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PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:24 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Right when the creature was about to hit her, Ruby suddenly went transparent. The strange creature ran right through her and crashed into the wall. Ruby snickered, returning to normal. Then she struck a fighting pose. "Ok Slimy, let's see what you got!" she shouted.

Dia breathed fire again at the monster as it charged again at her. The monster leapt over it and slahed at Dia with it's sharp claws. Dia screamed as her arm got scratched. Suddenly something hit the monster so hard that it was hurtled hard into a tree. Dia looked around, and saw Tiger, now standing at his full height, ready to kick at the creature again.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 3:04 pm
by Asuka Neko
Corel and Wilbur

Corel wished she could suddenly become transparent and allow whatever was flying at her to pass through her body; it seemed to be a useful battle tactic. But at the moment, she found herself very much solid, so she took aim and fired at the monster, careful not to hit Ruby. Apparently fish monsters were not vulnerable to bullets, however, because it seemed to pass off the gunshot as a minor threat.


Riley gasped as the giant stood; he was taller than he appeared to be while lying on the ground. All in all, Riley was just hoping that between the monster, the dragon thing flying around, and the minotaur, he wouldn't die. The man in front of him took a warrior's stance, and Riley felt a wave of guilt at his own wimpiness. Besides, he had to be hallucinating, right?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:39 pm
by Rusty Claymore

Greyten had the trigger half pulled when the giant had kicked the critter attacking the girl/dragon. He released the pressure and returned the .45 Revolver to it's hidden holster. Whoever these people were, it appeared they could take care of themselves. Their appearances initially shocked him and Greyten wondered if perhaps these people had anything to do with the pen.
Whatever the case, now that he found Mimiko his only goal was to get her out of the combat zone and back into a controlled environment. Unfortunately that required going through what looked like a living stump of some sort. A rather deadly and sharp living stump. The .45 just might not be enough, if the sinking feeling in his stomach meant what he thought it did.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:06 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Dia looked in surprise at the newcomer. Waaait.....isn't that the guy who was running toward the woods earlier? She didn't have more time to think for the minotaur monster was attacking the others. "Take care of the winged monster! I'll take care of the minotaur!" she shouted to Tiger. Tiger nodded, but somewhat nervousely. Dia made a flying charge to the minotaur, unsheathing long diamond claws as she did so.

Ruby leapt in the air and slashed downward with her sword, which cut into the monster's shoulder. The creature howled in pain and threw Ruby off. "Looks like you aren't vulnerable to a blade..." said Ruby. Then she turned to Coral and Wilbur. "You guys should go back inside and try to find knives to throw or something." Then she noticed Wilbur's fins. "Your a fish guy too?" she asked.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:48 am
by Asuka Neko

Riley was just hoping that this dragon would not attack him like the other one seemed so intent on doing. She seemed to be helping, as she was targeting the minotaur, but Riley ran into the opposite direction anyway, wanting nothing less than to be involved in this battle. However, halfway through running there, Riley tripped over something and sprawled onto the ground. Looking up, he noticed that the battle was still raging in front of him and the minotaur was raising a large and dangerous-looking sword over his head. Riley squeezed his eyes shut. He was doomed.

Corel and Wilbur

Wilbur growled at Ruby, rolled his eyes, and flapped his fins as if to say "yes, I'm a fish, what do you think these are for?" Corel smacked him on the head.

"Stop being rude!" she ordered before dashing into the weaponry store. They had to find something that a giant monster was vulnerable to in this place. The store was deserted and the back door was hanging open, an obvious sign that the people running the store ran away when they saw the monster. Corel glanced around, and noticed that Wilbur was fearfully eyeing a harpoon gun. If Wilbur was part fish and he thought it was scary, then Corel assumed it could work against the monster. She grabbed the gun and ran back outside, where Ruby was still fending the monster off by dodging all of its attacks in order to confuse it. Corel aimed at it and fired the gun, then watched as it toppled to the ground.

It seemed to have worked... but was it really dead?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:59 pm
by Rusty Claymore

As he lead the candidate Darkness to the test vault, Yuri felt a continual chill down his spine. He had become used to downright twisted people, but the way Yorchovik had followed them created a darker than usual aura. And 'Darkness' definately wasn't helping.

