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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 5:49 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
lol, thank you.^^

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:11 am
by Felix
Okay, so compared to Laura's awesome art, I know it's not much, but I felt like drawing Sirus again (Yeah, he's the only character I can draw) so here he is! :D


PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:25 am
by Danyasaur
W0000000t! Awwwwwwww, so adorable! *pinches his cheek* Great job, Hobo!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:03 am
by SorasOathkeeper
Looks great man! I love it!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:24 pm
by Little T-chan
GOOD JOB! I like the pose~ That's one of the poses I have trouble with. >.<

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:20 pm
by Felix
Really? Well thanks!! ^_^ I'm glad all you guys like it!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:20 pm
by Danyasaur
Hey ya'll.

Behold, the romance of Yuki and Addie. . . . . . and Rinku

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:28 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
Man, I love that. It's great! XD

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:00 pm
by Felix
XD Pmigosh! That's so funny that I misspelled 'oigosh'.. o.o And again!
Love the evil shapeless fiery Rin of doom.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:15 pm
by Danyasaur
XD thanks ya'll

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:42 pm
by sonichiro
hmmm....I'm reading all of this, wondering if any of it is recent or from a looong time ago. I started SoG in Grade Nine...I'm now in Grade Eleven....Someone mentioned SoG's second it's been two I'm guessing people are still involved? Who knew? That's so strange that people are still involved with my rpg. Well, I decided to pay everyone a visit, considering that I haven't been on the site in the year. I hope all is well. Is the rpg even running any more? Questions questions....o dear. o well. <3 hearts.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:08 am
by SorasOathkeeper
It's SoG's third birthday!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:38 am
by Danyasaur
;_; *HUGGAGE* WE LOOV YU!! >0<_\m/ And I LOVE the picture! It's gorgeous ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:04 pm
by Felix
Awww, Laura! This is awesome! I really love the picture! I'd also like to wish a happy birthday to SoG and say how glad I am I got to meet you guys through it. ^^ And I wanna thank you for putting up with all the ridiculous sappy scenes I cooked up with Sive and Sirus XD

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:15 pm
by Little T-chan
AWW...! Wow, it's been SO long since I've participated in any RP, but this brings back so many good memories. Friends& creativity let loose! haha :D Thanks so much!

Since we were always a group and creating stories together sometimes I feel like I grew closer with you guys than other people in my life because it was simpler to reach the level of intimacy that creativity provides. ^^ I'm so glad that I joined this RP 3 years ago and met you guys~~~ AWWWW x) I miss you guys truly

God bless you

<3 t-chan

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:06 pm
by sonichiro
Well, no one has posted here for about a year. However, tonight I remembered how much I love the friends I made in this group. I wanted to check in to see how everyone has been doing. And wouldn't you know, my post is almost exactly one year later. Happy fourth birthday, Shades of Grey (I will ALWAYS use the Canadian spelling haha), you were beautiful. And if anyone ever finds they're way back in here -- I just wanted to let you guys know how much you all still mean to me. You got me through a pretty rough patch in my life as well as helping me and supporting me when I decided it was time to move on. Love you all.
ps. By the way, you'll be happy to know that I did end up following my dreams. God has blessed me in the most incredible way -- I'm in my first year of university. I was accepted out of 3000 applicants to one of the most competitive university acting programs in Canada. Keep on eye out for me on the main stage ;)