!Hero - The Rock Opera

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!Hero - The Rock Opera

Postby Gypsy » Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:53 pm

Anyone ever heard (of) it? I picked up the cds yesterday and I love it so far. Basically, it's a musical drama about what it would be like if Jesus hadn't come to earth until modern times. The story takes place in New York City, under the watching eyes of I.C.O.N. (International Confederation Of Nations). Michael Tait sings the part of Hero (Jesus), Mark Stuart is Petrov (Peter), Rebecca St James plays Maggie (Mary {the prostitute one, which I found slightly amusing because of RSJ's loud and strong stand on abstinence }) and many other artists sing the roles of the main characters in the history of Christ's time on earth.

Although the music isn't necessarily my preferred and favorite style, the message of Christ is so powerful and comes across with such a new meaning. It began to speak to my heart before the second track was done.

But for a complete list of artists, art of the production and more details, visit the site! http://www.herouniverse.com
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Postby madphilb » Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:53 am

It's supposed to be really good... I think they came to this area (Tampa Bay) recently, but I found out about it too late to do anything about seeing it, guess it has several Christian artists involved (big names). When I first saw an article about it a while ago, I didn't pay much attention to it, figured it was some deal like many plays like that are.

Others have tried this before and didn't do very well (movie-wise), typical Christian productions.... basically cheap trash. This one might be good, hopefully someone will put it out on DVD so I can get to see it eventually, now that I know more about it :D

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Postby Stephen » Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:21 am

It was produced by Pete Stewart...you can take it to the bank that it would be decent.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:39 am

The show is coming to Houston the 22nd, and I really, really want to go, work permitting. The audio clips on KSBJ have been awesome. Too bad they're only showing it once :shady:
And isn't Pete Stewart the proverbial "fifth newsboy?"
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Postby Stephen » Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:11 pm

Shakes head....no...Pete Stewart has never had anything to do with the Newsboys....He was the lead singer of Grammatrain for years...did a solo thing, produced countless Christian CDs...(including Hero) got fed up with dealing with the Christian music industry (IMO a large portion of CCM are people who are in it for the money and to take money from Christians)and started his own band again called The Accident Expiriment (band also includes ex-POD guitarist Marcos and 2 ex-members of a socal band named Sprung Monkey) but...wonders where this rabbit trail began...yeah..Pete Stewart has nothing to do with the Newsboys...
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Nov 18, 2003 7:02 am

> Basically, it's a musical drama about what it would be like if Jesus hadn't come to earth until modern times.

I might have to swing by Berean and take a look. :thumb:
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Postby Icarus » Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:28 pm

I have it. My favorite track is No.12, disc 1, Raised in Harlem. As this is by the "Boney-Bone," (T-Bone) it may not be to every ones taste. But, I gotta say, that and "Kill Hero", they give me brain chills. (reserved only for very good rot!)
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Postby Gypsy » Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:40 am

Yeah, "Kill Hero" is a very intense song. I get goosebumps when I listen to it. It has a way of putting things in a sort of painful perspective, and you're forced to look inside yourself and ask "if I were there ... would I have been one of the few that followed Him, or would I have melted with the crowd and cried for His death?"

One cool thing I found out while browsing the site the other day:

They have comics up, and the author was none other than Mr. Stephen Lawhead himself. Ross Lawhead (I think that's his son) did the pencils. Just like the music isn't my usual preferred type, the art style doesn't catch me - however, it's good quality and it's always cool to see a Christian comic.
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Postby madphilb » Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:28 pm

Gypsy wrote:They have comics up, and the author was none other than Mr. Stephen Lawhead himself. Ross Lawhead (I think that's his son) did the pencils. Just like the music isn't my usual preferred type, the art style doesn't catch me - however, it's good quality and it's always cool to see a Christian comic.

I saw those a while back in a christian bookstore (took a little time to browse around). The style didn't catch me either, but it was cool to see (and even cooler to see Lawhead involved as the Empherion books are some of my favoriate sci-fi fiction, Christian or otherwise).

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Postby brantelg » Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:18 pm

Gypsy wrote:They have comics up, and the author was none other than Mr. Stephen Lawhead himself. Ross Lawhead (I think that's his son) did the pencils. Just like the music isn't my usual preferred type, the art style doesn't catch me - however, it's good quality and it's always cool to see a Christian comic.

Yeah, I bought the Graphic Novel version and it has the 5-issue series.
It is great.
The art didn't strike a chord with me at the begining, but by the end of it, I got used to it.
The story is great. I haven't listened to the Rock Opera yet, so I couldn't say wether or not it is accurate, but I reccomend it whole-heartedly.
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