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PostPosted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:17 pm
by Arya Raiin

Raijin stopped at a small creek and took a long drink. He had been running for awhile in his hunt for a meal. Unfortunately he hadn't found anything yet. Raijin heard a soft rustling in the deeper woods. "Huh... that's odd. Sounds like something two-legged. Food or not, I'd better see what it is." He said under his breath. Raijin disappeared into the underbrush, heading in the direction of the sound.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:23 am
by Ally-Ann

"They said that since it's so dark and quiet that anyone could be lurking in there, waiting to snatch someone, but I've had my doubts recently." Adelaide said with curiosity, looking at the forest again. Her thoughts were interrruted by someone calling her name.
"Adelaide!" Adelaide looked in the direction of voice and raised her eyebrows slightly in surprisement.
"Ligeia--" Adelaide started, but was cut off by Ligeia running up giving her a bear-hug.
"I came to see you! How've you been?" Ligeia asked with a grin.
"Can't... breathe..." Adelaide choked out.
"Oh, sorry." Ligeia said as she let go of Adelaide. "And who's this?" Ligeia added, gesturing towards Kuro. "A new friend, perhaps?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:12 am
by Nami
~Unabara Still outside the richest man's house~

~Rellia Trovick~

His first half sentence made no sense, she puzzled it over for a second before letting it drop and then crossed her arms as he took two steps away. He was cautious, she could understand that. He was clearly a thief and a predator. Predator's didn't trust easily.

Plus, he had seemed genuinely shocked that she had actually bothered to help him. Rellia tried to see beyond the darkness the hood provided for him, but she could barely make out a face.

"I think we should both get out of here." she responded, one eyebrow quirked up in question. "I wouldn't want to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time." she scratched her arm and peered around the corner. "So," she turned back, "what exactly did you take?" she asked.

Rellia wondered if he would tell her the truth, regardless, her earring would let her know if he were lying. She snuck over to a house and peeked in.

"Follow me, I know a short-cut." she slid the window open and slithered through, her small frame fitting easily through. Once inside, she opened it even more.

"C'mon." Rellia waved her hand, summoning him. "It'll get us out of this place quickly." She paused, "you'll never get away down the street, they'll follow you..." she eyed him, wondering if he would follow her. "And then you'll be caught."

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:43 am
by Kingdom
~Unabara Still outside the richest man's house~

~[color="Red"]Sumit Blackarm[/color]~

“So easy to ask me what I took..? She knows what I am, yet here she is trying to help me escape?… who are you..?!!!â€

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:17 am
by Nami
~Unabara, leaving the rich neighborhood~

~Rellia Trovick~

She paused and smiled at his words, "that's true." she glanced around the empty house. It was usually this way around this time of day. Rellia glanced back as she heard him come through the window. She stepped back and shut the window quietly.

"Ok," in the near darkness she maneuvered around the items in the house, she had been in here so many times, that everything was really familiar. Her eyes knew where certain things were and she dodged them easily. Her soft shoes making only the slightest sound.

Rellia hesitated, stopping in the middle of a room, then she took a sharp turn toward a hall and paced it. "So, how long have you been stealing?" she asked. Her earring hadn't warned her of his lies, perhaps he had been speaking the truth in a way. "Or is it just... a hobby to sneak into peoples houses?" she glanced back. Her emerald eyes were bright even in the gloom from the covered windows.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:46 am
by Kingdom
~Unabara, leaving the rich neighborhood~

[color="Red"]~Sumit Blackarm~[/color]

It only took a couple of seconds for Sumit’s eyes to focus in the dark room. He knew she was looking forward which gave him a second to wipe the sweat off from his forehead before she turned to face him again. He knew there would be no way she would keep her eyes off of him for long periods of time. "How could she trust me?" he thought.

The girls eyes reminded him of someone in his past which made him hesitant to answer, “Seven years….â€

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:58 am
by Nami
~Unabara, leaving the richest neighborhood~

~Rellia Trovick~

She wanted to smile, but decided not to and she also held in her chuckle. Instead she gave him a an odd expression. "I don't usually help people." She said, watching him for any signs that he might try to attack her. It was unusual of her to even be near someone like him.

She cocked her head, "must be something in the air." she sniffed, Rellia smelled something that she hadn't before. A sort of air-freshener. She grinned, they had stepped up their game. She'd left a note commenting on how nasty the house smelled, clearly, the owners being rich were unhappy with such a note and regardless of who left it had decided to invest.

