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PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 6:06 pm
by Lil_Ninja
I wanna go up against Hana_Ryuuzaki XD

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:01 pm
by KumaruRockz
Hmm...It's on. *sharpens gigantic sword*

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:04 pm
by Hana Ryuuzaki
[font="palatino Linotype"]Okay, Lil_Ninja!


PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:05 pm
by Lil_Ninja

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:19 pm
by KhakiBlueSocks
Ingemar (post: 1277941) wrote:Hmmm....

GeneD vs. KhakiBlueSocks

Setting: A random Town

Fear me, CAA's token black guy! For I have--

We have more than one black guy. For instance, there's Nightshade X--

Nightshade X:
Actually I consider myself the whitest Asian I know in a black man's body (gets booted from the battle by the ANNOUNCER)


Ahem. As I said, I have... drumroll please....



(GENE D munches on a strip of meat and glows a la any typical Shounen manga. She rushes towards KBS and swings her arms around, causing much destruction.)

AIIIIIEEEEE!!!! Oh help me God!

Deus ex Machina:
As you wish.

(just then, brilliant rays of light shine upon the earth. A HITSUGAYA PLUSHIE descends into KBS's hands)


(KBS takes advantage of the opportunity to shove the plushie down GENE D's throat, asphyxiating her)

Winner: Khaki Blue Socks

I WON!!!! WHOO-HOO!!!!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:56 pm
by Ingemar
Lil_Ninja vs. KumaruRockz

Let's fight!

You're on!

(A gigantic steamroller falls on them, killing them both instantly. FISHANDCHIPS is standing on top of it, looking maniacal)


Match called on account of weather.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:58 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
*claps* I'd like to thank the national weather service.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:49 pm
by KumaruRockz
Oh Dio, you never seem to disappoint us :) I'll be back...WITH WEAPONS!

(Seriously, that was totally not a real match :p)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:54 am
by Lil_Ninja
That..Was..Awesome! XDD

DEATH BY STEAMROLLER! I wouldn't have it any other way.. Unless there was tacos involved ^^

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:02 am
by That Dude


(just kidding....)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:48 am
by GeneD
Ingemar (post: 1277941) wrote:Hmmm....

GeneD vs. KhakiBlueSocks

Setting: A random Town

Fear me, CAA's token black guy! For I have--

We have more than one black guy. For instance, there's Nightshade X--

Nightshade X:
Actually I consider myself the whitest Asian I know in a black man's body (gets booted from the battle by the ANNOUNCER)


Ahem. As I said, I have... drumroll please....



(GENE D munches on a strip of meat and glows a la any typical Shounen manga. She rushes towards KBS and swings her arms around, causing much destruction.)

AIIIIIEEEEE!!!! Oh help me God!

Deus ex Machina:
As you wish.

(just then, brilliant rays of light shine upon the earth. A HITSUGAYA PLUSHIE descends into KBS's hands)


(KBS takes advantage of the opportunity to shove the plushie down GENE D's throat, asphyxiating her)

Winner: Khaki Blue Socks

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That was awesome! Well done, KBS!

Asphyxiation by Hitsugaya plushie...well I guess there are worse ways to go. The biltong was great though. :grin:

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 9:30 pm
by Ingemar

Stephen vs. Ingemar

You really, really, REALLY won't want to miss it!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:48 pm
by That Dude
This has all the makings of what I like to call. Crazy Epic.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:11 pm
by KhakiBlueSocks
Agreed, Dude who is That...epic and really messy...I'll get the mop and the blotter now...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:01 pm
by Ingemar
[SIZE="7"]Stephen vs. Ingemar[/SIZE]

(SETTING: An apartment complex. At night.)

(voice over)Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again... and again.

OK, maybe not again and again. But it has to happen.

I love the CAA. I love the discussions, Goof Off is my favorite. But tonight I have something different in mind.

(STEVE waits by INGEMAR's apartment)

There he is. Ingemar, formerly known as Cephas. He's the one.

(INGEMAR is seen on his computer, doing Goof-Off related mischief. He suddenly has the urge to get some Burger King (don't ask) and heads into his car. Just as he starts the ignition, STEVE strangles him with a fishing wire garrote from behind the driver's seat)

You're mine now so do exactly as I say.

What do you want?

I want you to be quiet. Now drive.

(They drive off the main roads into a wilderness, and end up in an abandoned hut. STEVE grabs INGEMAR by the neck and throws him to the dirt.)

You have to listen. Do what I say.

(STEVE drags him to the hut)



Uh, yes.


It's horrible, isn't it, isn't it? [SIZE="5"]OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID![/SIZE] Look or I'll cut your eyelids right off your face.

(INGEMAR sees the bodies of everyone who's been killed in the Free-For-Alls so far. Not only that, bitemarks are clearly visible on those who haven't been reduced to ash or a paste)

It took me a long time to get these members clean. One of them had been in the ground so long he was falling apart, I pulled him out in bits and pieces.

(whispers) Ashley, Mith, Link, Corrie, please get this psychopath--

(slaps him) STOP. That never helped anybody.

Please, you can have anything.

That's good beg. These poor members? Beg.

.... I couldn't help myself, I couldn't... please, you have to understand.

Trust me, I definitely understand. See, I can't help myself either. But biting, I could never do that. Not like you. Never. Ever. NOMs.


