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PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:27 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
--Whirlwind and Conductor--

Anthony nodded and as he was transferred from Yoko to Bernard. He was heavy, so Whirlwind was releaved when her arm was back in front of her, ready for fighting.

"Arigato gozaimasu. I'm gonna hold her here until the coppas show."

OOC: Your cue, Rockie!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:46 am
by rocklobster
Phobos arrived on the scene. "Sorry I was late. I was detained. Why don't you let me take over from here, Yoko. I insist. Or do you want me to make you leave?"
As they left, Bernard turned to Anthony. "At least let me call Jeff. He knows our alter egos, so it won't be a problem."
OOC: Jeff's a friend of Bernard's who's a doctor. Let's make it like the R, W, and B have made Jeff their unofficial medic.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:25 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

"I forgot about Jeff....yeah...please...."

He felt himself become dizzy and was overcome with sleep.


Yoko did not turn to look back at the newcomer to the scene.

"No thanks. I don't trust gals with washy alibis. This kid over here is goin' to the slammer, and I'm gonna make sure of it."

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:09 am
by rocklobster
Phobos smiled wryly. "I suppose trust is not an easy thing to gain. I understand that. For what it's worth, you were one of the members I idolized."

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:53 am
by OfficerSting
"Fear not I have returned!" said Chase, flying down to the ground.

"Such a shame I didn't get in on any of the fight."

Chase saw the unconscious conductor.

"Did I miss much?"

PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:22 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Wilder out for the count or what?


The echo of police sirens bounced wildly of the tall city buildings; the cops were getting close. Whirlwind scoffed at Phobos's words. Her back was still turned to her when she replied,

"Even if that were true, I cannot help but laugh. I suppose it's good that you say I was someone you looked up to, and not that you do. People, even heroes, have stains of bad character. If you can prove yourself and have other see you for all that's worth and at the end of the day admire you, then you have truly accomplished something super."

Yoko turned around to look at Phobos and study her face; at last she cracked a smirk.

"If you can do that, kid, I'll have more than admiration for ya; I'll respect and trust you."

Patrol cars swarmed the scene. As officers in the dozens surrounded Wilder, the heroine lowered her hand. Her part was finished. She pulled at her gloves and started walking towards Phobos. When she just barely passed her, she stopped.

"Trust must be earned; by exposing ourselves is how that is obtained. If you wish to gain any trust with the Flags, the Rebs, or even the scumbags wanderin' around, you have to start tellin' the truth at some point."

Whirlwind then shot into the smokey gray sky and flew until they blended into one.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:26 am
by rocklobster
OOC: You hit her with a manhole cover, Soran. I don't think you get up from that instantly ;)
Phobos sighed as she saw Wilder leave.
"Another failure. I thought the Kapoots had better recruits. This isn't going according to plan." she thought
Voltage and Anthony arrived at Jeff's place. Luckily, Jeff was home. As Voltage and Anthony entered, a jazz record was playing on the Victrola.
Jeff looked up. He had curly red hair, a pale complexion, and wore glasses.
"Bernard! I take it The Conductor was injured."
"He got hit with a mallet. I think he might be all right otherwise."
"A mallet?"
"Yeah. I know it's unorthodox."
OOC: Bernard doesn't know what to make about Wilder's tactics because Looney Tunes wasn't around in the 20's.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:57 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: So Phobos is a bad guy! * awards self with bet money*

--The Conductor--

What was going on? He felt terrible; around him he could make out voices. Slowly, groggly, everything came to.

"Jeff...", he muttered, "l..long time no see."


The silver-haired heroine made her way back to her regular hero haunt. The air resonated around her as the clock stroked ten. Going through the small door by the big 8, she soon landed in her base of operations. The clock tower had become her haven as a hero; there was no way she would risk the nuns in her private affairs.

" I see you let yourself in again", she addressed to the darkness.

"You don't miss a beat, do you Captain?", replied a husky voice from within the shadows.

"Don't call me that....well? What news do you have to report?"

"This woman you asked me to follow is a strange one indeed; her speech and appearance confuse me..."

" Please. Don't lose your wits like Tony. Find anything important?"

"No, not much. I can tell, however, that she is talking to more than that Charlemange kid."

"I forgot about Paladin. His file came up clean, right?"

"Yes ma'am; fresh out of the academy."

"A good reason this Phobos has made contact with him. Keep watching the scene and get here lickity split if you hear more."

"Why do I work for you again?"

"Because I haven't killed you yet."

"Ah. Good enough for me, Squints."

A blur of black rushed into the night sky; Yoko walked over and peared out at the sleeping city.

"I really need to get to confession..."

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:54 pm
by Wind
OOC: could someone help me get into this RPG with some interaction plese ^_^

IC: Selenia stood on the rooftop looking down at the city, She knew that she needed to find her father. She hoped that she wouldn't get so caught up in the revenge of finding her father because she believed that he had hurt her mother. She was a bit indecisive and didn't know what to do.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 7:12 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Sure, Miss Naomi. I'll have my character find you.


A new aura wifted around the smooth night winds. Whirlwind slide her goggles back on, and with face masked, dove off of the clock tower and back into the buzy night life of Chicago. As people were tucking in their children, jazz music began to rear up from street corner and popular joints. Yoko flew past this and towards where she felt this strange presence. A figure gazing out on a rooftop came into her view. Silently, she fell upon the person like dew on the morning grass.

"What brings you to Chicago, kid?", Yoko asked as she landed behind Selenia.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:17 am
by rocklobster
Phobos left the scene. It was time to talk to the rest of the Kapoots. Luckily, she knew where the HQ should be.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:01 pm
by Wind
Phantom_Sorano (post: 1415479) wrote:OOC: Sure, Miss Naomi. I'll have my character find you.


