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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:12 am
by rocklobster
"I can't believe I fell for Eulalia's deception. I had hopes she had enough will power." She sent a message to Kilin and Berenike. Get the dragons together. We're going.
She saw Summer and helped her up. "It's not over yet."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 4:15 am
by sarahjoy78

Summer couldn't get it...She went to Chrysanthe who looked shaken. " Don't worry Chrysanthe. We will get her back.
Though, I have a feeling that's not why your so shaken up," Summer told her while giving her a quick hug.
" Let's go together. We have to find them before it's too late," Summer told Chrysasthe pulling her towards the others.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:11 am
by Twister980

The sky seemed to greet him, or was it the ground? He could no longer tell.

Lobinka, help! She closed his eyes. Don't push yourself. We need to get the baby back but if you die in the process, mother will be angry. Strych flew low over the trees. One clipped his wings and sent them tumbling into the woods below. Lobinka lept off of his back, landing on her feet. The baby crying in her arms.


All right... They crash landed in the forest. Saphira, can you be our eye in the sky in case they try to fly away? He heard her claws scraping the ground a few yards behind him as she took off.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:18 pm
by rocklobster
--Reika and Brylin--
Reika heard the warning cry through Brylin first and caught up with Eruan.
"I know I'm still a little green, but I'm willing to help if you need it. You have any ideas?" she asked Eruan.
Brylin said. "I could give you some of my speed so you can catch up to Lobinka."
"Great!" Reika said, unsheathing her halberd. "Do it."
Within seconds, they were at the bottom of the woods.
"All right, Lobinka. It's just you and me." she said.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:08 pm
by sarahjoy78

Summer snuck away from the group and ran to Luna.
Luna. We must go help Reika. I have a feeling she will need help.
I agree. I will go as fast as I can.
Within minutes they arrived at the woods.
Summer hoped off Luna and saw Reika.
"Reika!!!!!!," she yelled running to her.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:11 pm
by rocklobster
"Well, you're the new one, right. Name's Reika. I guess since Joanne baptized you, that makes us sisters." Reika said. "Word of advice, don't be so loud. We need, what does father call it? Oh yeah, stealth. I wonder if you tipped us off. It's all right, I mostly attack by the seat of my pants anyway."
"She means she makes everything up as she goes." Brylin explained.
"Hey, it's worked so far." Reika shrugged.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 1:26 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Back! Okay....what?

The dazed angel followed along with the group, but slowed down due to her condition. She glanced at her daughter, who was flying close by.

"Go ahead and catch that girl and get the child!"

Morigan nodded and raced forward to catch up to Lobinka.


Furious at the kidnapping, the young angel let the wind carry her faster and faster until the evil pair came into view. She nosedived, letting her wings crash into the branches to get closer.

"Stop right there!', she screamed.


The dark goddess watched this through her spying pool; her motuh contorting to the point where her thin, black lips stretched ear to ear. Her eyes shifted to see the Resistance quick on Lobinka; she needed a portal opened as quickly as possible. Her lips muttered curses at Iawia, who had placed seals on dark magic so no creature could enter the other realms at whim unless finding a portal. Bands of demons were always out to find them, but when they did, it was pure luck and never in the same place. Thinking quickly, she summoned a large boar demon. The massive, grotesque beast soon appeared, bowing before its master for intruction.

"Yayak....I have enough energy to send you through the seeing glass. Go and aid Lobinka to return. Capture Ariel's little stooge angel and break, rip, whatever you'd like to her arms until that sickle of hers opens a portal. Now go!"

The creature nodded as pools of black energy swarmed around Adarah. Soon the demon disappeared through the seeing pool of blood.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:52 pm
by Twister980

She handed the baby to Eulalia then pulled out her kunai. "Mother has chosen this child. Protect her with your life." She charged at Reika and Summer. She lept in between them, then kicked them both in the head. (Mid-air split.) Then, she sliced at Reika and Summer's knees. Bringing them to the ground. She laughed. "Pathetic." She put her kunai to Reika's throat. "Die."


He wasn't used to speed like this, and had to run in circles before he could stop himself from crashing into trees. He lept over fallen branches, then flew at Lobinka. He pushed her to the ground. "No." He frowned down at her. "Give up."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:37 pm
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia took the now-crying baby and shielded her underneath the robe she was wearing. Eulalia flew into the forest, hiding in the shadows so that she could not be seen. She peaked at the crying baby from underneath her robe and glared. "Stop crying," she whispered harshly. Zoe quieted some, but didn't completely stop crying. Eulalia sighed as she wondered if she was like this as an infant.


