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Samurai Girl RP

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:49 pm
by Paxdroca
If you're reading this, congrats! You've just been accepted into Daimon High Private Academy located within Tokyo, Japan, where fights between students are not stopped, they're graded!

Okay, now let's get to business. Here are some simple guidelines to accepting your enrollment.

1. Follow the character sheet as follows and post it here

Character Sheet:
Favorite Weapon: (A melee weapon of any kind, be it zanpakuto or bo or bouku or whatever make you happy)
Appearance: (Either a text description or a pic will suffice)
Fighting Style(s): (Have at least 2 to start with and build off from there (Max of 8)
Nationality: (Always important, make sure to put a " -- " in between each nationality)
(A history will be revealed with a certain PC (Playable Character) whenever you feel will give more drama to the current story. It's to add a cinematic and suspenseful feel to the RP :D)

Sample: (AKA mine):
Name: Noel Ceroson
Age: 16
Favorite Weapon: A sword that is covered with black energy and it acts like Hollow Ichigo's Zangetsu in the latest Bleach DS fighting game. It is slung on his back and he usually pulls it out when his Eyes (I have capitalized Eyes for a reason; will reveal when approved!) flare in anger or outrage or in times of great need. Its name is Onikaze. (Translated: Demon Wind) (Release Response:
(Become the winds of Chaos!
(Blow the ordered world into the Void!
(Your wind will wash away all sanity in your opponent's heart!)
Noel is a towering 8' 1” and is about 236 lbs. He has a pale shaved head with tattoos all over it; pale skin; pointed ears; sharp facial features; eyes that look like they are alight with the power of an ancient evil; a muscular frame; and has huge feet and hands. He usually wears a loose black T-shirt that sports some kind of logo on it; blue baggy loose boot-cut torn jeans; black armored boots; black plate gauntlets that have spikes on them and sport the Eye on it; and a Ring of Power on his right index finger. He also wears a suit of mithril armor underlay underneath his clothes, just in case.
Fighting Style(s):
Knights Templar Sword Skills
Specialized Shinigami Sword Skills
Ninja Stealth and Movement Skills
Throwing Skills
Demon Magic Skills
Eyes of the Heir Skills
Demon Lord Powers
Dark Kaumi Powers

2. I am in charge, so follow my leads. Anyone that I approve as stewards of the thread will make decisions in my place, so follow them. Also, if a decision seems unfair, PM a mod or admin or if all else fails me to take the case and have it reviewed.

3. All must follow the CAA guidelines to RPing; NO exceptions!

4. Keep relativity within this Universe; any changes to the basis of the Universe (i.e. Crossovers and stuff like that) must be approved by me or someone working with me. We already combined some aspects of Bleach and LotR, so any more will have to be approved by me or a steward.

5. HAVE FUN!! Most important here, man!

Okay, all characters from the Universe can be controlled by all players, but try not to make yourself TOO good when facing off against either Ryoko or someone like that, make sure that you at least take some hits, or I'll kick you out. I mean it.
Anyway, I need at least 6 people, and any later entries will be welcome as well. God accepts us, so we shouldn't deny anyone the love of RPing EVER. That means YOU, Ninja Highschool players, who won't even acknowledge my existence when I post a character.

The story goes like this:
It's about God knows how long after the Gates Incident and everyone is back to normal and ready for another year at Daimon High. Ryoko is still the K-Fight champion and she and Shizura are starting to romance with each other.
But, when a new competitor with strange eyes challenges Ryoko to a K-Fight and when he's about to finish it a swarm of strange creatures led by a helmeted cloaked stranger on a Demon Beast try to capture the challenger named Noel Ceroson for unknown reasons, Ryoko feels that her and Shizura's lives and destinies are now intertwined with Noel's and they must now find a wizard by the name of Mithrandir of the Istari and stop a sinister plot by a terrorist group known as the Sons of Grond, led by their charismatic leader, Arcturus Caesar, from resurrecting an ancient evil and bringing the world into a second age of darkness and chaos!

What do you think?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:44 pm
by Paxdroca
Please, anyone willing to play?! Please?!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 4:15 am
by rocklobster
Name: Michiru Xavier (nicknamed Mike)
Age: 12
Favorite Weapon: Katana
Appearance: Has brown hair in a ponytail. Has green eyes.
Fighting Style(s): don't know
Nationality: American-Japanese
(A history will be revealed with a certain PC (Playable Character) whenever you feel will give more drama to the current story. It's to add a cinematic and suspenseful feel to the RP :D)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:10 am
by Paxdroca
Awesome. I need at least two more people.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:37 am
by Paxdroca
rocklobster (post: 1282259) wrote:Fighting Style(s): don't know

Any kind you find on the Intarwebz will do, man.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:48 am
by Paxdroca
Yo, anyone else want to get this on?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:50 am
by Wind
can't promise how often I will post but I will try this ok

Name: Aza kamazaki
Age: 10 (looks 15)
Favorite Weapon: Image
Appearance: Image
Fighting Style(s): dragon kung fu fighting style

Name: Lu'si
Age: 19
Favorite Weapon: doesn't have a specific favorite is trained in the use of many types
Appearance: Image
Fighting Style(s): chinese boxing and snake kung fu
Nationality: chinese and korean

Name: Slaine MacKinnon
Age: 21
Favorite Weapon: a scottish claymore Image
Appearance: Image
Fighting Style(s): she is a celt and a barbarian she is trained to swordfight but doesn't have any particular style
Nationality: scottish (she is an exchange student)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:51 am
by Paxdroca

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:59 am
by Wind
you like them??

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:06 am
by Paxdroca