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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 5:39 am
by rocklobster
Calvin went back to his house and told his mom what was going on. After her approval, he went back to Robyn.
"Sure, why not. I feel partly responsible for Eriko's actions. One of my flaws is that I can't handle myself around pretty girls, especially those my own age. I probably get that from my dad." He put the helmet on. "So, tell me, how do you and my mom know each other?"

PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 10:45 am
by Davidizer13
Ricky didn't expect anyone else to hear him, but there he was: suddenly he was the villain, getting dirty looks, breaking girls' hearts (he reached out and tried to shout an apology, but too late), taking a blow to the head from a guitar... He was being persecuted for his art. This is perfect, he thought as he started to pack up his drum set. In the future, I'll be vindicated, and the others will be forgotten - it's the nature of truth! First it's vilified, and then it's accepted as self-evident. As he left, he nodded at the others, but said nothing. How could they understand his plight? They had been conditioned to follow the siren song of popularity and marketability over musicianship.

He got home, headed up to his room, and dropped his drums in favor of a set of headphones. As he started on some homework, he fired up The Protomen's second album on his CD player - now THOSE were real musicians! His pencil eraser tapped on the paper as he thought about the answer to the next problem.

Halfway through The Hounds, his oldest sister burst into the room and began poking through his rack of CDs. "Get out!" Ricky growled as he waved her off.

"I'm just looking for my CD, Rick, 'kay?" She frowned as she found it - "What's my Vampire Weekend CD doing in the 'sell-out' rack?"

"'Cause they are, Mel. Get over it: all those alternative papers" - he picked up this week's Weekend Review - "heaped their praise on their first album, and their sophomore release got twisted by that response into a shell of its former self. They sold out, man."

Mel rolled her eyes "Whatever; you just can't appreciate popular music."

"Exactly! That's why I can't appreciate it!"

"Yeah, whatever." She waved the case as she stepped out of the room. Someday she'd understand...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:27 am
by rocklobster
Stephanie handed Amai and the other new arrival (that's you, Samurai10) one sheet of paper each. "Here, write down your names and e-mails on these. If you have facebook or Skype, use that too. My son has a webcam he uses to talk to his cousins and his sister. I'm sure he'll contact you."

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:34 am
by Diamond Dragon
Amai wrote her name, e-mail, and skype on the sheet of paper, and gave it back to Calvin's mom.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:28 pm
by samurai10
Ruman said, "Okay." She took the proffered pencil, wrote down her name, email, skype, and her facebook username on the paper, which she then gave back to Calvin's mom.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:43 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Robyn grinned as the young man joined her. She went fairly slow for safety, ans over the wind, answered his question.

"Your mother befriended me back when I was in high school. It was difficult for me because I entered high school when I was about eleven. Your mother saw past that and treated me like I was her equal. I didn't see much of her after we split up from college, and when I started touring....forget it. I didn't even know she lived around here anymore."

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:26 am
by rocklobster
"Eleven years old? Reminds me of Chiyo-chan from Azumanga Daioh. Oh wait, you've probably never seen that, even with you having a Japanese student." Calvin said with a smirk, which he hoped Robyn wouldn't misinterpret. When he saw Robyn's house, he was instantly impressed.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:59 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The motorcycle slowed made its stop on the treacherous gravel driveway that made a long, winding trail up to the large estate. Robyn turned off the engine, motioned for Calvin to hop of, and surveyed the grounds as she took of her helmet and tassled her short hair.

Her car was no to be found; Eriko's people must have taken it back to her house. "Figures..", she thought to herself.

"Have you ever been to the Lamar Manor?", she asked Calvin, trying to not come off as brash as she had before." My student, Eriko, is the heiress to the estate. Her father, David, was a close friend of mine. He and his family run a large compnay focused on producing instruments for large symphonic organizations. That's how I met him, and how I introduced him to his wife. She was Japanese, which explains Eriko. Despite her shyness, she is a very nice girl and is a musicial talent."

