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food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:29 am
by rocklobster
What are some of your tastes regarding food? This is something that was inspired by an episode of Atop the Fourth Wall, where the host said that he has very specific tastes in food: he has few toppings on hot dogs, he doesn't put milk in cereal (what? but that makes it taste so much better!), and so on. So what about the rest of you?
For me:
Mustard and Relish on hot dogs (forget sauerkraut though. Yuck!)
I squeeze lemons on fish and shrimp
I've put honey in raisin bran
I like grape jelly on toast and sometimes I'll dash some cinnamon on the toast
I like bananas with peanut butter (mmm!)

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:40 am
by Roy Mustang
slice bananas in my cereal.

At home, mustard, onions (raw or grilled) and chow chow on hot dogs, but hot dogs made anywhere else, it is mustard, chill and onions or cole slaw and mustard or cole slaw, chill and mustard!

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:55 am
by Xeno
Hot dogs: I'll eat them almost any way possible. I like them with nearly any toppings you can throw at them. Except ketchup, I'm not a ketchup fan in general.
I also don't much care for jelly or jams/preserves/whatever other than apple butter. I typically just put butter on toat or biscuits and eat them that way. Same for English muffins.
Hamburgers, like hot dogs, are to be experimented with. There is one at a place I like to go where they combine a hamburger with a cheesesteak. It's going to make me die young, but I'll enjoy doing it. There was a burger I had for lunch yesterday that had pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapeƱos, and guacamole on it. It was pretty fantastic.
Beyond that, things need to be spicy, either I'm heat or just in flavor. I can eat blander foods for health reasons, but I really like bold tasting things. Wines I prefer vibrant fruit flavors to offset the bolder flavors in the foods.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:54 am
by armeck
Xeno wrote: There was a burger I had for lunch yesterday that had pepper jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, jalapeƱos, and guacamole on it. It was pretty fantastic..

sounds like braums.
anyway, I like food to either be extremely spicy or very bland. I like the flavors to be consistent. for example I won't put lettuce on a sandwich because it doesn't feel consistent with the rest of the food

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:02 am
by K. Ayato
Lettuce UNDER the burger, no onions or tomatoes (unless it's a fresh salsa), pickles always ON THE SIDE, any berry jam with toast (even those with seeds), orange juice must have lots of pulp

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:16 am
by Sheenar
I like french fries dipped in dairy-free ice cream.

I also like peanut butter and honey sandwiches.

I like to pour chili on a baked potato.

Most of the foods I eat are pretty bland for the most part due to my body's tolerances--seasoned with just salt and pepper. I do put garlic in almost everything (soups, baked chicken, veggies, etc.). I like spicy foods --but they do not like me.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:47 am
by K. Ayato
If I'm having canned chilli, it has to be spicy. If I don't find it spicy enough, I will add more heat to it as it's on the stove. Sometimes I'll slice a cucumber and just dip the slices in balsamic salad dressing.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:59 am
by Sheenar
I've been known to eat a bell pepper like an apple. haha

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:22 pm
by Vilo159
I'll eat just about anything. On anything. I'm more or less the opposite of picky.

As for trends, mayonnaise. On everything. Not that nasty miracle whip crap, no. Good ol' fatty mayonnaise, applied liberally to all hotdogs/hamburgers/everything else. I mean there are some limits, but they are pretty far off.

Oh, and I season everything to death. Salt and pepper, season salt, cayenne, chicken bouillon, anything powdery tends to go on other stuff all the time. Especially pasta.

And I have this thing against soups, I guess. If theres liquid in it, I have the uncontrollable urge to crush saltine crackers into it until it is a nice sludge- y consistency. But picking it all out of the liquid then drinking it just doesn't work for me.

And honey/peanutbutter/pretzels makes a delicious snack.

Other than that, I don' t think I have any particularly odd trends.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:24 pm
by K. Ayato
I can't have plain white rice. I need some kind of sauce, be it ketchup, BBQ, soy sauce, or even sriracha.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:35 pm
by Crossfire
K. Ayato wrote:I can't have plain white rice. I need some kind of sauce, be it ketchup, BBQ, soy sauce, or even sriracha.

Hah, same here. Unless it's sticky rice.

I can't think of anything inherently special at the moment... though I tend to use sour scream with a lot of stuff.

Vilo159 wrote:As for trends, mayonnaise. On everything. Not that nasty miracle whip crap, no. Good ol' fatty mayonnaise, applied liberally to all hotdogs/hamburgers/everything else. I mean there are some limits, but they are pretty far off.


Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:49 pm
by SilverToast
Vilo159 wrote:, I have the uncontrollable urge to crush saltine crackers into it until it is a nice sludge- y consistency.

I do this too especially with black bean soup.

One other food habit I have is that I mix and blend food that is on the plate. For example I mash potato slices and then mix it with rice and beans.

I also just eat toast without putting butter or jelly on it. I guess I just prefer the taste of toast alone.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:59 pm
by Vii
I always put ketchup on scrambled eggs. They make me feel sick if I don't.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:43 pm
by Yuki-Anne
I will eat just about anything and like it. I have my preferences but I tend to be pretty flexible when it comes to food.

I tend to avoid super high-calorie foods by force of habit. But I still love donuts and cookies more than anything, I think. I'll eat cookies any which way but I prefer them chewy. Mmmmm...

I never liked ketchup on my fries, not even as a kid. I love to have burgers with lots of veggies and no sauce. A soggy burger just doesn't do it for me. Honestly, I tend to avoid condiments as much as possible. For the longest time when I ate salads I preferred them without the dressing. I use dressing now, but I've never been a huge fan of liquid condiments. Especially ketchup and mayo. Which are more prolific in Japan than you'd think.

Being a New Mexican, I think green chile goes great with almost anything. In Mexican food, on cheeseburgers, in spaghetti, on pizza, in soup... green chile is AMAZING and whenever I'm not in New Mexico I miss it so much.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:23 pm
by Makachop^^128
I like pretty much everything but I do find some foods boring but I will eat it if its in front of me haha (cake, potatoes, most american food,) I really really like anything vinegary and spicy. I love Asian food, everything I have had is amazing and makes my body feel better then other foods.

I hate ketchup and ranch and mayo, tastes boring to me but I love mustard :D

For habits? hmmm I can't think of anything that is really weird....I tend to not crave or want carbs, they make me really sick so I try to avoid them, other then rice, or whole grain bread.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:10 pm
by Davidizer13
Ground pepper on pretty much anything savory goes really well with me. Especially on popcorn. Horseradish is pretty awesome, too.

Here in my neck of the woods, we've got what's called fry sauce or Russian dressing. Three parts ketchup and mayo, one part horseradish sauce, a dash of pepper, and stir until it gets a consistent pink. It goes great on burgers - I do mine at home on the Foreman with fry sauce, steak sauce (which is also incredible), Monterey Jack cheese (if I've got it), pickled pepper rings, and a dash of Montreal steak seasoning, all on a sesame seed bun.

I've also been experimenting with hard-boiling an egg with my ramen - put it in when you're boiling the water, cook it with the noodles, pull it out before you do the seasoning, then chop it up and toss it in the mix! Unfortunately, thus far it's been a little hit-or-miss about if the egg boils all the way through in time. When I'm feeling frisky (and I usually am) I add a dash of sriracha to make it super awesome.

Grilled sandwiches are awesome, too - any meat/cheese or egg/cheese will do, though peanut butter also does really well. I love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, too, but it's been forever since I've had one.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:24 pm
by Yuki-Anne
Actually, if the egg ends up being medium-boiled (white cooked with the yolk not-quite cooked all the way through), that's how it usually is at authentic ramen places.

Aaaw, man... now I want some ramen...

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:29 pm
by Roy Mustang
Hamburgers has to be grilled for me. At home, I put no salt ketchup and, mayo and mustard them as well as Lettuce, tomatoes and no salt bread and butter pickles under the burger, with onions (grilled or raw onions) on top. Hamburgers at other places, it is mustard and ketchup, with lettuce, tomatoes and onions (raw or grilled) on it.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:39 pm
by Ally-Ann
Sometimes, I put butter rather than mayo on my meat-'n'-cheese sandwiches. But when I do use mayo, it has to be just a thin spreading. I like to mix mustard with mayo, too. Also, Miracle Whip is disgusting. :|

Toast is blech unless I put some sort of jam on it. Preferably raspberry or strawberry-rhubarb. I don't really like grape that much.

Ritz crackers half-dipped in melted milk chocolate is divine.

Anything fishy is heavenly. Oysters, clams, sardines, smoked salmon... Mm, smoked salmon.

When I was younger, I refused to eat peas unless I could put ketchup on them. Lots of ketchup.

If there's any tomatoes on my burgers, I like just one, thin tomato slice, not two like most restaurants put on burgers. Just. One. Thin. Slice.

