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Photosoph's Photoshops (and others)

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:17 pm
by Photosoph
Well, T.Dude recommended that I start up an art thread, and CreatureArt agreed, so... here it is!
I'll post some of my newer pics -these are ones that CA drew but I ended up colouring in. On the last pic it was more of a collaboration in both the linework and the colouring (as well as texture), whereas the previous ones are just ones I coloured from some of her images which I scanned in. Oh, and if parts of each pic look a little rushed (specifically the texture on the feathers on the last pic) that's because they were :P .
Hope you enjoy them!



Yes, the sheep's hooves are blue -I wanted to try something a little different. :grin: I'm not sure if they'd have looked better black or not.

The last pic would probably have to be my favourite of the three.

I welcome constructive criticism, since it's good to know which areas to work on. However I am a little hard on myself sometimes, so if you could temper your reply with something you like about the picture, I would appreciate it.

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 8:37 am
by Esoteric
Nice work photosoph, I'm especially impressed by how clean the lines are-I'm assuming they were scanned. The dodge and burn shading technique is very nice. I used to use it a great deal (now I usually just add lighter and darker colors for greater color depth and control).
Making the hooves blue was a great idea. It didn't really catch my eye at all as being different until you said something. It suites the style of the picture.
However, if you wanted the hooves to look more, *hesitates to say realistic* umm, detailed... Make them black or super dark grey, then add soft vertical streaks of blue or purple before you dodge in highlights.

Anyway, it's a great idea for a thread. I'll be sure and check back for more stuff.

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 2:17 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks, Esoteric!
That's a good idea with the hooves; I was wondering how to make them stand out without being too obtrustive. Thanks for the tip!

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 6:04 pm
by Puguni
AH! The parrot is so cute in it's chubby goodness! It's totally cool.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 11:16 pm
by the_lizardqueen
Sorry, but I'm having a tough time coming up with construstive criticism..

I really like these! I love how the colors are so vibrant, yet you've kept a limited color pallate, so it isn't turning into a blinding rainbow or clashing. The gradiation on the first bird is really pretty and the subtle shading in all of the drawings is really well done (though especially on the sheep wool).

Hmm..I think my only minor gripe might be the scribblies around the outside of the first bird picture, they do stand out a bit. Other than that though, the colors really suit the images. Awesomely done! ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 2:39 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks Puguni, thanks Lizardqueen! Actually it's a parrot, not a chicken. :grin: Thank CreatureArt for the original character.
Yeah, I think you're right about the scribblies... maybe I should lighten the linework and actually colour them in instead of using them as 'stamp' outlines :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 6:31 pm
by Jasdero
Ahh!!! So cute! Excellent coloring, if I do say so myself. *__*

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 7:24 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks! Actually, I should've spent more time on each picture, either jazzing up the background or working on the main body colour a little more, but I kinda like them the way they are, for now.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:25 pm
by Mave
Blimey Photosoph, I can't really provide any constructive criticisms. You have your own style (bright colors and a way of drawing animals) and I think you're doing great already. X3 Excellent job!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:49 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks Mave! Although the drawings were actually drawn by CreatureArt... I guess I should really get some of my own drawings up here... :sweat:

All right then, here we go: some pics that I've drawn. They're a little old... I'll have to get some newer ones up here.

All right: the first one is a pic of different types of griffins playing in treasure. There's all types -a duck griffin, kiwi griffin, (the one sleeping in the treasure chest lid), a white tiger griff, a sparrow griff... etc.
The second is an impatient cat animation I did recently. I like this one a lot.
The last is of a mushroom type blob-thingie letting off a cloud of spores.

What do you think?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:18 pm
by CreatureArt
I love it when you colour my linework, Soph. It always looks so good. :)

I don't think I've seen that cat animation before... awesome, as always. It's like I can hear the 'thump' when the tail hits the ground. Maybe that mushroom one should be slowed down a little. I like the little spores, though.

*embarrassed laugh...* wasn't I going to return a favour and try to colour that griffin picture a while ago......? :P
Hmm. Maybe you could see if the griff pic could go in Olorc's colouring contest sometime. It's got nice detail to it.

Keep up the good stuff, my twin!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:35 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Hmm, you don't like griffins much do you? j/k Love it! So awesome and original! Great work! Good to see you CreatureArt!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 9:52 pm
by CreatureArt
Good to see you too, W4J!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:45 pm
by the_lizardqueen
Yay! gryphonsGryphonsGryphons!! And they're EVERYWHERE!! :grin:

Oo, there's so much going on in that drawing, and huge quantites of detail. I've already been staring at it for 10 minutes trying to spot everything. I adore all the varieties of Gryphons, there's a lot of creativity at work there, and they all have so much personality. And I love all the action, especially the lil' surfing dude.

Beyond all my ravings about gryphons, I'm really impressed with how clean the linework is, especially when ya take all the detail into account. And it's cool how you have such a distinct style.

