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Postby raider~joseph » Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:48 am

Did anyone see the Mad (of cartoon network) parody of MLP? Seriously Alfred would be ashamed of you cartoon network. I don't care HOW well referenced your jokes are IT'S NOT FUNNY DANG IT! Did the same thing to Scott pilgrim...poor kid.
The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Felix » Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:25 am

I saw it... didn't think it was very funny, but it's kinda cool that ponies are seeping into pop culture more and more.

I've seen that Italian into. It's very awesome! I kind of love our intro though. It's short, catchy, and awkwardly girly in the best way possible. I love the dichotomy between the saccharine, girly intro and the rest of each episode.
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Postby raider~joseph » Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:42 pm

The orbital friendship cannon is gone. But its LEGACY LIVES ON IN US!

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Postby Twister980 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:58 pm

Posted a new part of my story on My Stories Thread.
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:35 pm

raider~joseph (post: 1533743) wrote:


Makes me proud to be a brony.

Aaw, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Long live you bronies. :)
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Postby Felix » Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:44 am

Today's episode was so good! Probably my favorite of season 2 (though that's hard because there have been so many good ones lately!) and possibly my favorite of the whole show, and definitely my favorite Pinkie Pie episode!

[spoiler]FOUR SONGS! FOUR! And four evers! XD That first song was so stinking epic. And all of the crazy 4th wall-breaking madness by Pinkie Pie. And the 80s style montage at the very beginning. And the continuity! The cake twins, and Rainbow Dash was reading a Daring Do book. I think Derpy made an appearance in the snow-globe too, or at least the chat said so, but I missed it. Everything about this episode was great![/spoiler]
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Postby Twister980 » Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:23 am

Haven't finished watching the episode yet, but I was like "IT'S ABOUT TIME. SMILE SMILE SMILE WAS LEAKED MONTHS AGO." xDD

Okay, as of now, that's on my top favorite Season 2 episodes.

May the Best Pet Win is one.
Secret of my Excess, Baby Cakes, Family Appreciation Day,
Read it and Weep, and a Friend in Deed.
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Postby Felix » Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:28 am

I never knew that the song was leaked and had never heard it before the episode, which I'm glad for, because it was definitely a fantabulous surprise that made me smile, smile, smile. :)

Edit: I don't know if it has been this way for a while and I just never noticed until now, but during this episode I really noticed just how well animated Pinkie was. Especially her little curly bang in her hair. That part of her hair was very alive and would kind of swirl and bounce and curl back up as she moved around. I have never noticed it doing that before. It seems like the animators are just getting better and better with every episode, and starting to animate more little details that makes the whole thing more fluid and alive. I am also loving the expressions lately. It seems like the range of expressions is just getting broader and broader, and I love it.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:26 am

Well Pinkie won me over, she is now my most favourite pony. She's just been so amazing and wonderful in this season. And Felix said it all in his spoiler post, yet another fantastic episode and the Derpy appearance was awesome.
I knew the song was leaked, but I was able to completely avoid it until now. And I'm glad I did, it was worth the wait. I'm also glad that EqD never posted any content about it. Also I suspect we're going to get a flood of mixes of it, now that it's officially out.(or already have, I haven't looked past EqD's episode post yet to keep from spoilers)

On a side note. I've also been able to catch up on all the brony stuff happening this week. Bronies reacting to a reaction, I bet they didn't see that coming.:lol:

Long edit:
Let's have a little survey to see what we like about the season so far (inspired by Twister;)):

Two most favourite episodes:
-Baby cakes (there's just something about Pinkie and flour)
-Sisterhooves social (I love this type of episodes)

Favourite song:
-Smile smile smile (SSCS6K is very close second with 'The kind of pony everypony should know', and Pinkie's piggy song always gets stuck in my head.)

Best pony so far this season (We'll excuse Fluttershy and Scootaloo for now, and being biased is completely acceptable)
-Pinkie Pie

Which other pony would you like to see shaded/discorded/greyed?:evil:
-Sweetie Belle

Feel free to add if you want to know something.
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Postby Felix » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:02 pm

2 favorite episodes so far:
- Read it and Weep (I'm a huge book nerd and I just loved this one)
- Hearts and Hooves Day (for some reason this one just cracked me up in so many ways)
Now that I think about it, I might be biased because I watched these episodes more recently and they're fresher in my brain, but you said bias is acceptable, soooo......

Favourite song:
- Right now I'd have to say that Smile is my favorite, although the Find a Pet song comes in a very close second. Something about that one just reminds me of classic Disney combined with a broadway musical.