The test vault was a prototype Atomic Bomb shelter, one that would withstand a direct hit from atomic and nuclear weapons. The test at Chernobyl had proven it worked flawlessly, but the cost to construct it was astronamical. Only one shelter of a smaller scale had been built besides the prototype, but not even top KGB officials knew who had possession of it. The prototype now was used to house the most dangerous of the Alleigence's scientific research. It was currently the proving grounds for the Monster Talents. The sheilded cavern prevented damage to the surrounding facility as well as keep any monsters who turned on their masters from escaping.

Yuri dialed in the security code and the vault door began to slowly swing open. The security was very lax on entry into the vault, since the research was beyond deadly and nobody veiwed it worth the risk to break in. As the door swung past, Yuri's stomach twisted into a knot. Two prisoners stood in the middle of the vault's scarred and stained floor. A woman with brown hair and a muscular blond man.

Yorchovik let out a quiet chuckle. "The usual routine was boring. MTs must be able to adapt to unexpected situations and draw accordingly. Especially since, due to a certain incident, they will not be exclusively facing conventional weapons." For a brief moment, Yuri's smile was genuine. Yorchovik continued, "I will conduct the experiment and you will watch in the observetory, Wolxenstiener."

Yuri walked past the prisoners. The woman was attractive, and could only be in her early 20's. Yuri couldn't guess the man's age, but he knew he wasn't even old enough to be an adult. The prototype pens had only been lost for a few years, after all. Just as he brushed by them, he said quietly, "Good luck." Climbing the half melted stairs to the observetory, Yuri offered up a short prayer.

"All right then," Yorchovik said, turning towards Darkness. "The test is simple." With a wide sweep of his arm he gestured towards the prisoners. "Destroy them."

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:14 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Before the minotaur had a chance to make an end of the boy, Dia was upon it, wounding it's arm with a swipe from her clws. It roared, and started swinging it's axe at her. Dia parried the blows, then she struck with full force. The minotaur fell backwards dead, speared in the heart. Dia's claws contracted back into her nails, and she stood there for a minute, just staring at the minotaur. Suddenly, the dead monster turned to dust, and it blew away in the wind. Finally recovering, Dia went over to the boy and helped him up. "Are you ok?" she asked. Meanwhile Tiger was trying to fend off the dragon-like monster.

Ruby cautiousely went over to the fish monster and poked it with her sword. The monster suddenly flailed, which made Ruby step back in surprise. Obviousely it was still alive, but too weak to fight anymore. Ruby turned to Corel. "Should we just kill it now, or let it die?" she asked.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:17 pm
by Wind
Rusty Claymore (post: 1470341) wrote:Yuri

As he lead the candidate Darkness to the test vault, Yuri felt a continual chill down his spine. He had become used to downright twisted people, but the way Yorchovik had followed them created a darker than usual aura. And 'Darkness' definately wasn't helping.

The test vault was a prototype Atomic Bomb shelter, one that would withstand a direct hit from atomic and nuclear weapons. The test at Chernobyl had proven it worked flawlessly, but the cost to construct it was astronamical. Only one shelter of a smaller scale had been built besides the prototype, but not even top KGB officials knew who had possession of it. The prototype now was used to house the most dangerous of the Alleigence's scientific research. It was currently the proving grounds for the Monster Talents. The sheilded cavern prevented damage to the surrounding facility as well as keep any monsters who turned on their masters from escaping.

Yuri dialed in the security code and the vault door began to slowly swing open. The security was very lax on entry into the vault, since the research was beyond deadly and nobody veiwed it worth the risk to break in. As the door swung past, Yuri's stomach twisted into a knot. Two prisoners stood in the middle of the vault's scarred and stained floor. A woman with brown hair and a muscular blond man.

Yorchovik let out a quiet chuckle. "The usual routine was boring. MTs must be able to adapt to unexpected situations and draw accordingly. Especially since, due to a certain incident, they will not be exclusively facing conventional weapons." For a brief moment, Yuri's smile was genuine. Yorchovik continued, "I will conduct the experiment and you will watch in the observetory, Wolxenstiener."

