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Supers in Chicago

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:47 pm
by Tsukuyomi
GM is OfficerSting ^__^

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:03 pm
by OfficerSting
As Chase was walking down the alleyway, he was beginning to notice an odd trend: nothing suspicious was happening that night. On just about every night he had been on patrol duty for the Successors, he'd always run across a criminal or a rival of some sort.

"Peculiar," Chase thought as he continued walking down alley cautiously, still on guard if a Kapoot or a Red, White, and Blue were to pop out.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:14 am
by rocklobster
OOC: I decided to start with Phobos actually arriving so we could see how she joined the team.
Joy fell out of the time portal. She was glad her costume survived the time change. It might stand out in this timeline, but she didn't care. Sometimes being conspicuous came in handy.
She looked around and saw Chase. She discreetly took out a device that looked like a calculator and pressed a few buttons. Perfect. He's the leader of the Successors, the person she's supposed to convince to let her join the team.
She decided to walk up and introduce herself. She tapped Chase on the shoulder.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:36 am
by OfficerSting
Chase reeled back, expecing the person to be an enemy.

"How dare you sneak up on me from behind, you cowardous Kapoot! Or perhaps you are a Red, White, and Blue! Well, you will get no sympathy from me, the great and noble Charlemagne!"

Chase then took a vial from his belt and was ready to drink it, when he noticed the badge on Joy's costume.

"Or are you, perchance, a member of the Successors? Well, this is embarassing."

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:56 pm
by rocklobster
"Uh, actually, I'm supposed to be a member of your team. The name's Phobos. I thought you were the leader. Don't leaders know their teammates?" said Joy. "But if you want my real name, it's Joy."
At that moment, Voltage got knocked out of a building. He got up. "OK, This is it! The kit gloves are off!" he exclaimed. "But then, I don't wear gloves anyway. So that statement was moot."
He charged up his electricity and rushed back in. He came out with an unconscious criminal. "There, he'll be out until the cops show up."
OOC: For the record, Voltage just got an ordinary criminal. Nothing to see here, folks. You can have Chase react to what happenned if you like.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:25 pm
by OfficerSting
"Say, say, say, if it isn't a Red, White and Blue," said Chase upon seeing Voltage, "and I thought tonight was going smoothly."

At that point, Chase took out two vials off his belt labeled "Energy Manipulation" and handed one to Joy.

"I'm not the leader," Chase told Joy, "but I will be some day, for I am the one, the only, CHARLEMAGNE!"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 8:11 pm
by Seto_Sora
Edward watched the proceedings from the shadows of a dimly light street lamp. He was watching and observing so much more. The strange appearance of Phobos did not startle him, but it was of great concern she wore the badge of a successor.
"P-H-O-B-S...," He wrote in a little black notebook, "no, she said Phobos," he continued scratching the name. "I will look for her in the roster, but just now...," Edward returned to watching the events within a small jewelry store. Petty bandits at work, and under Charlemagne's very nose. But wait, there is a commotion! The bandits are under attack! Who is this!? Not a successor... a... Blue!
"Voltage! Blast that man! His job was thorough! None of the criminals remained, none to follow to their nest! I must examine their bodies before the police arrive!"


PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:20 am
by rocklobster
"I have the ability to look into a person's mind. My costume actually the key to my ability. If you look at it long enough, it can induce hypnosis. While the victim is hypnotized, I look into his or her mind and focus on what he or she fears the most. Then the victim experiences that fear. I can even make that person do as I please just to make the experience stop." Phobos explained. "That's why I took the name Phobos. He's the god of fear in Greek mythology."
Voltage saw Edward. "You know, we may disagree on some things, but we are on the same side. I think we ought to work together. At least the city will be under control. What do you think?"
OOC: I'm trying to establish Voltage as "chaotic good." He'll do what's right, but isn't above breaking the rules.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:09 am
by OfficerSting
Voltage was suddenly hit by a wave of eletricity.

"No, I don't think you'll be winning over other successors, Voltage," said Chase.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:25 pm
by rocklobster
Voltage fell down.
"What was that all about?" he said hours later. "Guess I'd better pop in at HQ." he shrugged. He never could figure out the Successors.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:29 am
by rocklobster
Hate to double post, but I have to:
Going to visit my paternal grandparents. Will be back Wednesday.
Edit: Disregard that. We aren't leaving due to a storm in the gulf.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:38 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Waiting on character approval. Sidenote: This reads like on of those 40s radio dramas. lol

PostPosted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 11:03 pm
by OfficerSting
OOC: I apologize for my prolonged absence.

