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psp 8 pics/and chibi's new style and pics

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 4:30 pm
by chibi_chan
Some newer art with my new style! :D This will probaly be a long post scense i'm gonna explain the chara's age and personality, so stick with me^^.

1. My chara Sine, I tried making her hair longer but failed and so it's shorter then it's suppose to be. If you look closely you'll see I put lipstick on her *heh*, I was trying to make her skin lighter but it ended up coming out darker But thats okay actually it looks better then I expected. She's comes from a rich family and can be a snob sometimes but there's more to her then meets the eye. P.S. she's 16 ~.^(*heh* I make all my heiroines 16)

2. I know it's really light and I might ink it later, probaly. (don't really wan't to) but here's two other chara's and there sisters (theres three sisters and I might draw a pic of all three later) They both look up to oneanother but would never admit it. One's the shy one the others the outgoing one^^.
(notice a resemblance?) The girl with the short hair's name is Usagi and she's 16, and the girl with the long hair name I havn't thought of and she's 17. :D

3. Here's Akemi, I don't know if you guys remember but I posted her and Hoshi in the gallery. Here she is in her rock outfit and at first her personality was shy and quit but thats overdone, so I thought to myself "if she's in a band then why is she shy?" So I made her personality more
of a tough chick. And she's 16 (no, she's not the heiroine)

4. I wanted to see what the outfit for the Aodh in training would look like so I did this, (she's from the same story as Sine) I never thought i'd ink it and color it but I did.^^The only person who know's who the Aodh are is my mom so i'm gonna explain it: The Aodh are like the goverment they run the country and everything like that, I havn't thought of this girls name yet but she's an Aodh in training and it's very rare to have a girl Aodh but every now and thne there is one. She's not one of the main chara's but she shows up every now and then. Oh yeah, all the Aodh have white eye's even the one's in training. (her age is unknown for know)

5. I was bored so I just drew a self portrait of myself as a monkey and dancing cause I got my new sketchbook (I can't live without it, maybe thats a little far but I love my sketchbook :3) Thanks goes to my mom and dad for buying me it^^.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:37 pm
by true_noir_chloe
:hug: Wow, hon, these are all so good. I really like how you colored the first girl, Sine. The shadowing and everything looks really great. And I like the clothes on the Aodh gal. Then my favorite is your little monkey self. :lol: That one looks so cute. :hug:

Thanks goes to my mom and dad for buying me it^^.

You're welcome. ^____^

I really enjoyed reading your explanations of each picture also. Great job!:thumb:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:51 pm
by Archan
Ah, more art so soon?

Well, my personaly faves are the third and fourth pic, along with the chibified monkey version of yourself. Your newer style really shined through in your third and fourth pics, and your graphic style is becoming slightly more prominent. Don't be afraid to experiment further or be more agressive with how you aproach your art. Also, try drawing your newer styalized characters from different angles. Like a worms eye or a birds eye view.

Also, I noticed someting from yur first pic which is kind of evident from your earlier art. try to keep the head more rounded, and center the eyes more, try not to make them so close to the forehead.

As usual though, your coloring and inking are groovey! keep it up ;)

God bless,

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:50 pm
by chibi_chan
Thanks guys^^*hugs* :hug:

<<Also, I noticed someting from yur first pic which is kind of evident from your earlier art. try to keep the head more rounded, and center the eyes more, try not to make them so close to the forehead.>>
Can I ask a question? What do you mean by rounded? Sorry, i'm bad at understanding things... :?:

<<Like a worms eye or a birds eye view.>>
I've tried the birds eye veiw and can do it pretty well, but I havn't tried the worms eye veiw but I wan't to i'm just scared.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:24 am
by Vash is a plant
Oh wow! You're only 12! That's incredible! Excelent work! Keep it up!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 11:50 am
by Angelchick
nice, those are really good. the one with the white eyes is a bit freaky though lol.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 2:55 pm
by chibi_chan
<<nice, those are really good. the one with the white eyes is a bit freaky though lol.
lol, thats what my mom said. :lol: But they're supposed to have white eye's and white hair, I coulda done better though on the coloring, it's old so thats why it's so bad.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:15 am
by Archan
Hey Chibi!

