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PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:24 pm
by Myoti
Nate 10:40 - I feel better now. XD;;
Myoti 10:40 - Thanks Nate.
Nate 10:40 - No problem.
Myoti 10:40 - I feel so clean now.

You don't wanna know what that was about. B|

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:48 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
sparx00 12:44 - What is nate???
Okami 12:44 - Only, the original. I'm currently listening to the Veggie Rocks! remake.
CrimsonRyu17 12:44 - I would have jumped out of the window.
Nate 12:45 - WHAT IS NATE
Nate 12:45 - BABY DON'T HURT ME
Nate 12:45 - DON'T HURT ME
Nate 12:45 - NO MORE
sparx00 12:45 - are you a girl or a guy????
MrSmartyPants 12:45 - HAHA
CrimsonRyu17 12:45 - .....
CrimsonRyu17 12:45 - HAHAHAHAHA.
sparx00 12:45 - You are pink
sparx00 12:45 - yet you have a guy's name
sparx00 12:46 - or do you just like pink?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:24 pm
by Radical Dreamer
CrimsonRyu17 wrote:sparx00 12:44 - What is nate???
Okami 12:44 - Only, the original. I'm currently listening to the Veggie Rocks! remake.
CrimsonRyu17 12:44 - I would have jumped out of the window.
Nate 12:45 - WHAT IS NATE
Nate 12:45 - BABY DON'T HURT ME
Nate 12:45 - DON'T HURT ME
Nate 12:45 - NO MORE
sparx00 12:45 - are you a girl or a guy????
MrSmartyPants 12:45 - HAHA
CrimsonRyu17 12:45 - .....
CrimsonRyu17 12:45 - HAHAHAHAHA.
sparx00 12:45 - You are pink
sparx00 12:45 - yet you have a guy's name
sparx00 12:46 - or do you just like pink?

... ...


This HAS to be like, the tenth time this has happened. And that is not an exaggeration.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:30 pm
by Nate
Radical Dreamer wrote:[color="Black"]...
... ...


This HAS to be like, the tenth time this has happened. And that is not an exaggeration.[/color]

The sad part is, this is the FOURTH time it's happened since my name change.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 8:56 am
by Mithrandir
Myoti, that signature is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. :thumb:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:39 am
by Nate
Sigh. I might as well post this because I know Corrie will get a good laugh out of it. -.-
[color="Black"]Kiku yawns
creed4 11:34 - hi
Nate sticks his finger in Kiku's mouth in mid-yawn
KeybladeWarrior 11:34 - Hey Shao.
Denimcat 11:34 - o.o
Yahshua 11:34 - And they might even give you a nickname today onces you return to work Nate.
Kiku kicks nate and tackles her
Corkyspaniel 11:34 - I'm scared.
Nate 11:34 - ...
Nate 11:34 - ...did...
orochimarusama2 11:35 - corky are you there
KeybladeWarrior 11:35 - ....
KeybladeWarrior 11:35 - Uhhh...
Nate 11:35 - ...did you just refer to "her?"
ShaoFengLi 11:35 - WhaT?
Denimcat 11:35 - O.O
Denimcat 11:35 - HA XD
Kiku 11:35 - yea
KeybladeWarrior 11:35 - XD;
Nate 11:35 - ...
Nate 11:35 - NOT AGAIN.
Kiku cries in corner
Yahshua 11:35 - Nate is a dude a guy.[/color]

Fifth time since my name change. :\

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 11:44 am
by Fish and Chips
Corkyspaniel 11:52 - Nate, I still appreciate last night, but please, no more of this...
Nate wrote:Fifth time since my name change. :\

Only once, myself.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:20 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Nate wrote:Sigh. I might as well post this because I know Corrie will get a good laugh out of it. -.-

Fifth time since my name change. :\

... ...
... ... ...