I have standards. (STEVE injects INGEMAR with a fast-acting tranquilizer)

(INGEMAR finds himself nude and saran-wrapped and gagged on a stainless steel table. The room is draped on all walls and the floor with plastic wrap. STEVE is wearing protective gear and surrounded by all sorts of powertools and kitchen utencils. He makes an incision on INGEMAR's cheek and pipettes a drop of blood into a microscope slide.)

Soon, you'll be packed into a few neatly wrapped Hefties in my own small corner of the world. It will be a neater, happier place. A better place.

(STEVE beheads INGEMAR with a power saw.

He spends the next hour methodically dismembering him and stuffing the remains in Hefty bags)

*sigh* Another good night.

(Before he could stuff the remains into a car, STEVE finds himself surrounded by MILLIONS OF BEARS!)

Huh. I definitely didn't plan for this.

[SIZE="5"]Uh.... draw?[/SIZE]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:20 pm
by Sparx00
Think Steve could use a can of mace about now? o.o

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:31 pm
by mechana2015
Steve can kill bears. He does it regularly.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:49 pm
by Radical Dreamer
HOW DID I MISS THE CHRISTMAS POST? That's the most incredible thing I've ever read!! LOLOL

Also I'm pretty sure that Steve can not only defeat millions of bears, but he can also ride them. This is but hearsay but it's Steve so it's probably true.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:11 pm
by Tsukuyomi
mechana2015 (post: 1280738) wrote:Steve can kill bears. He does it regularly.

He has them as pets in his backyard 8D

(Lol @ the fight XD)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:54 pm
by Ingemar
[SIZE="7"]Christian News Post-Intelligencer[/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"][font="Georgia"]Stephen vs. Ingemar battle a hoax, says former Soul Society captain[/font][/SIZe]

HUECO MUNDO--The ultraviolent final confrontation between CAA moderator Stephen Notlisted and former Christian Anime Sports Network anchor Ingemar drew in crowds from all over Animated Christendom (or Christian Animedom). Hundreds watched on the edge of their seats as bloody battle drew to an astonishing conclusion.

A conclusion, claims former Soul Society Captain Sosuke Aizen, that was as artificial as its introduction.

"It was all a trick, all an illusion!" says Aizen. "This was all the work of my zanpakutou Kyoka Suigetsu."

Aizen's empathic spiritually-inhabited sword (called zanpakutou) has the ability to decieve all five senses. In addition to faking the outcome of the Stephen vs. Ingemar fight, it was also alleged that it was used to fake his own death and decieve millions of young people into believeing that Tite Kubo is a competent mangaka.

Doubts arose over the veracity of the fight when both Steve and Ingemar were asked about the true outcome. Both denied that they were ever told to fight each other. On the night of the fight, Ingemar said he spent several hours editing, while Steve was busy combing his beard with a comb made from the bones of a young harp seal.

Aizen was apparently surprised that "no one caught on to the hoax earlier," citing that "there was no way that anyone could take it seriously, since the fight was nearly a word-for-word plagiarism of the pilot episode for Dexter."

"At any rate," says Aizen, "I wouldn't know how a fight between those to would end up. Steve has a personal arsenal that could wipe out the Cuban military, whereas Ingemar has his INT and CHR stats so high that he can bluff his way out of a Neo-Nazi rally whilst masquerading as a black Chasidic Jew."

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:43 am
by minakichan
*extremely late*

Wow. Cop-out!

decieve millions of young people into believeing that Tite Kubo is a competent mangaka.

Aaaaand now I have spit up my nose, thanks BUNCHES.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:32 am
by Ingemar
You made a surprising comeback in the Christmas special.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:56 am
by Doubleshadow
Ingemar (post: 1277941) wrote:
(A gigantic steamroller falls on them, killing them both instantly. FISHANDCHIPS is standing on top of it, looking maniacal)


Match called on account of weather.

Look out! It's raining steamrollers!

Ingemar (post: 1280851) wrote:[SIZE="7"]

[SIZE="5"][font="Georgia"]Stephen vs. Ingemar battle a hoax, says former Soul Society captain[/font][/SIZe]

Obviously. Who would believe Stephen would prevent gratuitous acts of violence?

"At any rate," says Aizen, "I wouldn't know how a fight between those to would end up. Steve has a personal arsenal that could wipe out the Cuban military, whereas Ingemar has his INT and CHR stats so high that he can bluff his way out of a Neo-Nazi rally whilst masquerading as a black Chasidic Jew."

I look forward to viewing video evidence of this claim, especially if he remembers to wear his rainbow inverted triangle pin.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:05 am
by mysngoeshere56
Wow..... this is.... wow. Hah. XD I'll have to actually read the battles once I have more time.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:59 pm
by KumaruRockz
Wow. So has EVERYTHING been a hoax??? We'll never know...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 4:46 pm
by Ingemar
KumaruRockz (post: 1280949) wrote:Wow. So has EVERYTHING been a hoax??? We'll never know...
Well gee, you're not REALLY trapped under a giant steamroller, are you?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:01 pm
by KumaruRockz
Hmmmm...I guess not.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:55 pm
by RidleyofZebes
XD wow... I just spent the last hour re-reading this thread. It reeks of awesomeness! 8D

Shame I missed the Christmas special last month. I never even realized this thing was revivifyed! O.o

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:55 pm
by Ingemar
Free-For-Alls is on hiatus until I can conjure a match of Homeric proportions.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:49 pm
by Stephen
If it was not Ingemar....then who is on those black bags I had to take "fishing" Hmm. Oh well. I gotta remember to stock up on duct tape and plastic wrap.