Chrysanthe gasped when Summer and Reika were knocked to the ground. "Reika! Summer!" She exclaimed as she ran to them and helped them up. "Are you two all right?" Worry shone in her eyes.


Berenike had been watching from a distance, glaring as Eulalia disappeared into the shadows on the forest. My child, I still love you, but you are doing wrong and I cannot let you get by with that. Berenike thought as she pursued Eulalia.


Kleon awoke with a start. He had been sleeping outside behind the house and was now akwakened by all the commotion. He could feel Chrysanthe's unease and ran to the front of the house, gasping slightly when he saw the scene before him. "I suppose I was too tired to hear all of this before..." he mumbled to himself, flying to Chrysanthe.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:11 am
by sarahjoy78

Summer shakily stood up. "Woah. Lobinka sure can move fast," she muttered.
She gave Chrysanthe a hug. "Yes, I'm alright, Thanks for coming sis," she told her.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:24 am
by rocklobster
Reika clutched her leg where Lobinka had slashed her. She slashed at her dress and immediately made makeshift bandages for herself and Summer. She winced as she tied her own bandage in a knot. "Well, at least it'll stop the bleeding." Then she said to Summer, "all right, hold still. This'll sting a little, but we need to stop your bleeding too. Could you give me your leg please.
Karin came up to them on her dragon, Nolk. "Are you two all right?" she asked her niece.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 4:30 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer looked up at Karin as she came over. "Oh Karin! I'm SO sorry. Eulalia got away with Zoe," she cried.
Summer looked at the bandage that Reika was putting on her.
"Yeah. It's just a little scratch," Summer said.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:13 am
by Twister980

He yanked his blade out of his sheath. "Don't. Move." He placed the tip to her throat. While he was distracted she brought her knee up, catching him off guard. He dropped the sword and growled. She flipped back, then pulled out an orb. She threw it to the ground and disappeared in the smoke. Eruan looked up at where she was. Saphira... You see her? Saphira snorted. The trees are too thick. I would have to burn a few thousand acres down just to see you guys.


She almost flew through the forest. Eulalia, keep on going. If they catch up with me again, I'll try and delay them again.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:25 pm
by rocklobster
"It's better to be safe than sorry. Brylin, did you see if that girl had Zoe."
"No. I think Eulalia has her."
Karin nodded. "I see. I'll let Joanne know what's going on. In the meantime, you three are with me." she said to the girls. "I didn't carry Zoe in my womb for nine months just to lose her."
"We will get her back, Aunt Karin." Reika vowed.
At that moment, they heard a sound like a portal opening.
"I don't like that sound." Reika said. She took out her halberd.
OOC: They heard you, Soran. You can have Yayak attack.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:44 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer pulled out her crossbow and looked around.
"Karin? What was that noise," she asked slowly......

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 1:26 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Ai set to work healing Summer and Reika, her jaw set grimly. She was thinking about how horrible Eulalia was, trying to seem like she had redeemed herself, and then stealing poor baby Zoe.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:39 am
by Ally-Ann

Whatever you say... Eulalia replied to Lobinka, contnuing to fly through the shadowed woods. She clicked her tongue once in a while so that she wouldn't fly into a tree. She listened to Zoe who had quieted even more. She's either accepting the fact that she's not getting away, or she's too tired to cry anymore. Grateful for the baby's near-silence.


Berenike flew into the forest after Eulalia. She must be taking Zoe to Heilgrad, she thought with agitation. It was hard for Berenike to see in shadows, but it was not impossible. She dodged most of the branches, and could easily notice the larger trees.

=Chrysanthe, Kleon, Annaliese=

Chrysanthe kneeled beside Summer and watched Ai bandage her and Reika. How could Eulalia do this? When we were little, she never acted evil. Chrysanthe thought, the confusion making her head spin. Kleon walked over to them, looking at Chrysanthe.

"It appears that Berenike has gone after Eulalia," he stated. Chrysanthe looked at him with a surprised look.

"But she was early killed by Eulalia just a few months ago! Eulalia's even stronger now," Chrysanthe said with worry. Kleon nodded. ". . . We should go after." Kleon raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure? Eulalia's not by herself. I can sense Lobinka close behind her," Kleon replied. Chrysanthe stood up.

