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The Last Samurai

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:14 pm
by Tamahome
Hi everyone!! Well I just want to ask to the few peeps who have seen the movie, could you tell me if it was good. This is the only way I can convice my mom to take me to see it or just let me go see it. Thanks I would really be thankful, later.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:00 pm
by Shinja
Tamahome wrote:Hi everyone!! Well I just want to ask to the few peeps who have seen the movie, could you tell me if it was good. This is the only way I can convice my mom to take me to see it or just let me go see it. Thanks I would really be thankful, later.

i thought it was awsome, the best this year easily
there is alot of fighting and blood but not on the level of most movies these days <never see kill bill>. there was language but not alot of it compared to most movies too. and supriseingly there was no sex, none.

mostly just violence and language. also there was alot of japanese religion floating around, but i expected that seein how its in japan and none of the characters are christians.

the worst part was sitting infront of talkers , and getting hit on the way out.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 10:56 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I am laughing hard at your sig Shinja. LOL It is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

Thanks for the info. My son wants to go see it and I don't mind the violence. He plays games that I'm sure are worse. I won't let him see movies with gratuitous sex so I'm glad to hear it has none. We'll probably go this weekend now.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 11:26 pm
by Orange Kitten
true_noir_chloe wrote:I am laughing hard at your sig Shinja. LOL It is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.

I've noticed that the original text was cropped off that picture :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 12:15 am
by Mimichan
I am glad to hear the movie has nothing too offensive in it. This is definitely something I want to see.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:51 am
by Shinja
Orange Kitten wrote:I've noticed that the original text was cropped off that picture :lol:

yeah i didnt like the text just the picture, i thiught the text was crude, but the picture is awsome

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 10:56 am
by Link Antilles
I was going to see it today, but I'm getting over the blasted infernal flu that I've had for the past few days. Anyways, from what I hear, it's pretty good, around the lines of Master and Commander.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 11:35 am
by Shao Feng-Li
im gona see it todaY!!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 1:24 pm
by cbwing0
I'm going to see it in a little over a week. I'm glad that I was right to think that the movie would be good ( I thought so as soon as I saw the trailer), despite the people who said "Tom Cruise as a samurai? That sounds dumb," or something to that effect. :P

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 2:56 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
I'm going to see this tommorow! I can't wait! MUST... :bang: SEE... :bang: IT... :bang: NOW!!! :bang: :bang: :bang:

PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2003 6:22 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
tom cruise made the PERFECT samurai. man you gotta see this! you know surprisingly, it was *that* gory... no limbs flying off or a ton of bloodspray despite the facts it was sword slashing. It was boring for a second. (Of course nature called in the middle of the movie! GAH!!!)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:21 am
by Retten
I just saw it yesterday. It was an awsome movie! I hope its up for movie of the year it definetly got what it takes.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:23 am
by cbwing0
I hope its up for movie of the year it definetly got what it takes.

I'm glad that it is that good. Now I want to see it even more!

At any rate, it does look just "artsy" enough to win movie of the year, just from the previews.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:54 am
by Tet-chan
I am going to see it with my friends in a few days time.
Really looking forward to it

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:34 pm
by Michael
My friend loved it and said it was a lot like RK, I definetly want to see it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:45 pm
by cbwing0
Did anyone else watch the Last Samurai special last night on the History Channel, or the presentation on samurai history that followed it? I did, and they were very informative. :grin:

Fact: many samurai used firearms, although they were hard to come by at the time.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 1:54 pm
by Link Antilles
cbwing0 wrote:Did anyone else watch the Last Samurai special last night on the History Channel, or the presentation on samurai history that followed it? I did, and they were very informative. :grin:

Fact: many samurai used firearms, although they were hard to come by at the time.

I did, I was about to post about that last night, but I doubted anyone watched it. Both were interesting. All I can really say is: I want a Katana!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 2:27 pm
by cbwing0
All I can really say is: I want a Katana!

Most definitely. The sword demonstration on the show was really cool:

"Host: Why are you using these mats for targets?
Swordsmen: Because they are the exact width and consistency of the human neck."


PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:37 pm
by Ashley
All I can really say is: I want a Katana!

