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PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:55 pm
by Solid Ronin
The Doctor wrote:But please, Steven, make my dreams come true and BRING BACK ROMANA!!!! (original Who fans will know who she is, and might agree with me)


Also I hear talk of not liking The Daleks. I have no concept of accepting others opinions.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 11:35 pm
by ich1990
I am personally past season 4, working on the specials. I have been taking them slow, though, because I don't want Tennant to leave just yet. I am sure I will get used to the new guy eventually, but Doc Shock is still plenty painful.

My only complaint about the show so far is that the female companions are generally obnoxious. Martha Jones is the best, although I wouldn't exactly call her great. I would totally be up for bringing back Ramona (cause she can do stuff) or even (season four spoilers) [spoiler]The Doctor's daughter.[/spoiler]
Cognitive Gear (post: 1445167) wrote:That's good to hear. I am currently watching episode five of season one, and so far it just hasn't done much for me at all. It has been slowly getting better, so I am hoping that it continues to do so.
It does. I think season one tried to be a little too much like the old series during its initial episodes. Thankfully, the quality goes up and the cheese factor goes down as the season progresses.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:08 am
by Radical Dreamer
Just watched the first episode of series 1.

bigsleepj (post: 1445151) wrote:(barring the season pilot, which I hate with all my soul).

Understood entirely. XD

I am going to soldier on, though. XD It will be difficult to make it to the better episodes after starting with series 5 and its characters and amazing finale, but I am looking forward to getting there. XD

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:29 am
by mysngoeshere56
I've watched a couple episodes of it. It's not my favorite show, but it's a good one (from what I've seen so far). A bit strange for me... but hey, I think *most* sci-fi is a bit strange for me. XD I still think it's a fun show, though.

I really should get back to watching it...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:28 am
by bigsleepj
Radical Dreamer (post: 1445246) wrote:I am going to soldier on, though. XD It will be difficult to make it to the better episodes after starting with series 5 and its characters and amazing finale, but I am looking forward to getting there. XD

One thing you got to remember with the first series is that they had a relatively small budget to work with (and more than half of the series budget was put into the second episode, which is one of the best in the series but kind of flawed). Russel T Davies, who oversaw the first four seasons and in-between 'specials', is still finding his feet in terms of tone and structure (and the tone of the first seasons are so radically different from the fifth that some have found it jarring with Matt Smith and Steve Moffat's take on the material). It was the success of the first that lead to the series getting bigger budgets, and subsequently more adventurous and cinematic.

Here's my favourite episodes from Series One.

• The End of the World (Episode 2)
• The Unquiet Dead
• Dalek
• Father's Day
• The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances (best in the season!!!!!!!)
• The Two Part Season Finale

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:38 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
Personally, as far as my feelings for season one goes, I liked the second half a lot, starting with The Long Game. The Long Game is probably my favorite episode before the last three, and where the series stops acting quite as goofy. My biggest problems was you had these goofy villains and suddenly people were dying and everyone was acting really seriously, and I couldn't tell what the tone was supposed to be. It's hard to fear for the end of the world when the villains are constantly farting. Even the first Dalek episode didn't quite do it for me, so it surprised me how much better they were used in the finale.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:37 am
by bigsleepj
I was deeply disappointed by "The Long Game". It had Simon Pegg, and that's about it. And not in a very good role. [spoiler]And a rather random villain stuck to the roof.[/spoiler]
No, I just don't like it.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 12:38 pm
by battletech
Doctor Who Christmas special this Saturday at 9:00pm EST on BBCAmerica.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 3:11 pm
by FllMtl Novelist
I can't wait! :D

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:29 am
by c.t.,girl
*_* Yes I Love Doctor Who...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:22 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
So I just watched the first episode of season two and I'm surprised people don't talk about David Tennant at all. He's pretty good.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:42 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Really? I was under the impression that David Tennant was a major fan favorite. XD I've certainly heard he's better than Eccleston, and also that a lot of people like him more than Matt Smith. Not sure if that'll be the case for me, since I started with the 11th Doctor, but I think I'll enjoy the Tennant episodes a great deal. XD

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:48 am
by bigsleepj
Mr. Hat'n'Clogs (post: 1446138) wrote:So I just watched the first episode of season two and I'm surprised people don't talk about David Tennant at all. He's pretty good.

