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Postby Ingemar » Fri May 18, 2007 7:17 pm

Eaglestrike wrote:It would be possible for next season to just have a Peter vs Sylar plotline with each of them running around the country after powers (Sylar after powers to defeat Peter, Peter after Sylar even though he doesn't have the battle experience yet to finish him off) and that just be a secondary plotline that shows for a section of each episode or two, with another plotline going with other characters and a new plot and such.
If it comes to that, Then I will never watch the show again, even if they come up with a completely whacky revelation like Hiro actually being Ando's father and so forth.

It went from "ordinary people with extraordinary abilities" to "Sylar vs. Peter part N".
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sat May 19, 2007 11:44 am

So we are led to believe that Mr. Nakamura was one of the Originals.Not only that he was aware of Hiro's abilities all the time!?
Ummm...wouldn't it had been a bit easier if he had told Hiro that EARLIER!!!!
And just why would Sylar want to kill Ando?I mean Ando's no more than a pest.
Yeah he wants to kill Sylar for Hiro,but with Sylar's continual absorption of the others' powers it would seem to me that killing Ando would be a bit of overkill(excuse pun)even for someone like Sylar and besides Ando DOESN'T have any
powers for Sylar to absorb so why kill the guy?
Actually what was interesting about this week's episode was the fact that it
pays tribute to George Takei's character of Sulu in an offhanded way.Remember
Sulu was a weapons otaku and his favorite hobby in Star Trek was collecting
all sorts of weapons.In 'Shore Leave' he even spent a lot of time drooling over a
handgun he finds laying around.
Mr.Nakamura certainly seems to have a similiar interest,at least when it comes to swords.Note the fine workmanship of the sword he unsheathes.This isn't the type of weapon an amateur would buy but rather someone who is a true connesiuer
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Postby Eaglestrike » Sat May 19, 2007 9:56 pm

That's not really that hard to imagine. If you watch Smallville the same thing happens with certain characters there about them knowing the truth but acting completely different. For a while Hiro was a complete wuss, he would not have been capable of doing anything with his power except getting killed, but now he's shown that even if he's a wuss he's going to try anyway, his father recognizes that and is now coming clean to help him fulfill his goal. Motivation is very important and it's generally a lot stronger if it comes from inside instead of what someone tells you. Hiro has journeyed far to get to where he is and learned much while his father kept him in the dark, and for the better, imo.

Sylar's killed people that get in his way, Ando would be getting in his way, so Sylar will kill him.

Also remember that Mrs. Petrelli still knows a LOT more than she has been telling everyone, and she still hasn't come clean about it. I was watching the marathon on Sci-Fi earlier and saw the conversation about her telling Nathan not to meet Claire and to just wire the money, it turns out she is hiding Claire! But she hides that from him. Many people in situations like that don't believe honesty is the safest policy.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon May 21, 2007 10:14 pm

[spoiler]AMAZING episode.

EVERYONE (except Matt?) got a chance to showcase their powers for the final showdown.

Does anyone smell a future romance between Micah and Molly?

I don't think Peter is dead (it was said somewhere that Milo V. is signed up for the second season) because of his regeneration. Nathan MIGHT be dead but it is possible for him to survive--all he has to do is fly far away enough from any populous area, drop off Peter, and fly away--he *IS* quite fast.

Sylar.... is taking cues from Darth Vader? Come on, even Sylar can't top that level of ur-evilness. Yes, he survived, but he will have one hell of a recovery time. The only thing he has going for him is that people think he is dead.

And yes, I know what you are all thinking--
1. Will Hiro destroy the future?
2. What is the nature of Peter's dream (my personal theory, though far-fetched--Sanjog Iyer had a part to play in it)?
4. Noah Bennet?[/spoiler]
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Postby Eaglestrike » Tue May 22, 2007 3:29 am

In response to Ingemar's list:
1) More importantly, is that guy in black Hiro's father.
2) When will Peter return to his dream and find out the "truth"?
3) No idea, obviously the season 2 villain. Peter will probably be busy wanting to finish off Sylar and others will need to band together to get the other guy.
4) lol

Oh and the comics will continue throughout the summer, so that's awesome.
Anime watched: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Claymore, Lucky Star, Full Metal Alchemist, Trigun, Elfen Lied, Card Captor Sakura, FLCL, Death Note, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Mai Hime, Mai Otome. <3 them all
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Tue May 22, 2007 1:03 pm

[spoiler]Not bad, not bad at all. It definitely wasn't as mind blowing as Company Man or Five Years Gone but it resolved some plot points and set up some interesting plotlines for the next season. I still think they should have had a two hour finale >_<


-Why the heck was NY so empty? It was an eerie effect but I'm thinking the stakes would have seemed higher if any of the innocent bystanders had been visible, even just wandering through in the background. The city practically looked evacuated.

-The Sylar/Peter fight was a little anticlimatic. Some people were griping about Peter smacking Sylar around rather than using his powers, but I chose to believe he was channelling some of Niki's superstrength in doing so. I do think that Peter's near explosion could've been more on par with Ted's in Company Man, which seemed more dramatic overall.

-So first Ma Petrelli practically abducts Claire and then decides that she isn't worth chasing after one window swandive? Make up your mind woman!

The Good

-Molly and Micah = OTP. Once they're older of course ^^

-YES for Hiro in feudal Japan. This could be interesting.

-Thank goodness Niki seems to have worked things out with Jessica. It's about time!

-I was actually really scared for Ando, even though I'm hoping that he'll back off and try to stay out of trouble next season. And I really hope Matt lives :/

-HAHA Noah. That actually stunned me but it kinda works. Out of the hundred names I guessed that one totally wasn't on my list :grin:

I was dissapointed though that Nathan's attempt at replicating Iron Giant didn't get me all worked up. I was bawling at the end of Company Man but for some reason Peter and Nathan exploding provoked more of a 'oh, well that's that then' reaction.[/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Sat May 26, 2007 9:52 am

All right, all right... what was the lowest point for Sylar this Season?

-Getting abducted by the Company
-His adventures with Mohinder
-Killing his mom
-the last episode.

Personally I would say his adventures with Mohinder because of all the slash fiction it inspired. And fake or not, Mohinder drove him to tears :p
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun May 27, 2007 1:01 pm

I think the ending of volume 1 suggests that Sylar will be back in the future.Note the trail of blood that led into the sewer.

Oh my gosh!I can't believe how really fouled up Hiro's direction ended up in the end.Did you notice how instead of the present or future he ended up in the PAST?
I wonder if that lone samurai was Kensei.It will be interesting to find out when
Generations begins vol.2.

As Kagome said in the pilot Inuyasha episode 'The Girl Who Overcame Time And
The Boy Who Was Simply Overcome' :"It doesn't look like we're in Tokyo any more

It's just too bad Hiro didn't end up about 100 years earlier then he might have had a chance to meet Oda Nobunga!
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Sep 03, 2007 1:51 pm

I truly hope Sylar doesn't come back. The show needs more villains. Oh, and I just thought I'd revive this thread since we have 4 more weeks before the new season!
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