Well, what I mean by rounded is that sometimes you position the eyes of the character a bit too close to the forehead, which gives the illusion that the forehead has been shortened further giving the illusion of a flat-head. So to speak. Basically, try to keep the eyes, nose, and mouth generally in the center of the face, this should make sure your characters have a proper amount of forehead. I don't mean to get too technical, just a habit. Lemme know if you want me to break my explination down more and I'll get to it kay? Groovey. :thumb:

Aw, you shouldn't be too scare, I'm sure It'll come out fine. Besides, practice makes perfect. Also, I like your other characters white eyes, they don't really creep me out at all. for the sake of others though, try giving her a lightly shaded pupil, with a highlight perhaps.

Hope this helps some, ;)
God Bless,

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 2:26 pm
by chibi_chan
Thanks Archan that really helps me out.^^I think I will try the worms eye veiw, thanks again. :3

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 3:02 pm
by Kenchii
Love the bodies, so shojo.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:11 pm
by chibi_chan
Thankies (again >.<)

Sorry for posting pics again so soon, just had to, sorry. I took a break from drawing for a while and it was like torture! It's hard for me to go long periods of time withought drawing. So there mostly old, sorry bout' that

p.s. on the third pic, please tell me he's a bishie he's supposed to be. In this pic he looks kinda serious but he's really not I was listening to noir and you know how the ending song is really slow and pretty made me think of something like this. His personality is a bit like Goku from Saiyuki but he's not that hyper and his face is usually chibified but he has a serious side it's just very rare. Sorry I got up in explaining his personality.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 3:29 pm
by Ssjjvash
These pics are pretty good! Good job on them all!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 6:27 pm
by true_noir_chloe
WOW, that first one is awesome! 0_0 I've never seen that one or the guy. I like your guy - he is the best male you've drawn so far - very good. ^___^ And then my favorite veggies are there. They're so cute. Great job again, as always! *hugs*

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:54 pm
by Angelchick
how cute, those look very cool. the guy is tottaly a bishie.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:57 pm
by Little T-chan
WOW...You're a really good artist Chibi!!! I saw your inking job in Elric-kun's thread too. You're so good!!! @.@; So mind-bogglingly good. ^^

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 3:41 pm
by Tamahome
WOW!!! Thats all I can say about the pics. They are so Great!!! I hope you put more up soon, cause you are really a good artist.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 5:30 pm
by Esoteric
Very nice, your proportions are getting better and so is your line quality/confidence. The coloring is pretty good too. Keep it up!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2004 3:50 pm
by chibi_chan
Thanks you all very much, you don't know how happy it makes me feel.^^ *cries tears of joy*

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 3:37 pm
by chibi_chan
Sorry for posting again so soon but I really wanted to put this here. I drew a picture of my friend and me in anime style, it was a quik drawing so I didn't spend that much time on it and the colorings not that good either. It's just a little tribute to my friend who moved to califoirnia, she was like a sister to me and we were the best of friends and I hope it will stay that way.
I'm the one on the right and my friend is the one on the left.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:24 pm
by true_noir_chloe
This is great!:thumb: It does look like you and your friend. I miss her too - mostly her mom who was one of my best friends.:hug:

Anyways, Great stuff. I like how you had her sticking her tongue out and you were laughing out loud alongside her. Great picture and I thought you did really well on the coloring.;)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 9:34 pm
by Mave
oh wow I see chibi-chan's gettin the hang on digital coloring, awesome!! XD XD Love the veggie ones!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:40 pm
by chibi_chan
<< XD XD Love the veggie ones!>>
lol, thanks, amazing what bordom and caffeine can do, ne? :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 7:46 pm
by chibi_chan
I was trying the more realistic style and I like it but now i'm doing more of a kawaii style (to see wich one I like best) here's some pics from that^^.