They had reached the front door by now, and the two men guarding the main door recognized Robyn and opened the door. She politely bowed, muttering a simple thanks in Japanese to which they nodded and closed the doors behind them.

"She will probably be in the study", she half said to herself as she wandered through the main hall with its sweeping vaulted ceilings and elaborate tapestries. "Come on, Cal. Keep up."

A guard was at the large oak doors of the study. Robyn pointed to them; the guard frowned and shook his head.

"She's still upset. Cal.....remember to....just be nice. Girls are sensitive things sometimes, y'know? What am I saying? C'mon."

She walked past the guard and opened the large study doors. Eriko was all the way on the other side of the room, hidden in a window sit guarded by towering floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. The window was unhidden by the large velvet drapes, revealing the snow falling. The girl sat looking outside, cradling herself as small remains of tears crept down her cheeks. She turned with big, watery red eyes at the sound of her visitors and blushed when she saw the boy from earlier.

She turned away, back to the window, and sniffled come while attempting to gain composure. After a minute, she began asking a question or two in Japanese. Robyn paused, looking for words, before answering. After her second response, the girl circled around and stared at Calvin.

"'t mad about me coming to watch?"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:19 pm
by rocklobster
Calvin took in the house. The only time he'd ever been in a mansion was when he went to a mock plantation. Which didn't count in his eyes. Then he noticed Eriko and smiled as congenially as he could.
"No, I don't mind an audience." He placed a hand behind his head sheepishly and offered another one for her to shake. Then he took his hand down and pointed at his face, as he'd often seen Japanese people do in anime and manga. "Um, I'm afraid I don't know much about your culture, so I hope I don't come across too forward. The name's Calvin. And you are?"

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:23 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Amai then went home. "I'm home." she called out, then she went to her room. She took out her laptop and started to play an MMORPG game.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:25 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Nice, Miss Dia!

Eriko looked at Calvin, a warm smile stealing across her face. She was surprised that he was so concerned over his manners; it was different. But a good different. She held her small hand out, indicating a shake was just fine.

"I'm only half Japanese, so please don't worry about it. I respect that you would consider it. My name is Eriko Lamar. It's a pleasure to have you, although I do apologize for being like this", she said drying her face with the frilled sleeve of her hand, "I really didn't mean to impose. You are the lead musician, right?"

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:53 am
by Diamond Dragon
ooc: Thanks! ^^

BIC: Dia met up with her best friend on the MMORPG game. She typed into the chatbox, "Band audition went well. The members where friendly." Then she waited till her friend's reply came up, "That's great! Things haven't been the same back home. we miss you!" she replied, "So do I. At least we can chat on here!" and she made her character emote a thumbs up.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:22 pm
by rocklobster
"My concern for my manners is part of my Asperger's syndrome actually. And yeah, I'm the leader and founder. At first, it was just me, Ambrose, and Ricky. Then Ambrose talked Narissa into joining. I'm thinking of getting rid of Ricky though. This isn't the first time he's caused trouble. I keep thinking he's just going to hold us down. Him and his worries about us selling out. Shouldn't he wait til we get signed and then worry?" He shook his head.
He noticed the baby grand in the study. "Ma'am, do you mind if I play something?" he asked Robyn.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:47 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Eriko frowned a bit at Calvin's words towards Ricky.

" should not be so upset with him. He does have good intentions and I do not doubt a passionate, creative soul."

She blushed at her audacity and turned back toward the window. Robyn watched her with interest, then remembered where she was at Calvin's question. It was the "ma'am"; she hated being called "ma'am". It made her feel older than her twenty-five years.

"Don't ask me, kid. This isn't my house or my piano to control. Everything is this estate is Eriko's. Ask her."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:11 am
by rocklobster
Calvin noticed the disdain that was in Robyn's voice. "Sorry, my mom insists on politeness. She says you go further in life if you show as much respect as possible to everyone."
"So, can I play your piano? I got about an hour to kill before I have to get back. My cousin Jo is probably calling then.
Narissa and Ambrose were at Ambrose's
"Hey Narissa, I got something to show you."
He walked over to a CD player and put in a Rage Against The Machine album. Then he hooked up his guitar. As "Guerilla Radio" played, he attempted to match Tom Marello's signature style.
"My hours of practice have paid off. That's my best attempt yet. He is not easy to follow."
"Not bad. Think Calvin might do a Rage style song?" Narissa asked.
"I don't know. I'm not sure if Christian rock has ever had a protest song. And he's trying to make us like Skillet or Fireflight. At least he picked some good bands to follow."