I have to wonder though, Nate, if it's really your fault. XDD Isn't Nate widely known as a MASCULINE name? XDD

Wow. Just wow. XDD


Nate sticks his finger in Kiku's mouth in mid-yawn
Kiku kicks nate and tackles her

Something's not right here. XD

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 12:40 pm
by Ratrace
He just needs to change his name to No, really, I'm a guy.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:59 pm
by Mithrandir
There is also the feminine pronunciation of "Nah Tay."

I suspect, however, that it's a combination of:
1) The girlie font.
2) The girlie mannerisms.

That's just my guess, though. IANAS*

(I Am Not A Sociologist)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 4:15 am
by Okami
XD @ Mith.

We love you Nate X3

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 2:15 pm
by Ratrace
We love you Nate X3

But your many references to girls chasing after you doesn't seem to help you seem masculine to people who don't know you.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 9:32 pm
by faithfighter
MisterFrodo 09:26 - I have now played a total of three FF games.

faithfighter is always confused when people say FF instead of final fantasy...she always assumes they are talking to her

MisterFrodo 09:26 - Oh, sorry Faithfighter.

Kaligraphic 09:27 - I wanted to play faithfighter 7 so that I could see Cloud and Sephiroth.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:03 am
by Radical Dreamer
chibiphonebooth 11:21 - i think i'm gunna go away, and come back and try to be serious in this chat.
11:22 - A chime sounds at the front door. chibiphonebooth enters the chat.
Nate 11:22 - Hi Savannah.
AziertheSwordsman 11:22 - CAA chat is not for being serious.
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Hi. I'm Savannah. But I'm serious now.
RadicalDreamer 11:22 - Why hello Savannah.
Nate 11:22 - You're serious?
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Hello there, Corrie.
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - Yes.
Nate 11:22 - Even though your mind has been transported back in time?
Nate 11:22 - And TO MARS?
ShatterheartArk 11:22 - Hey Savannah, *makes a face*
RadicalDreamer 11:22 - Ooooh. Nate is making this hard. XD
MrSmartyPants 11:22 - Hey Savvannah.
MrSmartyPants 11:22 - HTML LINK
chibiphonebooth 11:22 - I find that quite amusing sometimes nate. But not today. for I am serious.
MrSmartyPants 11:22 - Check that out
Nate 11:23 - Really?
Nate 11:23 - What if I said that ninjas are stealing that old man's diamonds?
MrSmartyPants 11:23 - ALGEBRAIC!
chibiphonebooth 11:23 - You shall not thwart my attempts.
RadicalDreamer 11:23 - XDDD
Nate 11:23 - What can I thwart, huh?
chibiphonebooth 11:23 - my attempts.
Nate 11:23 - I CAN thwart your attempts?
Nate 11:23 - Wow, thanks!
YeshuaKnight 11:23 - serious, that's like a character title
ShatterheartArk 11:23 - Nate. No thwarting in the chat.
MrSmartyPants 11:23 - ROFL
YeshuaKnight 11:24 - almost as ominous as grammar ranger
Nate 11:24 - I was only gonna thwart her a LITTLE bit!
chibiphonebooth 11:24 - no you shall not.
MrSmartyPants 11:24 - My attempts, my attempts, my attempts my attempts my attempts
YeshuaKnight 11:24 - and spelling gestapo
MrSmartyPants 11:24 - My little lady.... attempts
RadicalDreamer 11:24 - ....
ShatterheartArk 11:24 - Nate. Ryan Jamie and I may thwart you.
RadicalDreamer 11:24 - Ryan.
RadicalDreamer 11:24 - Abject FAILURE.
MrSmartyPants 11:24 - XDDDDD
YeshuaKnight 11:24 - what, i don't get to thwart?
MrSmartyPants 11:24 - Whatcha gonna do with All that Nate? All that Nate inside your... uh.... gate?
chibiphonebooth 11:24 - I shall not break under pressure.
Nate 11:25 - You can thwart me, baby.
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - pressure of humour.
Nate 11:25 - You can thwart me all night long.
** MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM: Attempting to gag Nate... Success.
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - HAHA
ShatterheartArk 11:25 - THWARTED BABY
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - ahahaha
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - XDDDDD
** MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM: Attempting to ungag Nate... Success.
MrSmartyPants 11:25 - I bet Nate liked that.
Nate 11:25 - CURSES! I was thwarted!
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - SAVANNAH
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - YOU LAUGHED
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - OH DANGIT.
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - SERIOUS PEOPLE DON'T LAUGH
Nate 11:25 - Savannah laughed!
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - NUUUUUUUUU
Nate 11:25 - HA! XD
RadicalDreamer 11:25 - XDDDD
chibiphonebooth 11:25 - I LOOOOSEEEEE
MrSmartyPants 11:25 - XDDDDDDD
AziertheSwordsman 11:25 - THWART'D.
Nate 11:26 - She lasted three minutes.
Nate 11:26 - Longer than I thought she would. XD
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - XDDDDD
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - ark thwart'd me
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT ARK
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - if you didnt gag him
Nate 11:26 - Steve is sneaky like that.
chibiphonebooth 11:26 - i would have made it
ShatterheartArk wins