"I want Eulalia back to her normal self, if that's possible. Plus, she has a baby with her. It shouldn't be too hard to at least take Zoe back," Chrysanthe said. Annaliese walked over to them and put a hand on Chrysanthe's shoulder.

"Ask Joanne about it first," she said. "I know you want Eulalia and Zoe back; we all do. But I know for a fact that even when carrying a baby, Eulalia is much stronger than you think. I've seen her kind twice before," Annaliese informed.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:57 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer watched Chrysanthe with wonder. Wow. She and I are more alike than we think. We are both determined to get back Zoe and help others.
I wonder how long Chrysathe has known Eulalia. One day, I should ask her, but not right now.

Summer looked at her bandaged leg and sighed. A hurt leg wasn't going to stop her from doing whats right.
She stood up and marched up to Chrysanthe and said, "I know your planing something. And, I'm coming with you."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:21 am
by Ally-Ann
=Chrysanthe, Kleon, Annaliese=

Chrysanthe looked at her twin sister with curiosity. "You've got a hurt leg," Chrysanthe stated. "You'll make it worse." Chrysanthe barely knew her sister, but she already felt a connection and didn't want her to get hurt even more.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:34 am
by rocklobster
Kilin and Joanne managed to arrive.
"Let me take a look at that leg, Summer." said Kilin, Joanne's dragon. He placed a feathery wing on the leg and began channeling energy into it, helping along the work Ai had started.
Within moments, it would be healed. Joanne helped Ai heal Reika as well.
"I think the two of you might be able to connect to each other." Joanne said. "My sister and I can connect very well. Can I help?" she asked.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:35 am
by Diamond Dragon
Ai stood up and went to Chrysanthe. "Then I'll come." she said in a determined voice that wouldn't accept a no.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:39 am
by rocklobster
Joanne smiled at her adoptive daughter. "I have every intention of allowing you to help. It's time you played a more vital role in the Resistance. But first, I want to establish a link between the both of you." she looked at Chrysanthe and Summer. "I believe if I awaken your psychic chemistry, it will go a long way."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:41 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer smiled at Joanne. "Alright. What do you need us to do," she asked.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:42 am
by Twister980

He tore through the forest, bouncing off the higher branches. Come on, Lobinka.


She stopped and placed a hand on the tree. What is with this forest? It's draining me... She shook herself. Forget it. She began bouncing off the trees.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:45 am
by rocklobster
Joanne placed a hand on Summer's temple and another hand on Chrysanthe's. "I need you both to clear your minds and focus only on each other." she said.
Minerva smiled. "I can sense Lobinka getting weaker. Perhaps Adarah's hold on her is draining." She swooped down to intercept them.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:49 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer looked straight at Chrysanthe and smiled.
SHe thought of all the fun things that they were going to do together.
She knew there would be times the'd get mad at each other too but they would always be sisters.
She took a deep breath and continued to look at Chrysanthe with love and peace.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:55 am
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia continued to fly through the forest, relieved to find that Zoe must be be asleep, as she stopped making noise completely. Eulalia stopped flying, landing on the forest floor. She listened intently. She couldn't hear any leaves crunching or branches being rustled. Did they catch Lobinka? Eulalia wondered.

=Chrysanthe, Kleon, Annaliese=

Chrysanthe nodded. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before exhaling, allowing her mind to go blank, as if he were zoning out.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:09 am
by Twister980

She slowed to a halt. Her breath was becoming shallow. M..Mother... Help me... She closed her eyes. I can't... Her eyes rolled back into her skull and she fell off the branch. Plummeting to the ground yards below.


He continued bouncing off the branches. Where is she? He heard something snap. He looked at the forest floor below, and saw Lobinka. Stretched out in an eagle pose. He landed softly next to her. He quickly put a finger to her neck and sighed in relief. "Ah. At least she's alive." He gently picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Saphira, I've got Lobinka. I'm heading after Eulalia.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:35 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer felt a strange sense of sensation as she stood there across from Chrysanthe.
This is amazing.... she thought.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:34 am
by rocklobster
"Can you feel it?" she asked. "Can you sense what your twin is feeling? Reach out to each other and try to talk to each other, but in your mind. Do not use your voices."
Minerva overheard Saphira and Eruan. "Understood." she said. "I'm coming down to help you both. I've disoriented Lobinka and Strych. I don't know how long it'll last, but it will give you an advantage. If you like, I can try to enter her mind and stop her."
Sophia entered Eulalia's mind. "Eulalia, my child, stop what you are doing. There is still a chance I can save you. I don't want you lost. Please...listen to me."