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PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:47 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer heard Joanne loud and clear.
Summer took Chrysanthe's hand and thought,*Chrysanthe.
Can u hear me sister? Is this not amazing?*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:32 pm
by Ally-Ann

Chrysanthe's eyes widened slightly in wonder. Yeah... she mentally replied to Summer. Are we... really talking to eachother through our minds? She asked Summer.


Eulalia was startled to hear a different voice, she looked around frantically even though she couldn't see anything. "I'm not lost! I know my path!" Eulalia replied angrily.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:39 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer was amazed...... *Wow.... How are we doing this? This is amazing* she thought to Chrysanthe.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 6:07 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

Her blonde hair was still whipping around her face as she landed near Eulalia, slowly stepping towards her.

"Mistress Eulalia...please....stop this. Release the child."


The pregnant angel was hurrying as fast as she could towards the rest of the group, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her left arm; spinning around, she came face-to-face with the tusks of the large boar-demon.

"Release me!", she hissed at it.

The creature growled in reply, jerking her towards it. Aaliyah winced at the increased pain.

"Open the portal!", it commanded.

"No! Take off both arms! I am not using it!"

The creature groaned and looking at the angel, threatening lurched a fist at her abdomen; she shrieked and ducked, and as she did, it smashed its club into her head. Instantly, she went limp; the creature gathered her up. He could manipulate the weapon in the angel's hands-now he needed the child.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:55 pm
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia glared at the new person-- or angel-- in front of her, even though she couldn't see. "You act as if those words will affect my decision," she scoffed, pulling out her double-bladed sword with one hand while she used the other to cradle Zoe securely. I don't know who this woman is, but she's getting in my way... Eulalia prepared to fight Morigan if need be. "Step aside before I cast a spell on you."

=Chrysanthe, Kleon, Annaliese=

Chrysanthe nodded at Summer, smiling. There's no doubt that we're sisters, huh? Chrysanthe thought to Summer. Suddenly, a shriek near them startled her, making her whip her head around to see Aaliyah in the arms of... a demon?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:05 am
by rocklobster
Rapahel brandished his sword. Then he made himself invisible and got behind the demon. "I doubt you will release my mother. No matter." He ran the demon through with his sword and caught his mother. Then he healed her.
"We can't have you going out now, not with two children inside you depending on your blood." he said.
"It is done. You are now of one mind, and linked." Joanne told Chrysanthe and Summer.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:07 am
by Twister980

He slowed to a stop, Lobinka was still out cold, and after running for so long, he was getting tired out as well. No, I don't think this is Lobinka's doing... Or Adarah's... He gazed at the stretch of woods around him. Sophia protect us... The trees were swaying with no breeze at all.


The dragon shook himself. The dizziness was slowly but surely fading. Eulalia, Lobinka, where are you?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:11 am
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia could hear Strych communicating to her and Lobinka. I'm in the forest. I'd say about half of a mile from the Resistance. I'm not sure where Lobinka is. She thought back to Strych. I'm in a bit of a situation right now. She added, getting ready to lunge at Morigan.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:40 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer smiled at Chrysanthe. We are definitely sisters... forever..

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:55 am
by rocklobster
"As much as I hate to break up this touching moment, Kilin has told me that he's tracked Eulalia and Zoe. Let's go."
She mounted her dragon and gave the signal to ascend.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 5:13 am
by Twister980

He began flapping his wings, flying up higher, it was then he realized there was no
way he could get out of the forest. He growled. Eulalia, keep moving. Mother's mission will be complete, but I have to go save Lobinka. He soared through the forest, keeping his wings close. Wake up, Lobinka. Please...


