Blue's attempts at art

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Blue's attempts at art

Postby blue elf » Thu Oct 02, 2003 10:10 pm

I decided to post the links to my Deviant Art and Elfwood galleries for everyone. I'm still trying to improve my style and I have trouble with drawing bodies sometimes. I'm not so good with Photoshop yet either so the majority of my pics are colored with color pencils and such, but I plan on working on it in the future. Practice, practice. :sweat:
(My Elfwood gallery doesn't have as many pics as my other one and some of the pics are in both, but oh well. ^^)
Well, I'm done rambling...for now anyway. lol
-BlueElf :dance:
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blue elf
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Postby Nefla » Fri Oct 03, 2003 7:26 am

I left a few comments on your elfwood gallery ^_^ I love elfwood! They're too strict with their guidelines now though, I had a fairy boy on a flower in fantasy clothing, but he had tread on the bottom of his shoes (in the shape of Navi from LoZ) so they said I couldn't have it because of the tread T_T
"Sayonara baby!"
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