Legend of Chun Hyang

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Legend of Chun Hyang

Postby soul alive » Sun Mar 06, 2005 5:54 pm

by CLAMP. just got it today. has anyone else read this? what did you think?

wasn't sure what to be expecting from the plot (i knew the art would be beautiful, being from CLAMP), but really enjoyed it. other than magic, the only real problem i had with it was the way it treated revenge, killing someone in revenge had a bit of a positive angle. when i started into it, i got myself all confused (but recovered - lol), because the first story of Chun Hyang is very similar to the plot of Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles volume 3. overall i liked it.


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Postby Kisa » Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:20 pm

I read it and it was pretty cool. Yea it is alot like Tsubasa 3 and 4. I couldn't believe it was only one vol! I thought they could have taken that further.....
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Postby Rocketshipper » Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:25 am

I've read it!! I liked Chun Hyang alot, especially the relationship between Chun Hyang and that guy she travles with (forgot his name) There were a lot of amusing lines exchanged between the two of them. The artwork was also beautiful, like in all CLAMP series :thumb: I was really dissapointed that the story just leaves off without really being resolved. Who was Chun Hyang's father, and who are the people that the Amen-osa guy wants Shung Hyang to meet?
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Postby Kisa » Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:30 pm

maybe it will be released more one day... *sigh*
i hate it when they leave it so open.....
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