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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Aug 11, 2003 7:20 am

This isn't really a life-changing testimony or anything like that, it's just one of those cool little things that happen in your life that lets you know God's watching out for you.

Yesterday (Sunday) I was rushing off to church and realized I had almost nothing for the offering. I debated stopping to get cash or not, but really felt like I wanted to give something to God that day so I made a stop at an ATM just so I'd have $ for the offering. So I was able to give that $ back to God. Well, after church, gas, and laundry I was left with a whopping $5 in my wallet.

Later that day, I was struck by the urge to do some major cleaning. I was cleaning out some shelves/bins in my closet, one of which contains old greeting cards. As I was organizing the cards into a pile to put them back, I noticed something sticking out of the corner of one. I pulled it out, and there was a $50 bill! It had come out of an old Christmas card my grandma had given me.

Anyway, that just made me think of how when you give to God (and even when you don't) He will always provide for you. Sometimes it just happens in unexpected ways!

(And I thought it was interesting that the amount of money I discovered was 10 times what I had in my wallet, or what I had in my wallet was equivalent to 10% of what I found... :) )

So I guess God is telling us not to be afraid to give to Him, He will always provide for us with all we need.

Again, nothing life changing, but just another example of God's influence in all things and His love for us.

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reminds me of something

Postby Niyana » Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:02 pm

I think that is awesome. What you said actually reminded me of my own story that is sorta similar.
What happened to me was about 2 years ago....God has always provided a way for me to make my car payment, even when I thought I wouldnt be able to, He was always there. Well, there was this one time I had no assignment(I was doing temporary work at the time and sometimes you can go for long amounts of time without work) and only a small amount of money left in my bank account. I knew I wouldnt make my payment on time. I prayed a lot about it and I felt God would help me becuase He always had.
Then I got this letter in the mail. It said that I had a 85$ check that was never claimed from a job I had had almost a year ago! They wanted to me to claim it! Next day I went and got it and deposited it, and then made my payment a couple days later. XD I was soooooo excited and happy. God will always come through for you and provide for you. XD

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether
well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything
through Him who gives me strength."
~ Phillippians 4:12-13

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Postby Spiritsword » Thu Aug 21, 2003 5:32 pm

I thank God that others can identify with my testimony and take something from it. You're absolutely right, God always does come through for us and provide for us, in every area of our lives.
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