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:50 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Eriko looked at the boy in surprise and stupor. She had never had anyone at her house that wasn't concerned with her grandfather's business or her special tutors; the closest person to her age was Ms. Copeland! And now this boy was standing here, wanting to play the piano. She smiled and nodded faintly.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:06 pm
by rocklobster
Calvin sat down on the bench. He said "Now let's see. How'd that go again. Oh yeah."
He counted to four in his head and then started playing "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:00 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The girl turned from the window and moved to a chair near the piano, listening in quiet appreciation. Her hands began to itch, and before she knew it she was standing beside him, bow and viola in hand, playing the harmony.

Robyn watched this with some amusement. Eriko was a very shy child, and she had never seen her open up to someone so quickly. Music truely was a powerful thing. The teacher huffed and walked into a back room, emerging a minute later with one of her instruments she kept at the mansion for lessons. Soon the spritely, warm metallic sounds of the soprano saxophone joined in a counter melody.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:11 pm
by rocklobster
Calvin finished the song, at first oblivious to the accompanient. "My mom used to hum that song to me as a baby and as a toddler. I guess that's why I like it so much." he explained. "Thanks for the accompanient." He opened the piano bench to see what music might be inside, if any.
"Well what do you know. You have "Invention #13", or as my mom likes to call it 'The Commodore Theme Song.' She calls it that because the Commodore computer company used it for their commercials. I'll have to admit it's not an easy song, but I like a challenge." He immediately put the music on the piano and began playing. Within three measures, he made a mistake. "I've never been able to play this one without making at least five errors." He admitted sheepishly.
OOC: This is a bit of author insert. I can't play that song to save my life.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:54 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Eriko leaned over and gazed intently at the sheet music. Involuntarily, her fingers began to tap out the notes in the air. Before she realized what she was doing, she was on the piano bench with Calvin. Her fingers lightly danced over the porcelein white keys, eyes transfixed on the notes until the song was finished. When she remembered where she was, she stood and blushed.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:02 pm
by rocklobster
Calvin chuckled. "You know, a girl like you shouldn't be so shy. You're very pretty. I mean that. I'm probably one of the most sincere people you'll ever meet." He smirked. "Now for some fun. My favorite tv show theme."
He immediately began playing the Doctor Who theme.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:24 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Never had a person been so forward with her besides Ms. Copeland, but not in this sort of way. She felt her cheeks turn red and burn; her stomach flipped and flopped around. This was too uncomfortable. Eriko bent her head so her face was hidden by her hair, muttered something, and bolted out of the room like a frightened gazelle.

Robyn watched Eriko leave, and then turned to face Calvin, a great scowl stealing her other facial expressions as her eyebrows knit together in obvious aggreviation.

" say the....oddest things", she struggled. "C'mon. Piano time is over. Let's get you back home."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:08 am
by rocklobster
Calvin sighed. "Could you apologize to her for me? You see, my asperger's syndrome makes social interaction quite difficult. I've tried to adapt, but alas, I still screw up royally."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:35 am
by Phantom_Sorano
"Apologize for yourself", was Robyn's strong reply. "If you are going to act, make sure you can deal with its reactions."

Robyn walked to the door, waiting for him to come.

"Come on. Steph...your mother will be worried."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:41 am
by rocklobster
"Fine. It's probably too soon anyway. You know what they say, 'timing is everything.'" Calvin said as he shook his head. Well, she is invited to the next session if she wants to try her audition again. I'm not sure if Ricky will react the same way again, though. He's so pretentious."
He followed her to her motorcycle and got on.