And because of all this:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 5:04 am
by Mithrandir

OK. THAT one was worth posting. :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:01 pm
by faithfighter
hahhahahhahhahahahha that was hilarious!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:09 am
by Radical Dreamer
RadicalDreamer 11:43 - Bob McIngletire: No "e" for the duration of 7 days starting now.
RadicalDreamer 11:43 - Proof, everyone. Let's watch.
Nate 11:44 - "If you can tell me why I shouldn't fire you without using the letter 'e,' you can keep your job." "'m a" "You're fired." "But I didn't say--" "You will." *pushes button on trapdoor* "EEEEEEEEEEEE!"
RadicalDreamer 11:44 - Bob McIngletire is Ryan. By the way.
FishandChips 11:44 - Only right now, though.
RadicalDreamer 11:44 - Bob McIngletire: Note how I am using uh... a big... vocab
FishandChips 11:44 - Wha-at?
FishandChips 11:44 - Nate, link now.
RadicalDreamer 11:44 - NOTE. E.
MrSmartyPants 11:44 - CRAP
RadicalDreamer 11:44 - HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
MrSmartyPants 11:44 - CRAP
Nate 11:44 - ...
Nate 11:44 - GEEZ RYAN
MrSmartyPants 11:44 - OKAY STARTING NOW
Nate 11:44 - You are a HUGE failure at life.
11:44 - Ingemar wanders out of the chat.
RadicalDreamer is DYING. XDDD
MrSmartyPants 11:44 - 2:44 AM
RadicalDreamer 11:45 - The first SENTENCE.
11:45 - MrRogers wanders out of the chat.
FishandChips 11:45 - Already?
RadicalDreamer 11:45 - NOT EVEN ONE FULL MINUTE. XDDD
Nate 11:45 - The first WORD
Nate 11:45 - Of the first sentence.
FishandChips 11:45 - Dang, now I'm even more hardcore than Ryan is.
RadicalDreamer 11:45 - XDD
11:45 - A chime sounds at the front door. Sao_Sakura enters the chat.
FishandChips is hardcore.
MrSmartyPants 11:45 - Okay starting now XD
MrSmartyPants 11:45 - STOP LAUGHING AT RYAN!
Nate 11:45 - So this is attempt number TWO
FishandChips 11:45 - I write out line after line without es. You trip up on the first WORD?
RadicalDreamer 11:45 - XDDDDD
FishandChips 11:45 - Laaaaaaaaame.
Nate 11:45 - After MISERABLY failing the first attempt.
Nate 11:46 - Failing within 15 seconds on the FIRST WORD