Best pony:
- Pinkie Pie. She has definitely stolen the spotlight in terms of humor and zaniness this season, especially in Hearths Warming Eve and A Friend In Deed. Sweetie Bell is a close second though. She is just too great in Sisterhooves Social and Hearts and Hooves Day.

Pony I'd like to see discorded:
- Luna :)

What in Equestria would you most like to learn more about?
- I'd like to learn more about the Alicorns, where they came from, if there are more than just Luna and Celestia, etc. And I'd also like to know more about the history of the ruins where the elements of harmony were when Twilight found them, and how they got there. I'd also like to find out more about the Griffin species, where they live and what they do. Are there more griffins than just Gilda? There's so much history and mythology in this world that the writers could explore. I hope they do!
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Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:43 am

Felix wrote:Pony I'd like to see discorded:
- Luna

Didn't even think of that.:)(I wonder if she turns into the shy, silent Luna everyone thought she'd be)

What in Equestria would you most like to learn more about?
-Would definitely like to learn more about the royal pony sisters and their castle. I would also like to learn more about the main six families, especially Twilight and Pinkie Pie. And I would really like to learn more about Scootaloo.
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Postby Twister980 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:52 am

Felix (post: 1534347) wrote:Pony I'd like to see discorded:
- Luna :)

What in Equestria would you most like to learn more about?
- I'd like to learn more about the Alicorns, where they came from, if there are more than just Luna and Celestia, etc. And I'd also like to know more about the history of the ruins where the elements of harmony were when Twilight found them, and how they got there. I'd also like to find out more about the Griffin species, where they live and what they do. Are there more griffins than just Gilda? There's so much history and mythology in this world that the writers could explore. I hope they do!

Okay, in my opinion she was partly discorded when she became Nightmare Moon. The Alicorn's are an almost extinct race, I believe. There is maybe one small clan left.

Oh, and one more thing.

Discorded Doctor Hooves is scary.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:42 am

Twister980 (post: 1534379) wrote:Okay, in my opinion she was partly discorded when she became Nightmare Moon. The Alicorn's are an almost extinct race, I believe. There is maybe one small clan left.

Oh, and one more thing.

Discorded Doctor Hooves is scary.

That is your opinion and I'm fine with that, but because it's fanon and not canon I have opinions that may differ from yours.
Although we like to think that their was something else involved in Luna turning to Nightmare Moon (I do too, but not Discord, I find that a bit cliché) there is no reason why she couldn't have turned into Nigtmare because of her jealousy alone. And if Discord couldn't break free until after Luna and Celestia lost their link with the Elements of Harmony, then Luna shouldn't have been able to be influenced by Discord (The Elements cleansed Twilight and her friends from Discord's power (or their friendship did, but the two are linked right?) so it couldn't have happened before Discord was sealed)
And who's to say that the Alicorns are a race at all (Blueblood is Celestia's nephew after all), I believe any pony can become an Alicorn and that Celestia is grooming Twilight to be her successor.


Did you see discorded Derpy? Epic.
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Postby Felix » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:08 am

Perhaps we will find more out about the Alicorns when the new princess shows up... until then, it's all guesswork and fanon, since a negligible amount of canon has been released on the subject. I think the idea that Celestia could be grooming Twilight as her replacement ruler/deity/whatever is plausible, though I had never even thought about that until you brought it up, Bio. Definitely an interesting idea! But I hope that doesn't happen any time soon, because that would mean the show would probably be over, since Twilight will have learned everything there is to learn about the magic of friendship!

As far as Nightmare Moon, I agree with Bio that Discord probably wasn't involved in Luna's fall. It was her own jealousy that ultimately got her sent to the moon by Tro- excuse me, Celestia. And I imagine she wasn't quite so despotic at the beginning of her exile, but being alone on the moon for a thousand years, wallowing in spite, probably just made her angrier and eviler.

That Discorded Derpy comic was the best. Here's the link for anyone who missed it: Link

...Shameless PMV plug: Link
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Postby Twister980 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:39 am

Bio_Plus (post: 1534384) wrote:That is your opinion and I'm fine with that, but because it's fanon and not canon I have opinions that may differ from yours.
Although we like to think that their was something else involved in Luna turning to Nightmare Moon (I do too, but not Discord, I find that a bit cliché) there is no reason why she couldn't have turned into Nigtmare because of her jealousy alone. And if Discord couldn't break free until after Luna and Celestia lost their link with the Elements of Harmony, then Luna shouldn't have been able to be influenced by Discord (The Elements cleansed Twilight and her friends from Discord's power (or their friendship did, but the two are linked right?) so it couldn't have happened before Discord was sealed)
And who's to say that the Alicorns are a race at all (Blueblood is Celestia's nephew after all), I believe any pony can become an Alicorn and that Celestia is grooming Twilight to be her successor.