Everybody likes David Tennant. Nobody mentions him because they are still getting over the shock of him leaving the series. Thanks for stirring up those painful memories.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:34 pm
by Mr. Hat'n'Clogs
Radical Dreamer (post: 1446143) wrote:Really? I was under the impression that David Tennant was a major fan favorite. XD I've certainly heard he's better than Eccleston, and also that a lot of people like him more than Matt Smith. Not sure if that'll be the case for me, since I started with the 11th Doctor, but I think I'll enjoy the Tennant episodes a great deal. XD
It was sarcasm. I don't think I've ever had a Doctor Who conversation without him being mentioned.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:40 pm
by Cognitive Gear
I just finished the first Tennant season. So far, he's pretty good. My biggest complaint is that the companion, Rose, is terribly bland and boring. The romance angle made no sense to me at all. I'm hoping that she goes away for good and that they replace her with someone more interesting soon. She really is the low point of the series for me.

To go back a few posts, I would agree that Eccelson's Doctor is very good, but he is unfortunately trapped within a season that suffered from a multitude of problems. I hope that they find a way to bring him back for more stories.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:55 pm
by c.t.,girl
:/ aww... i like rose...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 11:23 am
by bigsleepj
Its a bit late for Christmas, but here is a Doctor Who short story written by Paul Cornell, who wrote the season one episode Father's Day and the season three two-parter Human Nature / Family of Blood. Despite being a very dark, heavy episode Family of Blood is possibly one of my favourite Doctor Who episodes. Nothing about it has anything to do with this short story, so don't worry about spoilers.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:13 pm
by ich1990
Just finished the specials. In a day or two I will work up the courage to watch the first episode with the new poser. I mean the new Doctor.

Cognitive Gear (post: 1446256) wrote:I just finished the first Tennant season. So far, he's pretty good. My biggest complaint is that the companion, Rose, is terribly bland and boring. The romance angle made no sense to me at all. I'm hoping that she goes away for good and that they replace her with someone more interesting soon. She really is the low point of the series for me.

Well, it is sad to say but all of the female companions (excluding some of the ones in the specials) are pretty terrible. At least for the first four seasons. Rose was probably the worst. The best thing she had going for her was that she was plain looking. It takes a lot of guts for a show to cast a not-exceptionally-pretty person as the main female.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:47 pm
by K. Ayato
Missed the Christmas special. No cable!!! :(

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:06 am
by Warrior 4 Jesus
The best thing she had going for her was that she was plain looking. It takes a lot of guts for a show to cast a not-exceptionally-pretty person as the main female.

Not especially strange for British TV. They often have ordinary-looking, even ugly people on their series. It lends an air of realism and depth not found in much of American TV.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:29 pm
by Cognitive Gear
I have officially seen the end of the tenth Doctor.

Tennant was a pretty good Doctor, though I came away from the series disappointed in how his death and final specials were handled by the writer.

[spoiler] I felt that the Tenth Doctor had a lot of dignity, but that he lost it when facing his death. It could just be that my personal preference is that heroes go down with dignity, especially when they die as a result of their core moral values, but it really struck me as being out of character.

Otherwise, I felt that the return of the Time Lords was a great story idea, especially given how they were corrupted by war. It was just unfortunate the the plotting to get there was done through a whole bunch of elements that should have been introduced in the series leading up to it. I also felt that giving the Master superpowers was incredibly odd, and kind of a waste of what I consider to be one of the most interesting villains of the Davies era. (Yes, the Master comes from the old series, but is only the same in the way that the Doctor is the same) [/spoiler]