Ketchup on scrambled eggs and hot dogs.

Marshmallows in hot chocolate, but the latter's not actually food, so...

Ice cream AND whipped cream on pie. I've got the biggest sweet tooth in the world.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:57 pm
by AdriTan
How do I like my hot dogs?: mustard. Yeah.
Burgers?: JALEPENOS!! And mustard and onions and lettuce and JALEPENOS!! Hehe and BACON!!
Salad?: not lettuce no... Raw spinage and ranch. Yes.
Carrots?: see this is where I get odd. I eat them plain, but I eat around the core first. I make sure the core is perfectly intact, and then I eat the core. Yup.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:47 pm
by Yuki-Anne
AdriTan wrote:Carrots?: see this is where I get odd. I eat them plain, but I eat around the core first. I make sure the core is perfectly intact, and then I eat the core. Yup.

...I used to do this.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:08 pm
by Vilo159
Davidizer13 wrote:I've also been experimenting with hard-boiling an egg with my ramen - put it in when you're boiling the water, cook it with the noodles, pull it out before you do the seasoning, then chop it up and toss it in the mix! Unfortunately, thus far it's been a little hit-or-miss about if the egg boils all the way through in time. When I'm feeling frisky (and I usually am) I add a dash of sriracha to make it super awesome.

I whip eggs like I would for scrambled eggs, then just pour that into the hot water with the noodles. It cooks almost instantly, and leaves little egg bits all throughout the noodles. Delicious!

Ally-Ann wrote:Anything fishy is heavenly. Oysters, clams, sardines, smoked salmon... Mm, smoked salmon.

YES. Seafood is definitely my favorite food group.

Crossfire wrote:

Not sure what to make of this, really. Is he threatening me or agreeing with me?

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:10 pm
by Crossfire
That's Hijikata-san. He's a little crazy for mayo.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:21 pm
by Tigerchu
I love cheese and bread. Pizza, yes, that'll do. Recently I've been eating ramen and udon, and bathing them in oil. I've been cutting back on the oil though, due to complaints. I love chewy and crunchy things.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:39 pm
by SierraLea
I like sweet things, but not if they're ony sweet.
Ketchup and Mustard are the only condiments I trust, and I don't like to dip things in general (unless it's caremel or chocolate!).
I do not like spicey things, hate bananas, and have tried cereal with orange juice. It wasn't that bad!

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:03 pm
by QtheQreater
Yuki-Anne wrote:Being a New Mexican, I think green chile goes great with almost anything. In Mexican food, on cheeseburgers, in spaghetti, on pizza, in soup... green chile is AMAZING and whenever I'm not in New Mexico I miss it so much.

Oh so absolutely this. People give me weird looks when I mention that green chile is offered on many NM fast food cheeseburgers. They don't know what they're missing.

A side effect of growing up in NM is that I use tortillas where other people normally use bread. Peanut butter and jelly on tortillas, meat and cheese on tortillas, butter and honey on tortillas...mmm...tortillas.

Ketchup and ranch dressing used to be my go-to condiments, but my Chicagoan husband has mostly converted me to mustard. It's easier to only keep one in stock, anyway.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:45 pm
by Sheenar
QtheQreater wrote:A side effect of growing up in NM is that I use tortillas where other people normally use bread. Peanut butter and jelly on tortillas, meat and cheese on tortillas, butter and honey on tortillas...mmm...tortillas.

I've done this MANY times. Much less expensive than buying bread. Peanut butter and honey on a corn tortilla is delicious.

When I used to make pasta, I loved to mix in vegetables with it (usually a can of mixed veggies). Was pretty tasty.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:01 pm
by shooraijin
I'm a nutrition-free zone. But I don't do onions, and lettuce is not a vegetable.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:16 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Avocado and Vegemite on toast
Peanut butter and honey on toast
Banana and honey on toast
Cooked garlic with just about anything (not desserts though), same goes for onions
Many dishes have some form of herbs and spices
Porridge with sultanas, cinnamon and milk
Not a fan of brown rice
Greatly dislike purple onion
Love pizza and pasta dishes, many curries etc.

Re: food habits

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:59 pm
by Yuki-Anne
QtheQreater wrote:A side effect of growing up in NM is that I use tortillas where other people normally use bread. Peanut butter and jelly on tortillas, meat and cheese on tortillas, butter and honey on tortillas...mmm...tortillas.

Oh yeah, that too!