Yuri walked past the prisoners. The woman was attractive, and could only be in her early 20's. Yuri couldn't guess the man's age, but he knew he wasn't even old enough to be an adult. The prototype pens had only been lost for a few years, after all. Just as he brushed by them, he said quietly, "Good luck." Climbing the half melted stairs to the observetory, Yuri offered up a short prayer.

"All right then," Yorchovik said, turning towards Darkness. "The test is simple." With a wide sweep of his arm he gestured towards the prisoners. "Destroy them."

OOC: is this the post where I am doing what we discussed in PM?

Ic: Darkness called Sorrow and the huntress forward and then drew something on a piece of paper and sorrow took it. As sorrow took the paper, it transformed into a sword in his hand. The sword was swirling with a dark energy and sorrow used the sword to project a lightning bolt at the two prisoners. The Huntress shapeshifted into a pure black dragon and breathed a poisonous gas into the air.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:39 am
by Wind
Wind (post: 1470771) wrote:OOC: is this the post where I am doing what we discussed in PM?

Ic: Darkness called Sorrow and the huntress forward and then drew something on a piece of paper and sorrow took it. As sorrow took the paper, it transformed into a sword in his hand. The sword was swirling with a dark energy and sorrow used the sword to project a lightning bolt at the two prisoners. The Huntress shapeshifted into a pure black dragon and breathed a poisonous gas into the air.

Drake and Raven looked around and got very disoriented by the gas. Drake saw the huntress and decided to attack. He drew his sword and swung it and she dodged and he looked up to the window where the others were watching. " Please don't do this to us.... she is only a little girl...."

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:12 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: I thought Raven and Drake where with Tiger, Mimiko, And the others?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:58 pm
by Rusty Claymore
OOC: Oops. I must have missed Wind's first post when I was fact checking for that scene. >///<

PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:44 pm
by Wind
OOC:oops I forgot about that too, is it ok if we play this scene DD?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 6:30 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: Yeah, that's fine.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:41 pm
by Rusty Claymore

The weird stump thing had begun attacking Mimikoneko, but she still wasn't in any imminent danger. As the thing swung and slashed, she bobbed and weaved with unbelieveable agility and an almost weightlessness. Despite her obvious skill, she would still need his help. Mimikoneko was fast, but she punched almost as hard as Greyten sneezed.
Greyten begain to cross the distance, reaching into his pocket of the one weapon he had with him that could deal with the creature. Suddenly, Mimikoneko dove off to the side. This confused Greyten and the monster for a split second, then Greyten saw why, and the monster was turned to pulp as the giant trod upon it while fighting a dragon monster.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:01 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Tiger was fighting the dragon monster for a while until he finally caught it and squeased the life out of it. When it fell limb, it also turned to dust. "Weird..." said Tiger. Then he noticed the pulp that was on his foot. "Wha?" he started, wondering what he stepped on.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:32 am
by Asuka Neko

Riley breathed a sigh of relief as the dragon/girl took his hand and helped him back up. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks," he replied. "What's going on, though?" He was hoping that this girl had some more answers.

Corel and Wilbur

Corel shot another harpoon at the monster, ending its struggles. "I didn't want it to hurt anyone else," she said. But both she and Wilbur jumped back away from the monster as it melted into liquid water and drained into the cracks in the sidewalk.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:37 am
by Diamond Dragon
"I'm not really sure...I've never seen monsters around here before..." said Dia. Then an idea hit her. "What if...what if this was the doing of others who had weird pens?" she asked aloud. She looked at the other people with strange companions. Did they have anything to do with the pens?

Ruby stepped back. "Augh, that's gross!" she said. Then she noticed the comotion that seemed to be coming from the woods. "What's going on?" she asked out loud.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:31 am
by Asuka Neko

"Pens?" Riley said, suddenly realizing that it was all not a dream and he had very much brought some girl to life with them. "Yeah, I found one." He patted his pocket and realized that the Code Red pen was still there. Slipping it out, he held it out so the rest of the group could look at it.

Corel and Wilbur

Having also heard the noise from the woods, Corel realized what Ruby was talking about. She was worried that there were more monsters there, so she started running in the direction of the woods, harpoon still in hand. "Come on, Wilbur!" she called. Wilbur pulled his hood back over the fins on his head and followed obediently.