A Real Relationship With Jesus Christ

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A Real Relationship With Jesus Christ

Postby wingzero7 » Thu Feb 23, 2006 1:40 pm

I Need Your Input On How To Go From 'going Through The Motions' And In To A Real Relationship With The Lord Because This Is Something Im Trying To Do.

Do you know Jesus Christ already? yes
Do you know Who He is and Why He came? yes
Do you recognize your need for a real relationship with Him and know why?
yes cuz im comming off a drug addiction
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Postby Syreth » Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:49 pm

Hmm... when I think of going through the motions, I think of myself standing on Sunday morning, playing and singing songs without thinking of Who they're about. Or perhaps 'serving' at an event of some kind and forgetting who I'm serving and letting my attitude go bad. I guess the simple answer would be to sincerely ask God to change your heart and work in and through you. Of course, God will work in you differently than He will in anyone else, so there's not really any magic solution except for opening your heart and being honest with yourself and God. Just prepare yourself, because if you think you've never entered into that 'real relationship' then you will probably be challenged. Not trying to scare you, of course -- the rewards are and will be worth it.
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Postby Puritan » Thu Feb 23, 2006 7:30 pm

Syreth is right, there is no magical solution, but prayer and reading the Bible are the best things I can recommend. When I go through rocky patches in my relationship with God I find that praying while concentrating on what I am saying and meaning what I say helps alot as it helps me connect with God and focus on Him. Reading the Bible and thinking about what it says also helps as that too focuses me on God. Sincerely asking God to change you and making sure to spend time talking to Him and thinking about Him are the best things I know of to help change your relationship with God into a real, personal relationship.
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Postby Deny_Yourself » Sat Feb 25, 2006 11:19 am

wingzero7 wrote:I Need Your Input On How To Go From 'going Through The Motions' And In To A Real Relationship With The Lord Because This Is Something Im Trying To Do.

We should start at the beginning, Wingzero7. :)

Do you know Jesus Christ already?
Do you know Who He is and Why He came?
Do you recognize your need for a real relationship with Him and know why?

We need that information first. :) Then we can move forward from "going through the motions" into a real living relationship with the real living Jesus Christ. That kind of relationship will change your life from the inside out, that's for sure! And what a life it can be!
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