1. Kokoro's full version (it's an old pic >.>, sorry) the poportians (however you spell that....) on the hands and legs are a little off and I messed up on the feet a little but I love Kokoro she's one of my fave chara's that I've made.^^

2. This is Mina's true form, Amara. I don't like her as much as her sister Hel (yes, thats a name) they're both from Fallen and sence it's set in Germany they have German names. The reason I like Hel more is because she's a lot nicer than her sister (but Amara's still cool). I used "Gausian Blur" for this one and then used the noise techique wich seemed to me like it gave it a darker look (corect me if i'm wrong) but I really like how this one came out and I hope it brings out Amara's bueaty.^^ (please, tell me if it doesn't)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:01 pm
by true_noir_chloe
Woo hoo! :jump: You finally posted some new pics! I love them of course.

I like the first one a lot. I think she looks very proportionate. I also love how you did her eyes and the coloring. :)

On the second, I think you scrunched up her body a bit too much. However, she is still super cute, which I think is what you were going for? ^__^

As always, you are one of my favorite artists here. :hug:

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2004 10:17 pm
by HikariChan
Those are all very great!!!
You have Major Talent:thumb:
Far past my own

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:32 pm
by chibi_chan
Thankies T_N_C and Hikarichan^^next time I promise I'll post pics of my kawaii style. :D

p.s. Hikarichan, can you send me a link to your art if you have one, please?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:01 pm
by HikariChan
Np Chibi. the link is in my Sig.

But those are my old artworks and im on a major drawing block (for bout 2 months)
im stuck doing stick figures XD
I would love to see your Kawaii style!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 11:23 am
by Mave
Hi Chibi-chan!

I'm wondering what you mean by a "more realistic" look. hehe When I say that, it usually means I'm reverting to smaller eyes, a more detailed nose and lips. Is that what you mean?

1) I think the proportions is OK (especially if you're influenced by GALS!) but I would recommend shaping out the feet part, ankles and all. Apart from that, I think it's good. ^_^

2) Like what Chloe, that pose looks a little uncomfortable (haha) but the coloring is nice. I think you need to bring the knees forward a little more to give some space between the chest and legs. The proportions look fine to me.

Hope you don't mind slightly more detailed than usual comments, I hope they encourage and help you. Kawaii, keep up the great job, chibi! XD

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2004 5:24 pm
by chibi_chan
<<Np Chibi. the link is in my Sig.

But those are my old artworks and im on a major drawing block (for bout 2 months)
im stuck doing stick figures XD
I would love to see your Kawaii style!>>
Ooops, sorry for not seeing it sooner....>.>
Your arts very good I like it^^
Thankies^^for your coments^^

<<I'm wondering what you mean by a "more realistic" look. hehe When I say that, it usually means I'm reverting to smaller eyes, a more detailed nose and lips. Is that what you mean?>>
Ya, thats it.

<<1) I think the proportions is OK (especially if you're influenced by GALS!) but I would recommend shaping out the feet part, ankles and all. Apart from that, I think it's good. ^_^>>
Thankies, ya the feet are kinda flat....

<<2) Like what Chloe, that pose looks a little uncomfortable (haha) but the coloring is nice. I think you need to bring the knees forward a little more to give some space between the chest and legs. The proportions look fine to me.>>
Yes! More constructive criticsm! (however you spell that) Thankies (again)

<<Hope you don't mind slightly more detailed than usual comments, I hope they encourage and help you. Kawaii, keep up the great job, chibi! XD>>
I don't mind, I love it when peaple give me construtive criticsm (please no bashing)
Thankies!! (I promise this is the last time i'll say that in this post)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 6:15 pm
by chibi_chan
Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while ;;;

Heres my attempt at the kawaii style, now i'm doing a mix of the kawaii style and realistic, and I think thats the one i'm gonna stick with.
This is Mina my main chara from Fallen, I guess I coulda given her a smile but Mina doesn't really like to smile, she does but it's usually fake. Don't get me wrong Mina's a pretty decent person (once you get to know her) it's just that having a past like hers you'd struggle to (I tried to capture that image). Mina is the strongest female chara i've ever made, she's in your face and is not afraid to speak her mind. Though her downfall would be her temper.

PLease tell me if you think she's cute.