He set Lobinka down on a tree trunk, which he sat down on. Joanne, fly over the forest, not into it. There is something strange going on here.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:10 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer looked at Joanne.
"Where are we going," she asked as she hoped on Luna.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:30 pm
by rocklobster
"I just got a message from Eruan. We're going to check out what he said. Perhaps he knows where Eulalia is."
Raphael sensed his sister Morrigan was in danger. Seeing that his mother was safe, he flew off in her direction to help with Eulalia.
When he arrived, he entered Eulalia's mind. I see Adarah hasn't completely converted you to her side. he said when he saw Eulalia's human self. I can help you overcome Adarah's influence. All is not lost, if you only ask for my help.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:34 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer nodded to Joanne. " I hope he does. She has to be stopped," she said.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:09 pm
by Twister980

He slowly stood up, lifted Lobinka up, and began walking out of the forest, Lobinka in his arms. No... I can't... He blinked his eyes. They began to droop as he made slow steps through the forest. Do. Not. Fall. Asleep. He repeated that to himself as he made his way through the woods.


Saphira soared through the trees, her wings close to her body. Stay awake young one. She shook herself. The forest had taken hold on her already.


His breathing became labored and the beating of his wings slowed. He floated down to the forest floor, clawing up the forest floor with his landing. He panted. No... I lost them! He roared. His eyes closed, he sniffed the air. No, not yet... He began running through the woods, plowing through the trees. Hang on Lobinka. I'm coming! He smiled to himself.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:17 pm
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia mentally panicked slightly when she heard an unfamiliar voice in her head, though she kept a secure hold on Zoe. Nothing is lost! I'm not lost! I know what I want and how to get it, and that how is through Adarah! Eulalia replied, her inner voice full of anger and, oddly enough, a sense of confused frustration.


Chrysanthe nodded to Summer. "She may be overcome by greed right now, but if she's anything like she was when she was younger, she'll eventually realize her wrong-doing. She just needs the right person, or people, to guide her down the right path," Chrysanthe stated. "And by guide, I mean correct sternly. And Eulalia's current state requires more than just that."

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:20 pm
by sarahjoy78
Summer look at Chrysanthe. " You'll have to tell me how you two met later okay," she said. "Until then, Lets go save Zoe and hopefully Eulalia in the process."

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:39 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

Slowly, her eyes opened and she saw the two young united sisters. Her whole face read confusion. Before she could speak, her vision became surrounded by large white scales.


The dragon stared at her with his good eye; both glossy with tears.

"Why are you running around in your condition young lady!!!", the dragon roared.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Nef", she said hazily, but regaining herself.

"Whatever! You'll always be a kid to me! Whether you have kids or not! Geez! You got knocked out by a demon!"

"Demon...where is he now?"


'He's after the child....I've got to go!"

The angel stood up and the ground started racing; the dragon caught her and they both raced towards the heart of the forest.


She could sense where Eulalia wanted to attack, but she slowly put her weapon on the ground and stepped forward.

"I am unarmed...please Priestess....release the child...."

She turned with a start as she noticed Rapheal coming near her, and then a gasp escaped her as she saw the outline of a man from behind Eulalia and Zoe. He was tall and weathered looking, but something about his shaggy face read kindness. His scratchy voice rang out as he stook out an arm with no hand.

"You are outnumbered. I advice you to release the child before force is employed."

PostPosted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:04 pm
by Twister980

She could feel Eruan before she could see him. Her eyes fluttered lazily. Small one. He looked up. Then smiled. You made it. He looked at the unconscious girl next to him. Do not worry for her. He looked up at his dragon. She'll be fine. She turned her neck around and looked into the woods behind them. It's these woods I'm worried about.


