You were gone...

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You were gone...

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:20 pm

This is something I'm just writing, and odd idea that came into my mind, so I'm not sure how long it'll last. But anyway, should be fairly clean, no cussing openly, just maybe a "she cursed" or something like that. Anyway, here we go. Lets see how this works out.

Chapter 1

Linsey sat up in her bed and glanced at the clock. It read 5:30am. Crud, looked like another bad day. Groaning, she rolled out of bed and glanced out the window. It was dark, and everything looked just dreery. It was even raining. Sighing, she walked to her closet, dressed, pulled out her longbow and her hand-and-a-half sword, girding it at her waist, and then left the house.
Annoying, but these were the best hours of the day for this. Sighing, she walked out into the world.
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Re: You were gone...

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:54 pm

She looked cautiously around as she left. The streets were empty, for the moment at least. The dirt road had traces of footprints, hoof marks, wagon wheels, but most strongly the paw prints of the packs roaming the streets. None were in the area, however, most people stayed in their beds till late morning. No one here wanted to wake, to face reality.
She stepped from the doorway, cloesd the door, and pushed a small brick at the foot of the door. This kept the dogs out of her house. She wasn't worried about thieves, since she had nothing worth stealing. All she owned were currently on her person.
The awful, almost ruinous houses seemed to leer down at her as she walked. The dirt seemed in danger of giving under her feet, so she watched her steps carefully. There were always plenty of mudholes here to trip you up. Despite her care, she was suddenly waist-deep in mud. Cursing under her breath, she climbed out gingerly, staring at her mud-soaked pants.
"Oh well," she sighed. "Not like they weren't messed up already." Shrugging, she continued on her way. As she reached the street's end, she heard a loud barking, coming closer by the second.
Instantly, she broke into a swift run, hoping she could reach the relative safety of the forest. She could climb a tree or something at least, while here there was nothing. Just the wide open street. Which would mean pitting herself against a whole pack. Which was bad. So she ran, soon disappearing into the misty forest.
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Re: You were gone...

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:12 pm

Huffing and puffing, Linsey fled deeper into the Forgotten Woods, the sounds of the hounds following close behind. Obviously this was a pure hunt for the kill, not just for the chase.
Sighting a low enough branch, she launched herself at it, frantically pulling herself up as the nearest dog snapped at her heels.
"There goes that boot." She climbed as high as she could, and once she had a good enough seat, sat and surveyed the damage to her boot. Surprisingly, there were only a few scruff and dirt marks. The one hole was easily repaired.
"Well, what do you know," she remarked aloud. "A little luck, finally. About time."
She glanced around, then shrugged. "Ah well. We can use the trees until the dogs go away, right?"
Grinning humorlously, she began climbing through the trees, looking for any signs of life that were even vaguely edible.
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