Did you see discorded Derpy? Epic.

Well, What I meant with Luna being evil was because Discord talked to her. He didn't hypnotize her. Because she was already jealous.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:27 pm

Thanks for the link Felix.:thumb: I can't wait to see your new pmv (on low bandwidth right now though.:()

Luna becoming jealous because of what Discord had said to her in the past is an interesting idea, but it's also very vague. As I said, there is no reason why Luna couldn't have become jealous all on her own. Unless you really want discord to have had a claw in it, then you can say it's because of something he said. It's all just a matter of opinion, it's fanon.
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Postby Felix » Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:49 pm

No prob!

Hmm... it's an intriguing idea. What I'm sort of picturing now is a scenario like this:

When Discord ruled Equestria and Luna and Celestia joined together to overthrow him, perhaps Luna had already been harboring some jealous thoughts towards her sister. Call it little sister syndrome if you will. But she put those thoughts aside because she recognized the need to work with Celestia and take him down. Despite her mild jealousy at that point, there was still harmony between the two sisters.

And then, during the fight with Discord, perhaps Discord got Luna alone at one point and was able to somewhat catalyze her jealous thoughts. Discord seems to have an innate ability to recognize any pony's weakness and hit them where it hurts, so he probably knew about Luna's insecurities and decided to attack her there. Perhaps he tempted her to betray Celestia then, but I think her love for her sister was still strong enough at that point that she resisted. Despite Discord's attempts to poison her mind, she stayed true and she and Celestia joined together with the elements of harmony and defeated him.

Years and years of peace later, some part of Discord's poison could have still been festering within Luna. Perhaps whatever he said to her before was still haunting her, and she thought that their might be some truth to it, especially now that she was ruling with Celestia and Celestia seemed to be taking all of the day time glory. I think Luna's own jealousy was very much present, but perhaps it never would have come to a boil if not for Discord's divisive words to her years earlier.

That's just my own personal fanon scenario, anyway. I think it would be really cool if they did a full flashback episode that showed the whole struggle between the two sisters and Discord. It'd be even cooler if they made a sort of separate movie out of it... maybe a straight-to-DVD release kind of thing (although theaters would be way better. Can you imagine watching pony in a theater? o.o)
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Postby Nate » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:29 pm

Bio_Plus wrote:Although we like to think that their was something else involved in Luna turning to Nightmare Moon

If I'm not mistaken, Lauren Faust posted on her dA that Luna was being controlled by something or someone when she was Nightmare Moon, and it was not due to her feelings alone.

Also, the guy who voiced Cranky also voiced Rhinox from Beast Wars. Now that I think about it, this is the second Beast Wars VA that's been in the series.

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Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:59 pm

If I'm not mistaken, Lauren Faust posted on her dA that Luna was being controlled by something or someone when she was Nightmare Moon, and it was not due to her feelings alone.

Didn't know about that.

In that case let me throw in an idea that I always picture when I see episode 2. After Luna is defeated we see a close up of her armour and some energy leaving it before the camera pans towards Luna. What if it was the armour that was corrupting her? Can we link that to Discord?

That's just my own personal fanon scenario, anyway. I think it would be really cool if they did a full flashback episode that showed the whole struggle between the two sisters and Discord. It'd be even cooler if they made a sort of separate movie out of it... maybe a straight-to-DVD release kind of thing (although theaters would be way better. Can you imagine watching pony in a theater? o.o)

My little pony in theatres?:wow!: I can't wait to see the rows upon rows of bronies lining up and asking eachother who they thought was best pony. It will be awesome!
There's just so many ideas that they can use to make a movie that I don't know which one I want them to make first.

More long edits:
Love the new video Felix and Scootaloo ftw, that was synced in really well.

This is it! The pmv that's been messing up my schedule the last few weeks.

Tips for making pmv editing really hard for youself:
Use a original pony song (you know you're going to be criticized no matter what)
Use a technique you're still not very good at (like masking)
Use a character that is only featured in two episodes very briefly.

Sometimes I hear a song I really like to make a video with, this time it just happen to be original pony music. I just love the Living Tombstone's Octavia's Overture and I hope I at least did it a little justice.
Enjoy: PMV Octavia's Overture
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Postby Twister980 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:45 am

Bio_Plus (post: 1534445) wrote:Didn't know about that.