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:16 pm
by Okami
mathgrant 02:10 - Wlelcome to the Sparta that is known as CAA Chat!
Okami 02:11 - This is Sparta? Since when? XD
mathgrant 02:12 - Since, uh, tomorrow, Okami.
KeybladeWarrior 02:12 - We eat cake in Sparta.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:42 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
chatbot 02:41 - anonymous asks about SC.
My answer: Will somebody PLEASE clean out the catbox!?!
KeybladeWarrior 02:41 - XDD
anonymous 02:41 - >:3~
CrimsonRyu17 02:41 - XD!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:19 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
CrimsonRyu17 02:11 - 99 bottles o' rum o the wall, 99 bottles o' rum. Take one down, pass't around, 99 bottles o' rum on the wall.
Yahshua 02:11 - Hm this is not a pirate ship.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 6:59 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
RadicalDreamer is a unique snowflake.
Tarnish 06:54 - ...
goldenspines is an unique snowflake too. o.o
Tarnish 06:54 - RD snapped.
RadicalDreamer 06:54 - XDD
CrimsonRyu17 06:54 - HA.
goldenspines 06:54 - XD

PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:08 pm
by Nate
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 9:29 pm
by Aileen Kailum
Nate 09:26 - Am I the only guy in h...
AileenKailum 09:26 - XDDD
Nate 09:26 - Or do they just not wander into the chat? XD
AileenKailum 09:26 - Maybe they know something you don't?
Nate 09:27 - o.o
Nate 09:27 - You're not...
AileenKailum 09:27 - Did you miss the memo?
Nate 09:27 - You're not all planning to kill all men who come into the chat...
RadicalDreamer 09:27 - Actually, now that you mention it...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 8:52 am
by CrimsonRyu17
He figured it out! ALERT, ALERT.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 9:15 pm
by Doubleshadow
Doubleshadow 09:09 - They half to select my name to submit the lab reports on-line, they see my name every week!
Bobtheduck 09:09 - They half to?
RoyMustang 09:09 - if they can't get your name right and see you just about everyday
ShatterheartArk 09:09 - they half too?
ShatterheartArk 09:09 - CORRIE
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - SNIPE HER
09:10 - Yahshua wanders out of the chat.
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - SHE HAS BROKEN GRAMMER LAW
Bobtheduck 09:10 - Hahaha!
RoyMustang 09:10 - she's away
Doubleshadow 09:10 - One of the students spelled accurate with a 'k'.
Bobtheduck 09:10 - The irony is funny.
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - ....wait
Bobtheduck 09:10 - My name on my friend's 360 is "irony"
Bobtheduck 09:10 - But I digress
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - Did I spell grammer wrong?
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - Tell me its an e and not an a
Doubleshadow 09:10 - HA!
Bobtheduck 09:10 - No, the irony of
ShatterheartArk 09:10 - OH GOD I AM UNDONE
Bobtheduck 09:10 - Nevermind
Bobtheduck 09:11 - But you may have
Bobtheduck 09:11 - I always get the name and the laws mixed up
Icarus 09:11 - and yeah, it is an a at the end.
Bobtheduck 09:11 - Grammer is a name
ShatterheartArk 09:11 - NooooO!
ShatterheartArk is sniped in the head
RadicalDreamer snipes STteve
RadicalDreamer 09:12 - *STeve
RadicalDreamer 09:12 - *St
ShatterheartArk 09:12 - ha!
Bobtheduck 09:12 - Hahahaha
ShatterheartArk 09:12 - HAHAHA
ShatterheartArk 09:12 - snipe yourself
Doubleshadow 09:12 - HA! HA!
AziertheSwordsman snipes Corrie for epic fail.
Bobtheduck 09:12 - The irony flows like delicious maple syrup tonight.
ShatterheartArk 09:12 - Do it!
ShatterheartArk 09:12 - yes!
ShatterheartArk goes back to being shot in the head
Bobtheduck 09:12 - STteve!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:04 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
06:58 - A chime sounds at the front door. Denimcat enters the chat.
RadicalDreamer 06:58 - Hi Carrie!
CrimsonRyu17 06:59 - Yo.
ShatterheartArk 06:59 - Carrie, you missed it
AziertheSwordsman attacks when the tail is up. Azier takes a giant spike and drives it right up near the tail...
Denimcat 06:59 - Hm?
ShatterheartArk 06:59 - RadicalDreamer 06:50 - Carrie is such a loser. Her grammar sucks! XD
RadicalDreamer 06:59 - ...
RadicalDreamer 06:59 - Lies. D8< I said no such thing.
LadyRushia 06:59 - XDD
RadicalDreamer 06:59 - I've been drawing. XD
CrimsonRyu17 06:59 - xD
ShatterheartArk 07:00 - Uh huh. Chris, am I lieing?
AziertheSwordsman 07:00 - No. She really said that.
RadicalDreamer 07:00 - You're not lieing, Steve. You're lying.
** MESSAGE FROM SYSTEM: Attempting to gag RadicalDreamer... Success.
CrimsonRyu17 07:00 - HAHAHAHA.
LadyRushia 07:00 - XDDDD
ShatterheartArk 07:00 - Yet my ability to spell gag never seems to go away
AziertheSwordsman 07:00 - FTW
Denimcat 07:00 - ..........