Rellia sighed, "like I said..." she turned around and kept walking, "I don't usual do this, so don't expect it again." She took a hall that led to the kitchen, through the kitchen, she snatched an apple on their way and flipped open a door that led into a cool stone tunnel.

"This'll take us out." She said. "Come on, not much farther now."


~Somewhere in Unabara~


He sat patiently, quietly. His eyes roving over the book in his hands, long had he been intrigued by this stories that others would pass off as fairy-tales. Indeed, no one read these books anymore. They were sad, lonely. He felt the soft paper under his fingers. Almost like it wanted to cave in.

"So soft, so beautiful." he murmured. "What a waste." He smiled and shut the book lovingly caressing its abused cover. He stood. That's why he had bought all of them, he had taken them from a rather annoying man who had wanted to burn them and then told him he had to pay. Ragnorak rolled his eyes and snorted in disgust.

Humans were vile creatures. He walked out of his treasure trove and locked his front door. Thieves were about by the dozens. Luckily, no one ever robbed such a low-income house. After all, what could he possibly have? Ragnorak stored the key safely in his pocket and strolled off down the street.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:00 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
~In the woods of Hiyashi~

Zavin was still staring the newcomer down as Yuna approached the two.

"Hey...suit! You're scaring the girl!"

She pushed the elf the now startled and frustrated elf aside and extended a tattooed hand towards Ji.

"I'm Yuna. What brings you out here anyway?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:30 pm
by Kingdom
~Unabara, leaving the richest neighborhood~

[color="Red"]~Sumit Blackarm~[/color]

Sumit shifted every time he saw the girl looking at him. He couldn’t get over the fact she was looking at him. It made his steps very alert, his hand grasping the handle of his knife under his cloak made him feel a bit more comfortable. Who knows if she was waiting for the opportune moment to attack and kill?

“What if she saw my face..? What if she knew the reward on my head is more then what the richest man in Unabara has times ten..?â€

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:27 pm
by Nami
~Unabara, heading down a tunnel~

~Rellia Trovick~

She blinked and looked down at the apple. Rellia lifted her startling green eyes, a new hardness in them. "You're a fine one to talk." she whispered. "Stealing..." she walked through the dark tunnel as she thought about how to respond. "Those people, they can afford sixteen apples to this one apple I took." She bit into it enjoying the delicious juice that rolled over her tongue.

"Those jerks can replace it easily. They never give a second thought to the poor people who live in the dirty districts." Rellia tossed the apple gently into the air and caught it, taking another quick snap bite out of it.

"Look, I don't know why you are a thief with a serious misplaced sense of justice." Rellia looked back at him, walking backward now. "But its interesting, and I never knew there were people like that in this rat-hole we live in." She smiled, hoping he couldn't see in the darkness.

"Anyway, we'll be out soon, and you're right. I doubt we'll meet again."

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:41 pm
by Diamond Dragon
~Hayashi's Forest~

Ji looked up in surprise at the elf. "O-oops, I'm sorry! I didn't know anyone was in these woods." she stammered.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:44 pm
by Mister
D.D. Balsa lunged form the shaddows, his knife severing the bitten half from the apple the girl walking backwards was eating. his other hand snatched the un eaten half as he blew by them. shoving the half apple into his mouth for a large bite he scurried out the end of the tunnel.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:11 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mister (post: 1483667) wrote:Kain walked softly through the town of Jolar, taking time on his way to, nowhere in particular. he smilled at the children and gave gestures of peace and blessing to the adults who greeted him. Kain was a monk, a holy man in training, and he valued his sacred course with enthusiasm.

as he rounded a bend in the street he came upon the Brutus house. Kain loved to visit, because Brutus could speak without using his lips and understood Kain's thoughts. stepping up to the gates he rapped twice loudly and thought as hard as he could, "Brutus, Brother, greetings and salutations. may i enter your place of rest?"

Brutus started a bit. Someone was calling to him from the other side of the house.

"Foray, someone is at my door. It sounds like Brother Kain."

"Well, you don't need my permission to leave, it's your house!" Foray remarked precociously.

Brutus chuckled, "No, of course not."

Then he left to greet Brother Kain. Brother Kain had been alot like him in the sense that when they met they would speak without words. Foray didn't like that too much though. She thought he was encouraging Brutus to be a mute. Then the Brutus came into view of Brother Kain. Brutus smiled merrily.

"Hail, holy brother! What brings you to my abode today?"

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:17 pm
by Mister
Kain smilled broadly and reached out to embrace Brutus. "blessings dear friend! you are so gifted at not speaking, you should become a monk as well! i come simply to see an friend, and his companion."

