PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:19 am
Commence your groaning. They've cast Ben Affleck as Batman.
Commence your groaning. They've cast Ben Affleck as Batman.
The place for Christians who like anime.
Yuki-Anne wrote:Yeah, but... he sucked in Pearl Harbor and was completely unmemorable in Paycheck. I haven't found him compelling enough to watch anything else he's ever been in.
Davidizer13 wrote:I thought he was all right in Argo, not super brilliant or memorable, but he did his job pretty well. Then again, I didn't get the hype over Argo anyway - I suspect it got its Oscars more by being a film about a film and therefore playing to stroke the egos of the Academy electorate than being the best of the best. (Not that I could name a better movie from 2012 off the top of my head, but still.)
Xeno wrote:Though he was pretty good in Fight Club.