Yu Watase?

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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:48 pm

Katharine Faith wrote:The only thing that really, truly irritates me about Yuu Watase's work is that every one of her series has the same flippin' plot:

Irritating Girl X is toodling through life, when she discovers (to her shock) that she is Speshul Sparkly Goodness for some reason or another. The rest of the story quickly devolves into a syrupy love-triangle (or love-octagon, in FY's case), which essentially entails the entire male cast (all of whom are T3H HAWT!!!1!1!!1) chasing after Irritating Girl X, who is simply at a loss (T3H ANGST!!1!!1) as to what to do.

Bleh. It gets old after a while.

(Although I must admit, the boys are very pretty. Those twits Miaka and Aya should've just played 'em all, instead of wangsting over their respective One Twu Wuvs! :P)

Hahaha! My thoughts exactly, except Tanpopo tried to do what was right and Alice never liked anyone but Kyo. I love Yu Watase's art and storytelling style and ability, but her subject mater! :mutter: I was literally sick to my stomach after possesed Aki finally got his hands on Aya, I mean physically ill.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:02 pm

You know what's really nastly... Absolute Boyfriend. She isn't really having sex with a robot right? RIGHT??? *turns green*
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:16 pm

Kireihana wrote:That's unfortunately true. My Japanese friend said that it's usually no big deal if teenagers (or anyone I would suppose) have sex out of wedlock. However I don't think that means we should be using Japan's standards to justify what we do and don't read. >_< Actually it's probably not even safe to use America's standards all the time... which is why we are Christians :lol:

EEK! you misundrstand. I wasn't saying that AT ALL I don't think we should lower our standards...but I was also saying that Watase wasn't the only mangaka who does this sort of thing.. I think I have accidently seen worse than what I saw in Alice 19th... (by flipping through)

But yah, I wasn't saying "Hey! It's from Japan so we can read it because it isn't that bad! It is THAT bad...but I think as long as someone doesn't drool over those pictures or cause them to sin...then buying the series isn't a horrible thing... I mean...the whole series isn't DEDICATED to pornagraphic images...and once you get past the very few clotheless picutures there is a very beautiful story line (talking about Alice 19th here)

Alice 19th is the only series I have read all the way through... my friend wants me to try Ceres..but I am not sure..

one thing I hate about Watase, ALL HER CHARACTERS LOOK THE SAME!! If Frey had black hair..it wouldn't be as easy to tell him apart from Kyo...

but that is my opinion.. LOL
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Postby Kisa » Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:49 pm

Watase is tame compared to many mangakas. She does go over the top a bit in some areas, but her story lines are pretty good. Just she needs to keep some things out that have no use there.
Yea, Aki made me ill too.... ugg talk about disgusting....
Also, Absolute Boyfriend.... I can't believe she falls for a robot.... yeck....
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:08 am

Robots are...creepy...AND STUFF!

haha.. my new word phrase..I just felt like saying it! HAHA

seriously, AB sounds...totally AS (Absolute Suckitude)
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Postby Mangafanatic » Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:37 am

Kireihana wrote:That's unfortunately true. My Japanese friend said that it's usually no big deal if teenagers (or anyone I would suppose) have sex out of wedlock. However I don't think that means we should be using Japan's standards to justify what we do and don't read. >_< Actually it's probably not even safe to use America's standards all the time... which is why we are Christians :lol:

I had a friend who was also Japanese. He conveyed to me that, like in America, sexual standards are much looser than they have been in the past, but to a majority of people, sex is still treated as sacred act between two people who are truly in love. More commonly two people who are very much in love and married.

Maybe it's regional? :brow:
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Postby Kisa » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:34 pm

LOL, I think stardards have just fallen in general anywhere.... sad but true....
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:59 pm

I agree KisaTohru...*nods*
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Postby blue elf » Sun Jul 31, 2005 6:37 pm

Sparrow Writer wrote:Yeah...haha, my love for Alec has been labeled "obsession" by my friends. But he is funny, a fellow anime fan, video gamer, etc...you can't help but love him! (Ok, ~I~ can't help but love him.) My friend got a dvd of the anime that was slightly farther than the anime. This is how the conversation went-

Him- Hey! I got a Ceres dvd. Do you wa-

Me- Does it have Alec in it?

Him- ....Yeah.

Me- Than I want it.

There's nothing wrong with a little obsession now and then! *hugs her FMA Roy keychain while mumbling to herself :sweat: * I used to have the first few dvds of Ceres, but I traded em to get some game soundtracks that I wanted. Of course, I could always get the collector's ed. dvds.

Sparrow Writer wrote:I feel really bad for his character too. He's really not a bad guy. He just happens to work for the wrong side. I wanted to hug him when he was crying during the dvd...then I remembered he was an animated character and I can't do that. ^_^"

Well, you could always hug the tv!...or better yet buy a plushie ^^
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Postby Yeito » Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:13 am

I'd have to disagree about AB.

Yes, it does havesome unneeded things in it, but its not ALL about sex.

Yes, it could probably do without the suggestive scenes. But its not like she just gives into Night (the robot guy) at every turn. As far as I've read, every time he trys something she tells him to stop. Hes only like that because thats they way he's 'programmed'.

