Shinja wrote:doesnt matter, ive lived long enough to see hollywoods portails of the bible and Jesus over and over again, and no matter how acurate they portend to be they all fall quickly to falsehoods and distortions, either for entertainment purposes or for ones personal to the author/creators. any which of these does nothing but give the devil a foothold into a christians life, we're suposed to find biblical truth through the bible (the word of God) and the bible alone not through the entertainments of this world. its dangerous and speaks poorly of us each time one of these movies comes out christians flock to theaters and rave about how great they are without any concern over the biblical truth. i would ask if you do plan to see it dont check your bible in at the door, and decern from it the truth and not allow any false doctrine to influance you.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
silverSky wrote:Hmm I like movies based on christian priniciples or bible themes or narratives. I agree with you Shinja a movie can never and will never replace the Word of God. Because the Word of God is God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit, and movie can't replace that. We find truth in his Word, in him, his Son, his Spirit.
However a movie done right and with the right attention is no different from a song, a poem, a painting, a play or a dance used as an artistic tool to glorify God. God gives us gifts, talents to be used for his honor and glory, to fufil his purposes and his ministry. (Hey even Jesus used parables,stories as a ministring tool ^_^)
I will agree I have seen biblical truths sorely messed up in movies, but I will never say that all the christian movies were bad or are bad. There are some really good ones out there and I usually enjoy watching them because of the message they were conveying and the holy scriptures they were bringing to life.
All said and done you have to let God, his Word be you guide, he is the the lamp to our feet and light unto my path. His Spirit will always speak to your spirit enlighten it when something is not right.
kaemmerite wrote:I'll watch this movie and make my own decisions about it rather than jumping to unfounded conclusions.
mitsuki lover wrote:There is still a lot of misconceptions about the whole Christmas Story,even from the Christian standpoint there are plenty of errors.
For one thing Mary would have been probably no older than 14 or 15 at the time.
For another Joseph may have actually have been considerably older than her.
Probably around 35.He may or may not have been a widower,the Bible doesn't say.
Perhaps it was his first marriage as well.
dyzzispell wrote:Another thing you can add to the list is the December 25 birthdate. No one knows for sure if that is it.
I don't personally like seeing another person portray Jesus in a film. Maybe that's overreacting, but either way, it's my opinion.
DaughterOfZion wrote:a Nativity preview was shown at a christian confrence so id think it would be accurate.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:All I know is that the movie cost around $40 US million to make. So it's not low-budget. Yes, I hope they get it right still.
Kaemmerite wrote:I agree with mech that the only fear I have about this movie is it looking like a low budget production. Most of the Christian movies I've seen aside from The Passion have been...well, sub-par.
Christian music that I've seen have been examples of lower quality. As I said before, there are exceptions though).
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