The Mad Hatter wrote:I'm very liberal, but fuel cell cars are one thing I don't support. I think a better approach to these problems is to limit car use and design cities in such a way that cars are not necessities. public transportation is a wonderful thing. if we keep up our automotive dependency, we'll keep up our transition to ever-sprawling cities filled with strip malls and cookie-cutter houses. I believe strongly in stopping the effects I just described, and fuel cells lead us to believe that limiting car use is unnecessary. the old european cities are the ones I believe we should return to. much healthier, much more culturally active, and much prettier. sorry to go on about city design, but I feel it is relevant.
Shatterheart wrote:Yeah public transportation is big citys....rather then drive in peace in your own car, you can get mugged by some crackhead....woo. Give me good ol' gasoline powered cars.
im talking about american cars, cars in the rest of the world contribute to way more ploution than americas, and the polution on the whole also include the militries of the world and the airlines which wont ever stop buring 100,000's of tons of fuel a day, so really cars even suvs arnt that big a deal
The whole "let's just get rid of cars and put in really good public transportaion" won't work in america, Europe and USA are two different ways of life. In europe families live closer, work closer, and they don't really move out of their local areas. In America, people travel up to 40 miles just to get to work, the whole little streets, and cute cafe's will NEVER work in the USA. We live farther from our parents. we travel a lot more. And imaging trying to get from "here to there" wihtout your own car... a NIGHTMARE.
you sound like the type of person who hasn't taken much public transportation before. I wish you wouldn't treat my personal beliefs with such sarcasm. I put a lot of thought and research into this, and it's never fun to have someone treat it as a joke.
anyway, if you want to bring safety into this, consider how many people die in car crashes each day.
Shinja wrote:no public transportation is great and all but i dont believe it should be public, its unconstitutional and should be left to private business to provide services.
'' wrote:
Fossil fuels include coal, natural gas, petroleum and shale oil. They were formed over millions of years from decaying prehistoric plants and animals. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas emitted by human activities.
Scientists have calculated how much carbon can be released into the atmosphere before the 'safe' limits of climate change are passed. If this limit is passed climate change will occur so quickly that ecosystems will be unable to adapt and an irreversible process will begin that could spiral out of control.
The maximum 'safe' global temperature increase is one degree celsius. If fossil fuels continue burning at present levels, this limit will be reached in just 40 years.
Industry already has around four times this amount of carbon in existing reserves of oil, coal and gas. In other words, we cannot afford to burn three quarters of the oil, coal and gas already found if we want to avoid dangerous climate change.
This means that we must start reducing carbon dioxide emissions immediately and begin the phase out of fossil fuels, investing now in renewable energy. Greenpeace refers to this as the 'carbon logic'.
Oil companies have already found enough oil to cause dangerous climate change. If they make available existing reserves, the effects on the climate could be catastrophic. Instead of spending money exploring for more dinosaur fuels, they must begin now to invest in the future - clean, sustainable energy. To continue with business as usual is to gamble with the lives of millions and risk major ecological and economic disruption.
Shatterheart wrote:*laughs* and you sound like a naive 16 year old who just got his liscence and has a big view on everything. (stinks to be judged in ignorance huh?) I take it quite serious when people start talking about forcing others into there own views...that sounds kinda communist or tyranical to me. Spoken like a true hardcore green party person. But, since you brought up stats lets talk stats. These are from 2001 in the USA.
Deaths in Car-14936
Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances-14078
Death by various transport(Bus, train, etc)-656
So yes, your odds are better if you ride in a transport vehicle...but they would also be better if you got football pads on and hid in your house. There is a risk of death everywhere and at any time....whenever the Lord has decided your gonna go...your gonna go. It does not matter what kind of vehicle you are riding in. My point still stands, its not right for the government to tell people what they can drive or how much they can drive it.
i believe private industry can haddle anything better than the government, a good example is ups or fed ex, i would never use the postal service if i didnt have to theyre just not as good. i may be a biased small government suporter but i firmly believe that people can take care or themselves and make the right choices for themselevs.
.... Public transportation (metro, subway, busing systems) are good and all for city use, but when you're living out in the middle of nowhere land like me, 'tis a bit unethical. If I lived in the city, I'd ride the metro or the bus to where ever I need to go instead of driving and spending about four hours trying to find a parking spot. But I don’t, and there is no other choice in some situations other then driving meself.
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