In that case let me throw in an idea that I always picture when I see episode 2. After Luna is defeated we see a close up of her armour and some energy leaving it before the camera pans towards Luna. What if it was the armour that was corrupting her? Can we link that to Discord?

My little pony in theatres?:wow!: I can't wait to see the rows upon rows of bronies lining up and asking eachother who they thought was best pony. It will be awesome!
There's just so many ideas that they can use to make a movie that I don't know which one I want them to make first.

Okay, so maybe Discord really does have some part in this...

Oh, and:

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Postby Felix » Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:37 am

@Bio: You did great with that PMV! I know first-hand that masking is really tough, so well done! Especially with that heart teardrop at the very end. You certainly did make it hard on yourself, and the lack of true Octavia footage did make some of the video a little bit repetitive, but there's really not much you can do about that. You had enough different footage in there that it kept it fresh and interesting pretty much the whole time. Nicely done with a difficult subject/song!

On a personal note, I have never really quite understood the fandom's fascination with Octavia, considering how little she has actually appeared and how none of her personality has really been revealed. I do love the cello though, so I can see why people would like her just because she plays that.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:09 am

On a personal note, I have never really quite understood the fandom's fascination with Octavia, considering how little she has actually appeared and how none of her personality has really been revealed. I do love the cello though, so I can see why people would like her just because she plays that.

I really don't know. I heard some talk that, because of her colour, she might potentially be one of Pinkie Pie's sisters (fanon rumours and wishes of course, and highly unlikely), but if her popularity was sparked by this or it came after that, I don't know. I liked background ponies like Hidden Berry, Doctor Whooves and Daisy from their appearances in the show just fine. But if it weren't for the fandom I probably wouldn't have given ponies like Octavia, Lyra or Colgate a second glance and yet now I like most of these ponies. I guess it helps to have good PR.:lol:

Thanks for the encouraging words Felix.:grin:
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Postby Felix » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:41 pm

Ah, that makes sense! That would be cool. I watched the Cutie Mark Chronicles last night and I was thinking about that when looking at Pinkie's sisters. It's possible I suppose! But unlikely. I wonder how Pinkie ended up pink, anyway? It defies all logic, but then again, so does she. I do enjoy all the side character attention, but I don't always understand where it comes from. But that's okay :) I mean, My Little Pony seemed to come from nowhere too, so that just must be how things work in this fandom.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:08 pm

The pony zone?

Maybe this is all Lyra's doing after all. In her quest to find humans she has actually made a portal to our world. This has nothing to do with us wanting ponies. They are invading us!:wow!: They are cleansing the earth with friendship to make it acceptable for them to live in.

(Yes, it is past my bedtime and I should probably go to sleep.:sweat:)
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Postby Felix » Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:19 pm

You know... I would be pretty okay with that :) Maybe that's how God has chosen to destroy the world, since He said He wouldn't use a flood again. This time He's going to use ponies and kill us with cuteness.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:54 am

This is going to be the best 'end of the world' EVER!:grin:
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Postby Felix » Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:14 pm


I had too much time on my hands the last couple days, so here's another PMV already. Disney and MLP is a good combination in any book.

Also, this could be the greatest work of art I have ever seen.
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Postby Bio_Plus » Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:31 pm

That's some really great editing Felix, lip-syncing and everything. But I couldn't really get into it,:sniffle: I guess it's only natural we don't always like the same things, yet the editor in me just wants to keep watching. And Twi walking up to the window with stars was just beautiful, I like watching stars.

I'm trying a piece with lip-sync, but I just don't have the patience at the moment.:( So I'll probably move that back for now.

And my pony Star Wars collection grows larger! Why does ponies go so well with everything?
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Postby Felix » Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:58 pm

You're quite right, everyone has their own tastes! I just wanted to try something different with this one. In each video I make I try to stretch myself in some new direction with my editing. For the Love Addict video I played with text. This time I played a lot with chroma key and lip syncing. My next one is going to be pretty fun, especially if you're a Zelda fan like me :)

It's true that it takes a lot of patience to do lip-syncing. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so picky about it.

It certainly does go good with everything, it seems! Pony + Star Wars is one of the best, but ponies + Zelda is still my favorite combo. Yep... I'm a Zelda junkie...

Edit: For example, I stayed up until 2:30 last night making this. It could be my greatest creation ever.
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Postby Twister980 » Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:20 pm

I am so angry at Hasbro.

They took the Last Round Up off of ITunes, edited it so Rainbow Dash didn't call Derpy Derpy. (FYI The voice actress who did RD, said she wouldn't redo her lines.) And had someone else do lines for Derpy.

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