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:27 pm
by Doubleshadow
RadicalDreamer 08:04 - Az, why would you set my childhood Korean friend on fire?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:48 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
Mithrandir 08:37 - Wanna see something funny?
RadicalDreamer 08:37 - Really.
sparx00 08:38 - Well thats cool.
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - Yes.
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - XD
sparx00 08:38 - Yes
sparx00 08:38 - please
Fluffy pink bunny rabbit 08:38 - sure
Mithrandir 08:38 - Wait 'till ark comes back.
08:38 - A chime sounds at the front door. KeybladeWarrior enters the chat.
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - A
sparx00 08:38 - Ooohhhhhhh
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - S
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - DFGJDSKGSJDLGSDJG
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - MITH
Fluffy pink bunny rabbit 08:38 - ...Wow.
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - WINNER IS YOU.
CrimsonRyu17 08:38 - Yooooo.
sparx00 08:38 - THATS AN AWESOME NAME!!!!
ShatterheartArk 08:38 - I uh. I think I'm gonna go kill myself.
KeybladeWarrior 08:38 - Yo
RadicalDreamer 08:38 - HAHAHA.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:41 am
by ShiroiHikari
Epic. Win.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:57 am
by RidleyofZebes
Huh. I have something to contribute, but it's from 2007-12-02... Would've posted it here back then, but didn't know about this.
ShatterheartArk blows soda out his nose
Shao_Zeng 05:58 - nice ark :|
CrimsonRyu17 05:58 - D:
CrimsonRyu17 05:58 - Ark's snorting Coke!
Shao_Zeng 05:58 - good
RidleyofZebes 05:58 - XD
ShatterheartArk 05:59 - Nothing like a coked up moderator.
KhakiBlueSocks 06:00 - Isn't coke Great, Ark-san?
ShatterheartArk 06:00 - cocaine and yogurt. I am untouchable.
ShatterheartArk 06:03 - Crimson, I don't know what to do. My butt just feel asleep.
ShatterheartArk 06:03 - I may this very chair.
KhakiBlueSocks 06:03 - I would come and save you, but I'm just so lazy right now.
KhakiBlueSocks throws a remote at Ark
CrimsonRyu17 06:03 - Dude!
ShatterheartArk 06:03 - Crimson I DONT KNOW AHT TO DOAHHH
ShatterheartArk is hit with remote and falls from chair
CrimsonRyu17 06:04 - Somebody! CPR!
ShatterheartArk 06:04 - my butt is saved!
ShatterheartArk blows coke out of his nose again
ShatterheartArk overdoses on cocacola and falls on the floor
Shao_Zeng 06:10 - coke is good