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:22 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mister (post: 1483959) wrote:Kain smilled broadly and reached out to embrace Brutus. "blessings dear friend! you are so gifted at not speaking, you should become a monk as well! i come simply to see an friend, and his companion."

Brutus laughed. "Indeed! But beg my forgiveness, I fear the diet of monk is not to my liking. It is good that you have come to see me dear monk, it brings me joy to host you. Foray is in the back, though I warn you that she is in one of those efforts of hers to get me to speak aloud."

Brutus opened his door and ushered his friend inside.

"Shall I make some tea for us?" Brutus asked.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:42 pm
by Mister
Kain took one long step into house and made a sign for blessing. he then nodded to Brutus while thinking, "ah Foray, she is ever persistent. yes, thank you, tea would be pleasent." Kain then strolled beside Brutus intot he interior of the building, after a moment he saw Foray and smiled at her, "give her my sincerest greetings." Kain thought to Brutus.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:12 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mister (post: 1483990) wrote:Kain took one long step into house and made a sign for blessing. he then nodded to Brutus while thinking, "ah Foray, she is ever persistent. yes, thank you, tea would be pleasent." Kain then strolled beside Brutus intot he interior of the building, after a moment he saw Foray and smiled at her, "give her my sincerest greetings." Kain thought to Brutus.

Brutus smiled mischieviously and relaid the message.

"It seems Brother Kain is taking a vow of silence. He gives you greetings and his blessing."

Foray had a really skeptical look on her face.

"Uh-huh, suuuure he is, having a vow of silence - phooey, I say! But I'll believe his greetings and blessings for sure. Tell good old Brother Kain to speak up sometime himself, will you Brutus?"

Brutus simply smiled and went about making tea for Kain and himself. It didn't look like there would be more people coming to him today with cases for him to judge.

"So, Brother Kain. How has your work with the children been?"...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:17 am
by Phantom_Sorano
~Hiyashi Woods~

Zavin stepped forward, elbowing Yuna to the side.

"You are not authorized to be out here."

Yuna rolled her eyes and continued looking for hints when something caught her eye.

"Hey! Hey! I think I found something!"

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:45 am
by Diamond Dragon
~Hayashi's Forest~

"...I didn't know I'd have to be authorized! I thought anyone could come to these woods!" she said. Then she looked at Yuna to see what she found.


Kuro was about to say something else when another girl ran up and hugged Adelaide. Kuro was surprised to silence until the girl asked who she was. "I'm Kuro..." she answered.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:27 am
by Ally-Ann
Diamond Dragon (post: 1484063) wrote:~Hayashi's Forest~

"...I didn't know I'd have to be authorized! I thought anyone could come to these woods!" she said. Then she looked at Yuna to see what she found.


Kuro was about to say something else when another girl ran up and hugged Adelaide. Kuro was surprised to silence until the girl asked who she was. "I'm Kuro..." she answered.

Ligeia smiled.

"Sorry to startle you. I'm her cousin, Ligeia." Ligeia said as she pointed one finger to Adelaide and her other hand's thumb to herself.

"She does this all the time..." Adelaide mumbled. Ligeia pursed her lips.

"Do not. Anyway, what were ya'll talking about?" Ligeia asked, smiling. Adelaide debated whether or not she should tell her. Sometimes she could be adventurous, other times hse could be over protective. Maybe Kuro'll say something...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:00 pm
by Mister
Kain grinned widely at the mention of the children. "all is well! the children fare very well today, i have discovered several whom are interested in joining the monastery. but i wish for them to experiance young life before they make the choice." turning he walked slowly to Foray's side and laid a hand on her shoulder, his relic hummed softly as peace and calm flowed into her. "tell her she is too tense for one so young, she should relax and enjoy life." he thought to Brutus.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:12 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mister (post: 1484144) wrote:Kain grinned widely at the mention of the children. "all is well! the children fare very well today, i have discovered several whom are interested in joining the monastery. but i wish for them to experiance young life before they make the choice." turning he walked slowly to Foray's side and laid a hand on her shoulder, his relic hummed softly as peace and calm flowed into her. "tell her she is too tense for one so young, she should relax and enjoy life." he thought to Brutus.

Brutus relayed the message. Foray looked at the monk knowly and said, "I'm be plenty relaxed, good brother! Life on the fields is good this year. The crop is expected to be a bumper crop."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:49 pm
by Diamond Dragon

Kuro blinked. Definately the daring, will-say-what's-on-her-mind type of person... she thought. "We were just talking about what might be in those woods over there." she replied, pointing to the woods.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:17 pm
by Mister
Kain nodded to Foray, then with the help of his headband relic he impressed a desire to have some of the new crops laid back for the children.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:14 pm
by Darth_Kirby
Mister (post: 1484163) wrote:Kain nodded to Foray, then with the help of his headband relic he impressed a desire to have some of the new crops laid back for the children.