A new aura wifted around the smooth night winds. Whirlwind slide her goggles back on, and with face masked, dove off of the clock tower and back into the buzy night life of Chicago. As people were tucking in their children, jazz music began to rear up from street corner and popular joints. Yoko flew past this and towards where she felt this strange presence. A figure gazing out on a rooftop came into her view. Silently, she fell upon the person like dew on the morning grass.

"What brings you to Chicago, kid?", Yoko asked as she landed behind Selenia.

OOC: Thanks Soran :D

IC: Selenia turned around cautiously as fire lit up in a small purple and black ball on the palm her hand. She realized that the person behind her was at least partially friendly so as she exstinguisjed the fire in her hand she said " Nothing really, just thought I would explore a new territory. I am always looking for adventure. I am known as the Black Dragon but my friends call me Selenia... And you are?"

PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:55 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

Yoko eyed the woman for a moment, surveying her facial expressions, before she answered.

"They call me Whirlwind; eight year captain for the Successors. Black Dragon, huh? Isn't that swell? To be blunt with ya, I know that you are doing more than just observing the scenery and that to not fire on me, you must not be a villain. Why are you really here?"

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:02 pm
by rocklobster
Voltage asked Anthony, "So, you think you might be all right?"
Phobos approached the hideout for the Kapoots.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:26 pm
by Wind
[quote="Phantom_Sorano (post: 1415872)"]--Whirlwind--

Yoko eyed the woman for a moment, surveying her facial expressions, before she answered.

"They call me Whirlwind]

Selenia looked at her and stepped down from the edge of the roof towards Whirlwind. " I am really here looking for my father..." A single tear slid down her cheek and she hoped that Whirlwind didn't notice " He murdered my mother... and I want revenge..." She opened her mouth to speak again but couldn't get the words past the lump in her throat. " I don't know if I can trust you but I hope we can be friends.. I just don't know who to trust anymore because I have had to rely on myself for so long..." She didn't know why she had pretty much told this stranger her whole life story but she felt like she could trust her and she relaxed visibly. " I am a really cautious sort of person by nature." She fell silent and waited to see what Whirlwind would say.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:40 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Mila Armm was walking down the street; her father had asked her to get some things at the store. Suddenly she noticed two Super people on the roof. I wonder what they're up too.... she though supiciousely. She quickly ducked behind an alleyway, and Transformed into her Silver Streak costume. Then she hauled herself up to the roof, her robotic arm whirring faintly. She stopped whe she was at the edge of the roof, and listened.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:55 pm
by OfficerSting
"This is certainly interesting," said Chase.

Suddenly Chase noticed people on a nearby roof. He was about to tell the others, but he didn't dare risk getting caught fighting with flags should they be fellow successors.

"I have to be somewhere," he said, flying off that way.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:57 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

The super focused on the woman in front of her; her almond eyes caught the gleaming trace of a tear that escaped her. That tear brought back the sharp pain of her sins; her chest tightened up severely. She took a knee and focused on her breathing. After a moment, she composed herself and stood back up.

"Please forgive me. I...I understand your reasonings very well, Selenia. I know the head of the Red, White, and Blues in this city; he goes by the alias Conductor. He's a swell guy who you could talk to about being recruited. I've got some people, so later I'll talk with you; I can find your father. But now, let's get you off this roof and somewhere safe. Young blood on these streets is a swinging time for Kapoots."

Yoko stopped and listened to the wind; someone else was near.

"You!", she cried out, "The one with the metal. Come out from hiding and show your moxy."

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:22 am
by rocklobster
ooc: Hmm. MAybe I should have Voltage show up.
Voltage walked out to get some air. He saw the people on the roof. Then he grabbed a trash can and "surfed" it up to the roof.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 6:15 am
by Diamond Dragon
I guess she means me. Slowly Mila flew over the edge of the roof, and hovered a small distance away from the two women. "Who are you?" she asked them.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:03 pm
by Wind
[quote="Phantom_Sorano (post: 1416172)"]--Whirlwind--

The super focused on the woman in front of her]
Selenia looked at the woman and said " Thank you I appreciate your help..." She felt the presence of the other woman at the same time Whirlwind did and she lit a large purple ball of fire in her hand and turned to face their challenger head on.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:09 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Mila Stepped back. "I'm not looking for trouble, I just want to know who you guys are." she said.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:27 pm
by OfficerSting
Chase landed on the roof.

"Might I ask what you are doing up here, you three? Whirlwind, are these companions of yours?"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:29 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Silver Streak turned to see Chase. "No, I'm just wondering whats going on." she replied

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:59 pm
by rocklobster
"Name's Voltage. I'm with the Red White and Blues. Whirlwind and Chase here are with the Successors. And you are?" Voltage asked.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:03 pm
by Diamond Dragon
"I'm Silver Streak, and I'm also for the Red White and Blues!" said Sliver Proudly.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:30 pm
by OfficerSting
"A Red, White, and Blue? At your age?" Chase inquired.

"But why?"

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:38 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Silver turned away. " brother and mother live in a different warring area.......I just want to see them again.........and after what happened to me..." Silver then caressed her robotic arm. "I just want to help others. Theres no need for all this fighting." she finished.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:47 pm
by OfficerSting
"I'm very sorry to hear that," Chase said.

"Chicago's a rough place, alright. The war between the flags and the Successors certainly has hurt a lot of people, and the Kapoots pillage, raid, and murder for no reason whatsoever."

Chase paused.

"Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps this war really is pointless."

PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:55 pm
by Diamond Dragon
"Yes....." said Silver quietly. Then she turned around to face Chase. "But I have a feeling everything will turn out fine eventually." she said, a ray of hope shining in her eyes.