Shatterheart has 2 or 3 of them; maybe if you're nice he'll let you gaze upon them for a few moments. ;)

Eh, I'm still not completely sold, but the history nut in me says to give it a try, especially after the rather nice reviews it's gotten. So perhaps when I have time next week I'll go see it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 7:45 pm
by Locke
saw the doc on history channel

they asked the director and Tom cruise if they thought the
movie was history or hollywood and they both said it was history!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:31 am
by cbwing0
Shatterheart has 2 or 3 of them; maybe if you're nice he'll let you gaze upon them for a few moments.

That would be nice. I did just buy a Shinai though (this week, in fact). I kinda want to start off with something that doesn't cost and arm and a leg, and that doesn't have a high probablility of removing the aforementioned limbs from my body. :P

My mom says that she also wants to see the movie, so I will probably go see it with her next week after Christmas break starts.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:01 pm
by Yoda47
cbwing0 wrote:Did anyone else watch the Last Samurai special last night on the History Channel, or the presentation on samurai history that followed it?

Yup, I saw both, very good and educational too. ;)

I was going to see the movie Saturday, but went Christmas shopping instead. I hope to go see it sometime this week.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 7:26 pm
by glitch1501

i recommend it to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:40 pm
by cbwing0
I saw the movie yesterday evening, and I have to say that it was excellent. This movie ranks right up there with Braveheart for a compelling, provocative story, good acting, and intense fight scenes. In fact, the fight scenes were better than in Braveheart, because they were much faster (great coreography :thumb:).

I recommed that you all see this, although I will warn you that, if you cry in movies, there is a good chance that you will cry during this one. ;)

Also, when I saw the movie, there were three Japanese people sitting across the aisle from us, and whenever Tom Cruise spoke Japanese, they chuckled. Go figure...I thought he did a good job, but then again, I don't know much Japanese (except now I can say "fire" after having seen the movie :lol: ).

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 5:20 pm
by DragonMaster7
just got back from seein it. unfortunately i had to have my mom with me. -_-;. anyway it was good. but it had FAR too much blood in it.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:38 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
Great movie... GREAT movie. I'm definately buying this on DVD when it comes out.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:51 am
by FireStarter2003
Ohayo brethrens and sistrens,

I've seen The Last Samurai (are you ready for this?), not once, not twice, not even three times...FIVE TIMES!!! I'm thinking that before I return to Portland, OR, for school, I may end up seeing it twice again, for a total of seven (the number of perfection) times, hehehe :P In all honesty, I have really enjoyed the movie. It truly exceeded my expectations of what I was looking for in it. The combat scenes were masterfully crafted (the ninja attack was pretty sweet!). There were also key moments in the film where I was inwardly impacted and touched, and I know that the Lord was giving me insight and revelation through those points in the film. This movie will make you cry, but there will be times when you will laugh as well (gotta have both, right?). Tom Cruise's portrayal of his character, Capt. Nathan Algren, was very genuine and authentic (definitely not a "pretty boy" role), and Watanabe-san as Katsumoto was just awesome. I definitely give my full support and recommendations for anybody to see The Last Samurai, it's well worth it! I know fo' sure that I'm making it a part of my DVD collection when it comes out.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 2:16 am
by Orange Kitten
[quote="DragonMaster7"]just got back from seein it. unfortunately i had to have my mom with me. -_-]

FAR too much blood? Have you seen any war movies? Or any movie with an actual battle scene? Go watch Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, Platoon, Black Hawk Down, etc; I can gaurantee you there is more blood and violence in any of those movies than in Last Samurai.

The movie was very realistic to the amount of blood that would actually come out in a sword fight.

It was definitely not overdone whatsoever.
IMO, they actually kept it down to a minimum for a movie of this genre.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:27 am
by Shao Feng-Li
i tihnk there was only one problem with the movie... Rememeber when the boyys were practicing with the wood swords? ive heard that those arent supoosed to be swords... i think theyre called bokendo... nad are actually weapons themselves... of course that's just what ive heard from one of my sensei who's really good with those thingys

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:31 pm
by Fry-cook-boy
I loved the Last Samurai! I was kind of shocked, because I didn't think anything would beat Pirates of the Caribean except LOTR. I've been really wanting to see it again, but I'm broke. :(