"Agreed, I'd be glad to help those adorable kids," Foray said to Kain, finally taking a more softer tone than before. "Speaking of kids, though, Brutus! Are you going to enter the Jolar tournament this year? I'm sure the kids would love to see you defend you title."

Brutus smiled faintly and looked out the window contemplatively.

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure about it. I like getting to compete sure, but it seems like everyone is pressuring me to be some sort of undefeatable champion! I'm still considering the matter, but for now I discovered this nice trail in the woods. Perhaps you and Brother Kain would like to accompany me sometime? It's a very peaceful place."

"Well, I wouldn't mind," Foray said, the quiet side of her had finally come out completely. Brutus hoped it would stay that way. It suited her better in his opinion, but he had always been a quiet man. Maybe it was just his preferences.

"What about you Brother Kain?" Brutus asked.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:24 pm
by Mister
Darth_Kirby (post: 1484171) wrote:"Agreed, I'd be glad to help those adorable kids," Foray said to Kain, finally taking a more softer tone than before. "Speaking of kids, though, Brutus! Are you going to enter the Jolar tournament this year? I'm sure the kids would love to see you defend you title."

Brutus smiled faintly and looked out the window contemplatively.

"Perhaps, but I'm not sure about it. I like getting to compete sure, but it seems like everyone is pressuring me to be some sort of undefeatable champion! I'm still considering the matter, but for now I discovered this nice trail in the woods. Perhaps you and Brother Kain would like to accompany me sometime? It's a very peaceful place."

"Well, I wouldn't mind," Foray said, the quiet side of her had finally come out completely. Brutus hoped it would stay that way. It suited her better in his opinion, but he had always been a quiet man. Maybe it was just his preferences.

"What about you Brother Kain?" Brutus asked.

Kain thought for a moment then gave a thumbs up to say that he was willing to tag along. "It has been some time sense i have left the city, it would do me good to walk upon The Creator's earth." he thought to brutus before smiling again.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
~Hiyashi Woods~

"Ignore the elf...he's as sour as a worm grog covered in lemon.", Yuna retorted cutting eyes at Zavin. "It's this..."

She held up a piece of a wooden box with elaborate wooden carvings; the inside was covered with the remains of velvet. It was old and almost completely rotted, but it had the same looking creature that Yuna was studying.

"It's in bad condition from being in the elements....but it's something...."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:25 pm
by Diamond Dragon
~Hayashi's Forest~

Ji giggled at Yuna's remark about Zavin, then stared at the piece of wood and velvet. "It's beautiful!" she cried. Then she noticed the carves features of a creature that looked like an elf, but seemed smaller didn't have the pointy ears. "What kind of creature is that?" she asked.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:50 am
by Phantom_Sorano
~Hiyashi Forest~

Yuna shrugged.

"I dunno...I've studied the multiple races, but I am unaware of this one."

Zavin crept over and leaned over Yuna and Ji to examine it also.

"It's too small in build to be an elf.", he muttered without thinking.

"So he isn't all business after all. You might just have a brain there, Suit."

Zavin turned red at Yuna's comment but kept his gaze on the object.

"You are already here", he said directing his attention back to Ji. "Would you like to help?"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:50 pm
by Ally-Ann
Diamond Dragon (post: 1484153) wrote:~Unabara~

Kuro blinked. Definately the daring, will-say-what's-on-her-mind type of person... she thought. "We were just talking about what might be in those woods over there." she replied, pointing to the woods.

Ligeia looked in the direction of the forest.
"Hmm," was all she said, thinking about everything that could be hidden in the shadows of the forest. "It could be dangerous... I don't know if you should go prancing about in them..."
'Fine by me,' Adelaide thought blankly. 'There're probably a bunch of spiders and such...'
"Then again, my mom always said to never be afraid of anything..." Ligeia thought outloud.
'Make up your mind,' Adelaide inwardly sighed.
"It might be fun to look through them, actually. I don't know anyone who's been in there, but someone's got to explore them, right?" Ligeia said with an adventurous grin.
"I-I guess..." Adelaide mumbled.

OOC: Gah. It took me forever to write this little bit. Lightning fried something in our wired internet, so now I'm using the Wii's wi-fi... with the remote. (-_-)