Overall, I can definitely understand why people have such heavy Doc Shock with the change to Matt Smith. It's a very different character, and a very different show. I would have to say that it was for the best, but I can definitely understand why people love Tennant so much.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:10 pm
by goldenspines
Cognitive Gear (post: 1448752) wrote: Overall, I can definitely understand why people have such heavy Doc Shock with the change to Matt Smith. It's a very different character, and a very different show. I would have to say that it was for the best, but I can definitely understand why people love Tennant so much.
This could be said of almost every regeneration of the Doctor. More notably the fourth and tenth Doctors since they were around the longest, so fans got more of an opportunity to get attached to them. I don't think Matt being different caused the shock as much as people being thrown into the unknown of a new Doctor after they had grown to know and love Tennant so much (for many, he was their "first Doctor"). But Matt is not too much different from Tennant, actually. XD Though he's different enough and that's how the show works.
Also, yeah, the ending for the Tenth Doctor could have been much much better. Davies must have been getting tired or something. XP
But I agree with you, it all works out for the best. Otherwise, Doctor Who would not be as successful as it is.

Side note: Finally had a chance to watch the new Christmas special. Fantastic job. It was clever to use the plot from A Christmas Carol.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:18 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Finished season one last night! I'm glad I watched it, and I am also glad that it is over. XD I grew to like Eccleston as the Doctor, but it took a good six to eight episodes for him to get to a place in the role where I felt like he was the Doctor. XD Overall, though, the second half of the season was much better than the first (and the two Moffat episodes were fantastiiiicccc!). Also, I cannot wait until Rose leaves this show. Oh my goodness she is the most obnoxious person. XD Her mother is also obnoxious. XD I'm excited to start watching some Tennant episodes in the next few days though!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:09 pm
by ich1990
Cognitive Gear (post: 1448752) wrote:I have officially seen the end of the tenth Doctor.

Tennant was a pretty good Doctor, though I came away from the series disappointed in how his death and final specials were handled by the writer.

[spoiler]I don't know, I kind of liked how he showed his "human side", let his emotions play out, then looked at the guy in the eyes before saying "it would be an honor" and striding into the irradiated chamber and dying for him. Kind of like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, a moment of sorrow and loss, before duty and acceptance.

As for the The Master and that whole storyline, I agree, it didn't feel like it "clicked" at all. Not like the previous specials and finales at least.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 6:30 pm
by mechana2015
Radical Dreamer (post: 1448794) wrote:Also, I cannot wait until Rose leaves this show. Oh my goodness she is the most obnoxious person. XD Her mother is also obnoxious. XD I'm excited to start watching some Tennant episodes in the next few days though!

Glad to see you likeing it. Rose's family was part of the reason I wasn't nearly as interested in her (or the eccleston season as a whole).

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:16 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
I just finished Season 5. Now I gotta wait for more DVDs, since I don't get BBC America.

I had a bit of trouble settling into the 11th Doctor and Amy, but after a few episodes, they both won me over. I'll be glad to see them again, and Rory as well, in future episodes.
I like how Steven Moffatt handled the Daleks, but I can't say I dig the new look. Bright, Tim Burton-y pastel colors, echh. XP
River Song is turning out great. It's about time the Doctor had something good going for him.

Edit, so I don't have to make a new post for one off-topic statement:
J.D3, your avatar is awesomesauce.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:16 pm
by J.D3
I'm a fan of the David Tennant series, really enjoyed that!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:17 pm
by Cognitive Gear
I just watched the 1996 Doctor Who movie out of curiosity. It wasn't as bad as I feared, and Paul McGann's Doctor was actually really great. It's a real shame that he didn't get his own series.

I suppose that I can always check out the incredible number of comics and books written about his version of the character. :lol:

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 6:10 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Cognitive Gear wrote:I just watched the 1996 Doctor Who movie out of curiosity. It wasn't as bad as I feared, and Paul McGann's Doctor was actually really great. It's a real shame that he didn't get his own series.

I suppose that I can always check out the incredible number of comics and books written about his version of the character. :lol:

Good luck finding 'em, ThinkTank.
Seriously, if you know where to get Eighth Doctor books on the cheap, tell me.

On a related note, I just watched the first two episodes of Torchwood. Loved ep 1, but ep 2 seemed a bit excessive. I'm sure that on the whole it's a solid series.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:07 pm
by Yuki-Anne
Doctor Who is awesome. I love Tennant and still think he is the best doctor, but I also really like the different dimension that Smith has given to the character, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.