Ah hah! He lept into a clearing. On the other side were Saphira, Eruan and Lobinka. He bent shadows around him and snuck up behind Eruan. He gripped the rider with his teeth, yanking him into the air and revealing himself. The shadows fell away revealing his face contorted with anger. Let my rider go, or face the death of your's. Saphira growled. You wouldn't dare.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:36 am
by rocklobster
Our heroes flew above the forest. As she got a good look through her super-sight given to her through her link with Kilin, she saw an old friend. She descended and got off her dragon. When she realized who was there, she became ecstatic. She immediately hugged what seemed to some of the Resistance members as a mysterious stranger.
"Roklem! What are you doing here?" she asked excitedly. She hugged him warmly. "It has been far too long, brother."
OOC: Everyone act confused and ask who she's hugging. He's a character from the original storyline.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:42 am
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia tensed slightly before clicking her tongue quietly to size up the person behind her. He's strong... and I am outnumbered. But that's not going to stop me from completeing Mother's mission! Eulalia thought. I need to catch just one of these people off guard, then I'll be able to escape easily... the one in front of me is vulnerable, but if I attack her, the man behind me could easily attack me in my blind-spot... Eulalia held her sword out, one blade facing Morigan and the other facing the man. I'll have to go for the man. With as much strength as she could muster, Eulalia spun around quickly toward the man, and using all the power she could in one arm, swung her sword toward his neck.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:42 am
by rocklobster
Raphael entered Eulalia's mind and saw her human self. "I have come to assist you. I can help you beat Adarah's influence. That is, if you truly want my assistance." he said.
OOC: Ally, read my pm.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:22 pm
by Diamond Dragon
"...Roklem?" questioned Ai. She had heard the name, but she couldn't place it.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:29 pm
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia stopped instantly upon hearing Raphael's voice, her blade dangerously close to the other man's neck. She looked at the angel, a startled look on her face. "W-what...?" she whispered to herself breathlessly. The sword dropped as her good self began to emerge mentally.

-- Inner Self--

Eulalia's good form looked at Raphael. "Please... Help me..." she pleaded, a look of desperation etched on her face.

"Tch. Help you? We're achieving our goal! After so long we're taking our place in this world!" Eulalia's current form yelled.

"But this isn't how I wanted it to happen! This isn't right!" her good form said, panic and remorse saturating each word she spoke. "Becoming a demon, killing our dragon, stealing a baby? What good can come out of this?!"

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:34 pm
by rocklobster
"Apparently you've been lied to. Adarah wants you as her prisoner. She doesn't wish to help you. And Berenike is still alive. She prays for you daily. And so does Joanne. You can take the ring off. But you must do it of your own will. I can help you defeat this demon inside you. I want to help you." Raphael offered a hand. He smiled genuinely. "You can trust me. If you truly value your soul, I can retrieve it for you. All is not lost, child."
OOC: read my latest PM. It'll contain your instructions.
"Roklem is an old friend of ours." Karin told Ai. "I think he could use our help."

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:44 pm
by Ally-Ann

Eulalia looked at the hand for a moment, contemplating whether she should t ake it or not. Just do it! her good form exclaimed in her mind. Without further hesitation and as a result of confused panic, Eulalia took Raphael's hand and stood behind him.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:41 pm
by Diamond Dragon

Roklem! Ai suddenly placed the name. She had heard Karin talk of him often, and was surprised to actually see him in person.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:03 pm
by Twister980

The standoff between the two continued. With Lobinka and Eruan both knocked out, the two dragons went at each other. Biting wings, clawing at eyes, tearing at scales.
Strych jumped back from Saphira panting. Foolish... Dragon... Saphira growled, panting herself, blood dripping from her mouth. I protect my rider, like you. She glared over at Strych. But we're stronger. Strych shook himself, blinking. No, you're... You're not! His eye lids drooped. He lunged at Saphira,
but fell to the ground yards away. Saphira growled at herself, she was falling asleep as well. The Sapphire dragon fell to the ground.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:20 pm
by Masquerade1412
You woke me up so we could miss all the action? Revel whined.
No, I woke you up because I couldn't walk and I needed a ride. That, and we were under attack. Trevor replied.
Oh... The red dragon's gaze focused on the newcomer. Wonder who he is? Joanne seemed to recognize him...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:31 am
by sarahjoy78
Summer didn't have any idea what was going on.
So she just decided to keep watching and help if help was needed.