Awesomeness! ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 11:13 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks! I love drawing cartoon-type critters. My drawings used to be much more like the style the griffs/gryphs/grifs/griphs were drawn in, whereas now a lot of what I draw is closer to the style of the cat animation.
Thanks W4J, thanks CA, thanks LQ! (Abbrev.'s are so helpful :lol: ) I'm glad you like them. I went through this one spree of drawings heaps of different types of griffins -the ones in the picture were part of that spree. Now however I draw a lot more diverse things -anything from normal-ish cats and chickens to strange horse/rabbit combinations :lol: .
Thanks a whole heap for the encouragement, guys!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:47 pm
by That Dude
Nice stuff S-dizzle! You sure know how to handle photoshop well. The Gryphon picture was nice also...Seemed kind of like an illistration for a childrens book. Keep up the good work. You should show us some of your shading skills.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:14 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks! I would love to illustrate kid's books. Although weirdly enough, my desire to somehow get designs accepted by a sticker company tops my desire to make a book :eh: .
Shading skills? Hmm... you're right, I haven't really shown any hand-drawn work. Attachies coming up!

The first one is a realistic version of a cartoon character I drew a while ago. ...Try to think of it as an 'apple bird'. That's why it's got leaves growing out of it. :grin: The feet may look a little weird since I tried to pencil in small dots for texture, but I think my pencil was blunt at that point.

The second is yet another griffin -one of my goes at creating a 'kiwi-griffin'. It's sort of a kiwi/long-haired tabby cat mix. I think I spent longer on the head than I did on the body; if you look carefully you can see that the texture is slightly better there than elsewhere.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:20 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Wow! That kiwi griffin thing looks so natural and original! Its got to be one of the greatest things I've seen.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:36 am
by CreatureArt
I love those two pictures! They're some of your best ones: especially that kiwi griffin.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:52 pm
by Photosoph
:wow!: -Wow! Thanks for the high compliment, Warrior! I'm glad you think it looks natural -that was actually the effect I was going for.

Aw... thanks sis. ^_^ Yeah, I like that kiwigriffin too. Funny enough, it didn't get many comments on my elfwood page. :)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:26 pm
by Esoteric
hehe, I really like the leaf-tail bird. It's cute and frankly very original. The proportions are great (big feet and all). Very nice shading on it too.
The other one is a Kiwigriffin? <squints at picture> Hmm, I though it was just some strange Aussie animal (seeing as you guys have so many down there). :dizzy: hehehe, no it's great, but wings would have made it seem more griffin-like, even though Kiwis don't, really have, wings... ....:dizzy:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:07 pm
by Photosoph
I'll keep that in mind... yeah, cute little hairy wings would look cool on it! :grin: I'm glad you like the bird -at first I was considering making a realistic pic of another of my bird characters which has a pilot's cap and goggles on... but instead of scouring the internet to find a pic of a similar hat, I decided to go for something a lot more simple and just add leaves to a bird. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:09 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I like your elfwood gallery Photosoph! Very cool and some stuff that I haven't seen before. I also checked out CreatureArt's too.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:49 pm
by Photosoph
Sweet, you've seen my gallery? \(^o^)/ Thank you for visiting! Hmm... I haven't updated for a while :sweat: :lol: . I'd better get onto that. ^_^

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:19 pm
by CreatureArt
You found my gallery, Warrior? Cool. :) I was in the process of going through it and taking away a lot of my artwork a while ago... wow, I've had that gallery for years now. @_@. I should really post something new.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:08 pm
by Photosoph
Yes, CA -you should post something new! ^_^

Well, yesterday I just completed the weird animation below with the cartoon person; the first of the attachments. It was supposed to be someone getting zapped by some sort of experimental ray gun/blaster/some technological gene experimentation thing, or something along those lines... however, looking at the finished project, it seems to look more like she's having 'brain freeze'. :grin: I kind of like it like that...
The second pic, the parakeet, comes from a sketch I did last year (or early this year, I forget) which I scanned it and then coloured. I'm not 100% sure what to do with his beak though... if anyone has some suggestions, I would really like to hear them.
Lastly, a transparent 'burger blob'. Again, it was made either early this year or late last year.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 5:25 pm
by Esoteric
Wow, the feathers are awsome. soft shaded, yet discernable. Do you have a special brush for that effect or are you just good with the smudge tool? As for the beak, the light contrast needs to be higher. Beaks are typcially glossy, so it should have a nice shine spot (or more of a bright streak in this case) with a fairly distinct edge. It looks cool though <stares at feather some more...>

hehehe, and as for the girl with 'brain freeze'. She'd probably look more 'zapped' if her pupils dialated and her brow wasn't furrowed... just a thought though...I mean, I haven't really seen someone get zapped in a while. ;D

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:41 pm
by Photosoph
Thanks, Eso! Sorry it took me so long to reply! :sweat:
Nope, no special brush -just the brush tool. I've used it for both feathers and fur before, and so far it's the best method I've found for getting a smooth, soft-looking texture.
I'll try that with the beak -thanks for the tip! ...Hmm.... is the image below sort of what you mean?

Lol! I haven't seen someone like that in a while either... ;) It was a quick animation, so I probably won't redo it, but your tip will be very helpful for future animations -and I do mean that when I say it (I'm not just saying that as a dismissal :grin: ). Thanks! :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:12 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
The animation and the parrot are awesome! Well done!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:19 pm
by CreatureArt
Woo - awesome stuff, P'Soph. Up to my usual high standard of expectation in your work ;) :)