Should I marry the man I love, (after careful thought and prayer) at only 18?
Oh. And is there forgiveness for a christian who has had intercourse out of wedlock? Can there be a spiritual cleansing and a 'second virginity'?
Let me tell you the measurement that my family uses to indicate when a person is ready for marriage. This is purely a practical measurement (i.e. not biblical/theological). Thus I am not saying this is what every Christian should follow, and there are exceptions.Lioness wrote:Should I marry the man I love, (after careful thought and prayer) at only 18?
Lochaber Axe wrote:It is a mutual burden of course, but you must take charge. Testosterone makes us stupid many times. No one here can deny that.
rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
Xavier249 wrote:I just want to say that Mave you handled this very well, and out of curiosty:
Have you read that somewhere? It's sounds like the rules layed out in one of the books I read.
Which one? I don't remember.. gomen nasai.
rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
This is where an atheist and a Christian already differ. Christians are concerned about the everlasting life to come, which makes this "earthly" life you refer to quite small and does not hold as much importance from a Christian point of view. The "earthly" life is small and finite and thus its "potential" is smaller than the infinite happiness being with God with everlasting life.tEchyaNietzsche wrote:As and athiest i dont think it is all that important to worry to much about your spiritual fate when your earthly one seem to hold so much potential.
In order for a Christian to live according to God's will, it is necessary for the Christian to take into account the "Christian side" of it. A Christian desires and believes that to live according to God's will is the best and only true wise way to live one's life. Why? Because man's wisdom will always fall short of the wisdom of God.tEchyaNietzsche wrote:I think it would be wise to reflect a moment, not taking into account the christian side of it.
What is the definition of sin in an atheistic point of view? The Christian viewpoint brings God into the definition since it relates to disobeying God. But that point is not what is bothering me right now...tEchyaNietzsche wrote:I think sex without marriage isn't a sin as long as you do it responsibly.
The choice is really obvious for a Christian, and so the decision will be quick. Man is flawed, and God is perfect. Man's wisdom will always fall short of God's wisdom. Man on his own will have an "earthly" life that is finite, short, and will lead to eternal death. God and the salvation of Jesus Christ will lead to the everlasting life and its everlasting happiness. The Church has received the timeless and eternal principles preached by the Son of God to help follow Him and live the eternal life of boundless happiness.tEchyaNietzsche wrote:Also i think its obvious you have formed within your mind a good set of values and controls. Any one from a christian family probably has, now its time to decide for yourself which set of morals are more important.... your own which have been created by you throughout your life... Or the (in my opinion) rather outdated principles of the church.
As I mentioned before, a Christian desires the everlasting happiness by being with God, which makes any happiness that man can create on his own as being small and completely insignificant and outdated.tEchyaNietzsche wrote:Happiness is not only synonymous with a god fearing family.
tEchyaNietzsche wrote:
I will say in my opinion your view which i have only found out after your answers are a bit short sighted... dont you think this small uninteresting life... being it all you have at the moment which you can be sure of existing though your experence would be more enjoyable if you could determine for yourself your own morality. Instead of everyone just doing what we have been doing for the last two thousand years (which hasn't really gotten us any where) why dont we start living our lives... instead of living for our deaths.
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