The great Shamri War

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The great Shamri War

Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:17 am

For all you new comers, I am General Kinder Forak of the honorable Pirma Federation. I have command of the of the entire armada, which consists of the following, and more, ships. The USS Sinar, USS Shalme, USS Dumon, and the USS Malin. We are the flag ships of this armada. We are curently docked at way-station 9, awaiting more officers. Once we have ampel crew members, we will be en-route to a rendezvous point with a small transport ship. the USS Valmen. This asignment is dangerouse in the fact that we must travle throught hostile and turbulant space. There are five hostile races that we must avoid in order to get to the Valmen. They are the Jonmer, Ducranin, Irvraklan, Shinrean, and the Mortiractin. If for any reason we come into contact with these races, you are to report to your battle stations and wait for further commands. The intent of this mission is to travle to the intergalactic ring and travle to the other side of the galaxy to confront a large and leathal band of Raiders.

Raiders are not only space thieves, but they kill at will, and never, NEVER leave survivors. They have attacked and taken over one of our alied systems and are demanding the total and compleate surender of all Federation ships and outposts. This cannot happen.

Please, we need more recrutes to help the Pirma Armada succefuly compleate our mission, so that order will be restored.

When you sign up, please fill out the following sheet.

Desired ship: (any of the obove ships, or Raider ships)
Post aboard ship:
Short personality list:

We need the following: Captains for the other three ships (other than the Sinar), First officer, tactical officer, chief of security, communications officer, repair crews, cheif engineer, engineering staff, fighter piolts, and tactical assalt units(4, comprised of 7 people).

Thank you for joining the fight.

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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:20 pm

this is the picture I came up with for me and the uniform.
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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 1:04 pm

You also have the choice to be a Raider if you so wish. Be warrned that you may be the last of your kind if you so choose.
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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 08, 2008 6:25 pm

General Forak walks onto the buisy bridge on the Sinar and looks around at what is going on. There are people rushing around, readying there stations for departure. Young lutenants were looking a little lost and Colonels were barking orders. One colonel noticed that Forak had stepped in.
"Captain on deck!!" he yelled, making all the officers stop what they were doing and come to attention.
"As you were." Forak said, raising a hand. The bustle continued as if he was not there. Forak went over to the Commander chair and sat down, watching the work go on around him.
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Postby christianfriend » Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:15 pm

Hi Roxas2210~ I just wanted to tell you that before you start an RPG you must wait for members to join, and then PM a Mod and get the rpg approved and posted in the Main RPG section to begin. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me! ^-^ I'll help ya any way I can.

Also, I'm planning on joining this rpg myself!~ :3 I'll post my character soon!
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:38 pm

I fear that this thread is not going anywhere. I would appritiate even one person trying the RPG so that I may see where it will go.


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my characters

Postby Wind » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:20 pm

Rank: Colonel
Name: Riana Skylark
Desired ship: a leader of a raider ship, but not by choice
Post aboard ship: She is the leader of the Raider Ship BloodyHawk
Gender: female
Short personality list: she can be really mean, and hard hearted somtimes but is really sensitive underneath

this is what she looks like
this is the sword she uses

this is her assistant Windry

F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Roxas2210 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:08 pm

If you will, please come up with a common uniform for the ships crew. That will help greatly.


Roxas (aka General Forak)
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Postby Wind » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:40 pm

well what the assisstant is wearing that's the uniform cause it's an all girl crew the pic on top of the captain is just what she looks lie not what's she wearin
F.K.A. JadeFox, HisuiKitsune
Quote= MrRogers 03:32 - politics have nothing to do with good pizza

chatbot 02:56 - Wind asks, did I kill the chat
My answer: Yes

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, is diamonddragon shatterproof??
My answer: Yes

Wind 01:55 - O.O

Wind 01:55 - noooooooo

chatbot 01:55 - Wind asks, Am I shatterproof?
My answer: No

DiamondDragon 01:57 - YAYS, I'M SHATTERPROOF!!!!!!!!

Sparx00 02:55 - Mean loaf is the loaf of the gods

Strafe 01:09 - I'm a hotcake
Strafe 01:10 - I am a very hot cake

rocklobster 01:17 - "What's the point of being an adult if you can't be childish sometimes?"

Strafe 02:38 - ~EWWW BOYS ARE NASTYYYY!~
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Postby Roxas2210 » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:16 pm

An old Earth sailor suit. Interesting. Just to let you all know, Earth was destroyed by a hostile race that is now extinct, but we have a new planet that we call Terran Prime, seeing as we used to be Terran (earth dwelers). Central Command is located there and that is where we recieved orders to go the the Shamri sector.


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Postby Roxas2210 » Tue Apr 22, 2008 7:36 am

This is the lead ship, the Sinar. I will be commanding it.
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Postby christianfriend » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:06 pm

Woo, forgot about this one! o.o Here's my character!

Name: Shayne
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Ship: Sinar
Post: Communications officer/repairs

Eyes: Round, light blue eyes with stubby eyelashes.
Hair: Short, light orange/red hair with messy bangs hanging in front of her eyes.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 106Lbs
Skin: Pale peach
Markings: Crescent dragon tattoo on her chest and the seven heavely virtues kanji's on her back.
Piercings: One earcuff with an extension of a crescent dragon holding a red crystal.

Clothes- (For casual, otherwise she wears the uniform ^^)
Top: Form fitting hoodie with the converse logo on the back and arms, with laces going up the sleeves and on the back, tied corset style.
Bottom: Long skirts, usually above or below the knee.
Shoes: Old sneakers/converse.
Accessories: A few bold rings, and one matching necklace to go with her tattoo and earring.

Personality: Fiery and intimidating, yet still friendly. She's someone who you can rely on, and who is loyal. But she doesn't like taking orders much, unless from her official boss (Captain), otherwise you better be ready for a verbal or perhaps physical fight.
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby christianfriend » Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:07 pm

<<edit<< Sorry, my computer double posted XD
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Roxas2210 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:41 am

Welocme aborad! A fine addition to the crew, to be sure. As you well know, I am the commanding officer of the intire fleet, not just the captain of the Sinar. Your station is at the left of the bridge, facing the view-screen. I sit in the middle seat, aproximatly 3 meters from the rear bulkhead. Your station is in front of me and to the left, as explined. I hope you enjoy!


Roxas (aka, General Forak)
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Postby christianfriend » Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:44 pm

Ah, Okay-Got it!!! Thanks for setting me straight X3

Are we going to wait for more members to join before you PM a MOD to get the rpg approved and put in the Main RPG section?
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Roxas2210 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:42 pm

I guess not! I can make up the other characters and if people want to just join, that is ok too. I will do so tonight!


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Postby christianfriend » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:42 pm

Oh, I was also wondering if you could put up General Forak's profile? X3 I like to know general things about people's characters, especially how they look and their age. ^.^ It would be much appreciated if you did that!~
[font="Lucida Console"][align=center]“The [color="Magenta"]best[/color] kind of [color="Magenta"]friend[/color] is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.â€
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Postby Roxas2210 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:17 pm

Here is what Forak looks like:

Rank: General

Name: Forak, Karin

Talent: Master of Ice

Station: Command of the Pirma Armada

Age: 31

Sex: Male

Personality Traits: Calm, honor bound, strict when needed, friendly, can handle any situation with what seems like ease.

Physical Traits: 6’3”, medium length brown hair, blue eyes, well built.
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