristianKitsune
I used to do all-nighters ALL the time...

but now it's like... If I do them then I get really woozy the rest of the day... ._.

I think there was a study done on people. Like teenagers have the ability to do all nighters better than people over 21... I think that might be soon as I hit 21... I was suddenly not able to pull all nighters as well.

I definitely miss them though. I could get a lot done at night... might see if I can do them again :D

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:20 am
by Maxim
I definitely hate them. I haven't done one in a long time because, like Peanut, I don't think it's worth it anymore.

Last year I actually had proof that, for the sake of a paper, they don't work at all. On my first paper, I pulled an all-nighter and received a 64%. On the second, I handed it in late and received a 70% (supposed to be 74; it was two points subtracted per day).

A few times I drank so much coffee that by 6 AM my heart was constantly pounding in my ears. I thought I'd have a cardiac arrest. Then, the rest of the day is completely unproductive, and I have no appetite. D: Not worth it.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:52 pm
by Syreth
I have a love/hate relationship with all nighters. Sometimes they are a good chance to get things done, and I usually enjoy working on projects late at night, but being comatose the next day is a bit of a detriment.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:01 pm
by Kkun
I hate all-nighters, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and pull one. I'm a terrible procrastinator and even when I try to NOT procrastinate, I wind up still working up until the last minute to finish projects because of a tendency toward perfectionism. I hate them, but they do give me a legitimate excuse to drink Red Bull. Sometimes, a guy's just gotta ride the Bull.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:20 pm
by Roy Mustang
I love them, because I got better grades doing an all nighter then I have when I plan a head and had it down a few weeks before hand.

But so far, I haven't had an all nighter in about two years.

[color="Red"][font="Book Antiqua"]Col. Roy Mustang[/font][/color]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:25 pm
by Dante
Rather similiar to my other thread :P. But yes, losing sleep is painful, and the more your accustomed to sleeping in late, the more painful it is. It is less painful for me to go off 4 hours sleep now then it would be for a person with 10 hours as their natural state to suddenly try to make it off 7.

On the day after something major like that, make sure to use sleep as a main goal for later in the day. Repeat the following mantra, "all I have to do is make it through these classes and then I can go to bed." after that, unless you're living some insane scheduale, get back to forming a normal sleep pattern with a bit of effort. You don't want to pull a 180 on sleep cycle. Living off less sleep while forming that as a natural part of your cycle is better then flipping it 180 and having your body try to keep that rythm.

I have admittedly only pulled 2 all nighters (I generally at least get 2 or 3 hours sleep, this semester has been my worst) one was for a numerical analysis class and the other I think was on my 18th birthday as an undergrad. In both cases, the homework I spent all night working on got postponed because all the other students were having the same trouble I was completing it... and so they asked for an extension and got it >_>... But you might not be so lucky or if you work hard at it, unlucky! Work hard!

As I said in the other thread though,
Carpe Noctem!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:12 am
by Warrior4Christ
Yep, definitely had several of them. Really not able to function the day after though.
Does anyone get really really hungry at about the 3-4am mark? Then I end up having two breakfasts... and it feels really weird and wrong to be still awake when the sun rises, but you press on...

Maxim (post: 1352050) wrote:On the second, I handed it in late and received a 70% (supposed to be 74]
Two points subtracted? More like try 25% cap subtracted per day. That makes all nighters worthwhile.

ChristianKitsune (post: 1352049) wrote:I think there was a study done on people. Like teenagers have the ability to do all nighters better than people over 21... I think that might be soon as I hit 21... I was suddenly not able to pull all nighters as well.

I definitely miss them though. I could get a lot done at night... might see if I can do them again :D

I used to do them last year when I was at uni and 22, but this year I just can't stay up late any more! Going past midnight is quite rare. Just can't do it....

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:26 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I hate pulling all-nighters but I've done them a number of times.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:55 am
by Mithrandir
After I hit thirty, I was no longer able to do anything remotely resembling all-nighters. Before that, though, I was such an awful student that I had to do them on any number of occasions. Usually when I realized at 7:30 PM that I had a term paper due the next day. I'd run to the library and find 7 or so books, then come home and open them at random, find a quote that sounded good, read the page before and after it (to make sure it wasn't horribly out of context) and then write the paper. Usually got B's on them, but sometimes A's. That reinforced bad procrastination tendencies that it took a *very* long time to out grow. When I did my grad work, though, I was over thirty and had to do things during the daylight hours. Luckily, my boss was cool with me using some of my work time to do masters work - when the end-results coincided.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:02 am
by Etoh*the*Greato
Mith - I know where you're coming from. I'm shocked at how often a professor's crap detectors don't go off on hastily written term papers.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:15 am
by F.M Disciple
HMM... all nighters. Well I never actually pulled of an all nighter but the closest I ever came to an all nighter was working on an outline for my college speech class and finished at 2 in the morning. The second closest all nighter was when I was working on math assignment that were due the next day. I had to do four sections in my math book, got the third section done around 1:30 a.m but couldn't finish the fourth section.Cause I was so tired after completing the previous section. So the next day I was waiting for my chance to ask for an extension when the professor anounced that the assignments were due next the next class meeting. 0_0;

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:00 pm
by Debitt
I don't mind normal all-nighters, usually, as long as I get a chance to crash some time the following afternoon. Most of the time, with the proper amount of caffeine, I don't realize how zombified I am by that time anyway. >>;

The worst experience of my life, though, was being awake for 90-some hours straight during finals my sophomore year of college. It was absolutely, positively the worst thing ever, in which I wrote two papers and took one exam, packed for a trip to see my friends in Chicago, then wound up sitting on the bus to Chicago all night, sleepless for reasons I still can't fathom. I consumed multiple energy drinks during that period, and nearly passed out on the sidewalk at one point. >> Never plan on repeating that experience again.