Co-Authors needed for Short Story Anime Series

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Co-Authors needed for Short Story Anime Series

Postby starwarsboy90 » Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:54 am

Hey Everybody,

As Aldean Chronicles grows, more and more of the staff are having shift changes in jobs. As of right now, I am the only Author with a ton of visions for the series. We use to have tons of co-Authors, but there were shift changes. So now as a Producer and the only author for the series, I am getting busier and busier. Help is readily needed. So if you are a talented Author and love to wrie, not to mention, have a Theological message to the world and the non believers and believers alike; here is a chance to write.

We currently need a couple of Co-Authors. Since this is a Ministry, there is no profit involved and most of the work is voluntery. As a Co-Author, you get your work published, blessings from the Lord and even some prestiege from the writting community! If you want the job, just reply to this thread or pm me!

God Bless,


Gabriel McKnight,

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Postby starwarsboy90 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:16 pm

Aldean Chronicles reflects Christian Ideals and has tons of messages. If you want your own personal message read by non believers and believers alike, here is a chance!
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Postby Shadowchild » Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:22 pm

This sounds interesting. What is the story about?
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Postby starwarsboy90 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:57 pm

The Story is about Angels, Demons and Elves.

Season I: "Intro"

Throughout space and time, Angels and Demons have fought since Creation. While Earth is still young and not even under the control of the Roman Empire yet, the intergalactic struggle still rages elsewhere. In the M'nar Galaxy, on the planet of Aldea, the struggle between good and evil has heated up. A Holy war has started between the Aldeans ( an Elf race), and the Shi'ado ( very powerful Dragon-like demons; whom are bent on the conquest of the universe). As the forces of good are being wiped out, a flicker of light has appeared on the Relon Continent, that will ultimately change the course of the future...

Ok, now currently, The series is in Volume 2, where the main Character, Sakura, is now a Priestess and a servant of the Most High God. She is traveling with a Paladin/ Archangel in search of a powerful sorceress ( in the service of satan), who has the planet almost completely covered in darkness. Together with the Archangel/Paladin (Aydan), the twin warriors of Merdia ( Teya and T'lar) and Lord Vahloren, they hunt the sorceress down and bring light back to the planet. You would have to read volume 1, which is available to download at the official website, here's a link

This series is Fantasy, and unlike Tolkien, direct Christianization is used. Pretty much, in the first couple of episodes, the series isn't very preachy, but it does become more and more involved in christianization. There are a ton of messages embedded in practically ever episode. It's a real good read, because it's rich in Theology. There have been a couple of Authors who have worked on writing episodes in the series, such as Magekind of CAA. Right now, I'm the only Author and am being bogged down by tons of work. It's real fun writing the series and producing it and everything. It's a pretty good message and a little ministry for all those readers out there.

If you are interested in becoming an Co-Author for this series, let me know. Help is very appreciated.
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Postby starwarsboy90 » Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:17 am

Help is very appreciated, mainly because I'll be starting College soon at Indiana Wesleyan University and will not have the time to work on the series, no less.
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