Anyway, I just flip over that kind of stuff if it rears its ugly head. Yes it does send the quality of a 'good' (and I mean well-storyed) manga down a bit, and yes maybe Yuu Watase has been adding more than she needs to but I dont think you have to continually point out how disappointed you are. If it really really bothers you so much then stop reading. o_o Or if you think you can over look it then thats your decision.

And I hope no one takes this the wrong way. I'm just stating my views. All my Yuu Watase reading/watching has been off of other people except for Shojo Beat. I get that. I like Crimson Hero and Baby and Me. I read the other stories because they're there. Thats just my opinion anyway. Sorry if anyone finds it offensive.
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Postby Kami » Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:41 am

I have to agree with Yeito on this, I mean. If you don't like it, then stop reading it. I bet some people are appreciative about the info. you're giving them, but that's one pretty biased opinion, seeing as not everyone sees Absolute Boyfriend that way. I mean, you can always not read it or ignore it. If there is a scene, then I just ignore it. I've seen some posts earlier that actually turned some readers away. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean other people will too.

I thoroughly enjoyed Absolute Boyfriend myself, the storyline didn't center around the nudity but around how a girl can't get a boyfriend. I'm not saying that you're not intitled to your opinion, but, not everyone shares the same opinion you do, and I think the people who haven't read it, need to read it, and see for themselves what they think.

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Postby blue elf » Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:57 am

snowangel kamui wrote:I have to agree with Yeito on this, I mean. If you don't like it, then stop reading it. I bet some people are appreciative about the info. you're giving them, but that's one pretty biased opinion, seeing as not everyone sees Absolute Boyfriend that way. I mean, you can always not read it or ignore it. If there is a scene, then I just ignore it. I've seen some posts earlier that actually turned some readers away. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean other people will too.

I thoroughly enjoyed Absolute Boyfriend myself, the storyline didn't center around the nudity but around how a girl can't get a boyfriend. I'm not saying that you're not intitled to your opinion, but, not everyone shares the same opinion you do, and I think the people who haven't read it, need to read it, and see for themselves what they think.


Well, I felt a bit turned off to the series after reading some of the other posts, but I haven't completely written it off. I'll probably still look through the graphic novels when they start coming out and make up my mind from there, since I have liked most of Watase's other series.
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Postby Kisa » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:41 pm

I never meant that AB was all about sex, but it is definitley prevalent. I did mention in my review that besides how NIght is programmed that he is a nice guys and does whatever he can for Riko.... (I have read all of AB btw)
Anyway, Watase is a good writer and artist, but she needs to weed some things out of her work every now and then....
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Postby Yeito » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:04 pm

Uhm ... I'm sorry but you did say that it was all about sex. I'm not trying to argue... its just thats what you said.

Recently liscensed and put iun Shojo BEat is Absolute Boyfriend. I did a review on this so you can go read that for more details, but it is a definite stay away from. The whiole story is centered on sex and its very dissapointing.....

And I agree that Yuu Watase could weed some things out of her manga, but I also think that we need to take into consideration the difference in culture between Japan and America like ChristianRonin said.

Anyway... It just seemed to me that in your review you thought that everyone would agree with your view on it. I'm not saying the review was bad because I found it really really helpful. There was just one part that made me think that.

I was yet again surprised by how much more Watase can get down in the dirt. She has such talent and wastes it yet again on another sex-filled manga. The story could have been cute, and was in areas, but then she slipped in the sexual stuff and just ruins it. The art was good and parts of the story are cut; like when Night, Riko’s ordered boyfriend, just acts so sweet. The positives end there. I do not recommend this in anyway, and this review mostly serves as a warning to those out there still hoping for more cute and nice stories like ‘Imadoki’ that Watase has done.

It may just be me but thats the way I took it. I know you said 'i do not recommend' but still. I'm sorry if I've offended you in anyway. -_- I'm just sayin what it seems like to me. NO offense meant at all.
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Postby Alice » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:10 pm

I don't know anything about Alice the 19th, but every time I hear the name I kinda blink, for a second I think someone is talking about me. O.O
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Postby Starfire1 » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:17 am

FY had such a great plot and its one i really wish i could have continued, but it was a bit much for me.
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USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:58 am

*nervous laugh* I didn't say her culture excused her from writing naughty things that would be better off unseen... ^^;
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Postby Kami » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:09 am

She didn't mean it as an excuse. I'm not really sure how you got that from her post but seeing as no one understands what she and I are trying to say, I will spell it out.

We never said that their culture difference is an excuse. We said it is one of the many factors in manga. You have to keep in mind that only 5% of Japan is Christian, and that most 5% see God as....one of the many other gods in their country's beliefs. Things like nudity and sexual innuendo happen a lot in manga [especially in Teen ] and we have to be prepared to take it with a grain of salt. I mean, to put it simply, they just don't have the same standards we do.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:16 am

I know! I was just making it clear that I didn't mean it that way, it wasn't meant to flame anyone...or anything! ^^ I was saying the same thing bascially.. I hope I didn't make anyone upset...........

when I said that I meant that as an explanation... as to the reason why Mangaka added things like that...

I meant it more as, "Isn't that sad.." type of statement... ^^;
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Postby Yeito » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:44 pm

o_o It is sad.

But thats what white out is for o_o+ :pingsmile:
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Postby Kisa » Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:23 am

ah... im just trying to explain, but ill leave it for now... i guess im contradicting myself, lol....
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