Youth Groups / Service for Peace

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Youth Groups / Service for Peace

Postby Kenchii » Mon Jun 21, 2004 4:13 pm

I have noticed numerous(sp?) times that many of you are in a youth group. Is it part of your church? what do you do it in? How long have you been a member? Just questions came apon me. Because I am not in a youth group as well (well, last year I was too.. ) Service for Peace: True love in action. Anyone heard of it? You can see what I am doing (in the Florida chapter..) Right now we are working on gardens for uplifting the 'projects'. The majority of members that are in it are Japanese and Korean. Come to think of it, heck, Im minority.. XP So its all fun there we have same intrests (anime, jpop, jrock, rock, internet, blah, blah)

edited: Oh yeah, and about 5 members are in a J-Rock band.. one member raps in Japanese, one sings and plays gutar, one plays bass, one plays drumbs, and one is a violinist.


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Postby Keckhs » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:03 pm

I am a part of the youth group in my church. I've been a member of the youth group since sixth grade and a member of my church for about four years. Our youth group is really cool! My dad operates the sound equipment and he is AWSOME at it! Our youth pastors are funny and expressive, and there are a lot of special events. We have Speed the Light, were the pastors play against the youth members in a basketball tornament. And there is Coram Deo, our youth camp. I have to get off my comp now, so I'll post more later.
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Postby Ducky » Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:45 pm

Youth group is part of the church our church does it for grades 6-12. It's just all the youth of the church coming together for various stuff. My group meets wednesdays and basically it starts with a half hour of fellowship and food with the whole group, either a message from our youth pastor or worship with the youth worship band and then disscussion and stuff in a small group with peers of a similar age and gender. There are events and things too. Basically its lots of fun and some good spiritual growth.
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Postby Xeno » Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:05 pm

I'm in my church youth group, it's pretty small and inactive right now, but we have some new people at the church getting it going. So soon we should be one of the better youth groups in our area. Sadly though I'm the only one with my interests in the group.
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