"Here we are, Phobos, the HQ" said Chase as he took Phobos into a what appeared to be an abandoned concert hall, after the fight was over.

"Anyone here?" Chase asked, to no one in particular.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:33 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Oh! I wanna jump in!


"If a tree falls in the woods, does it really make a sound? Think about it for a moment...sound is defined as sound waves vibrating off the ear drum; if no one is around, then technically there isn't any sound....hmm"

The masculent voice echoed around the large hall, making the location hard to pinpoint.

"Tell me", the voice said directing Chase, "who are you and why are you here?"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:58 pm
by OfficerSting
"Conductor? Is that you? My, my, my, if it isn't an intruiging night!" said Chase, frantically looking around.

"Phobos! To your battle stance!" exclaimed Chase, downing another phial, this one labled "super speed".

"No Red, White and Blue will ever penetrate our HQ, if my name isn't CHARLEMAGNE!"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 5:10 am
by rocklobster
Phobos was in awe. Despite the fact that the Successors were the ones who eventually started the awful Second Civil War, The Conductor was one of its most respected members, even in her future. She was a bit worried though. Anytime now, they'd look through their files and discover she hasn't even been born yet. She'd never used her powers on more than one person at a time. She wasn't sure if they'd even work on more than one person at a time.
"Well, if it isn't the Conductor." she said.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:09 pm
by OfficerSting
As soon as Chase caught a good view of The Conductor, he sped off towards him with his newly acquired speed.

"FOR GREAT JUSTICE!" Chase exclaimed as he threw a punch at the Conductor.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:10 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The voice spoke again, but the sound was closer. There was a light bouncing in his voice.

"Oh please do calm yourself, old boy!", he directed at Chase once more. "Please take into consideration that this is MY abode and not your own."

A man's siloette appeared from the shadows. The light from the chandelier grew brighter and gave light to the character. He was tall and thin, wearing a fine tuxedo with flappers. His eyes were partically covered with his flowing blonde hair; then hidden by a white mask shaped like a music note.

"What can I do for you, Monsiuer Charlemange? Ah! And what a fine young lady you have with you! Pray tell what is your name?"

The Conductor swung his baton around and engaged into a large sweeping bow, narrowly escaping the fist coming towards him. A scoff echoed through the hall.

"These people barge in and you're bein' all polite!? Tony...."

A woman's voice. The curtains around the room shifted in unison; suddenly a small woman was there, using herself as a barracade between the two.

"You Flags* are good at making enemies", she said coldly towards the musical man.

"Temper, temper...", he replied

She was petite but athletic; dressed in aviator's gear and cloth of the East. Her hand pushed back the whisps of stray silver hair around her face before extending to Charlemange.

"Charlemange, right? I've heard a lot about you. They call me Whirlwind. I'm a Successor, but the Flag* here is a friend."

<<**Flag is how Yoko refers to the Red, White, and Blues.>>

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:18 pm
by OfficerSting
"Friend? No Red, White, and Blue could possibly be a friend!" said Chase, resuming his fighting stance.

"If you're a successor, why haven't I seen you around here, and, even if you are, why should I trust you?"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:24 pm
by rocklobster
Phobos turned to Conductor. "I am Phobos." she offered a hand.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:26 pm
by OfficerSting
"No, not you too!" said Chase turning to Phobos.

"Nevermind! I will fight you all single handedly, if I must, for I am CHARLEMAGNE THE GREAT!"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:33 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The Conductor took Phobos's hand, raising it to his hand and lightly pecking it.

"I am called the 'Conductor', but you may called my Anthony. It's a true pleasure."

"Calm down, Casanova.", the woman said in reply, tugging on the Conductor's coat tails.

The Conductor frowned, but resumed his gentlemanly stance.

"And what is to say that you are to be trusted?", Whirlwind retorted in reply to the figure that stood posed and ready to fight. "I can say that I have have truly never heard of you, but talk in town says there is an over-enthusiastic super hero parading about. I looked into it and followed you here....because no other candidate seemed to fit that type of profile. I've been a Successor for eight years, pal!"

Here she lifted some hair for her aviator cap, revealing the gleaming crest of the Successors; a high-ranking one at that.

"And Flags and Rebs* can be friends! It's young blood like you that gives us a bad rep...geez. Tony and I are childhood friends; sides don't matter as long as you are tryin' to get the bad guys."

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:38 pm
by OfficerSting
"Fine!" said Chase in a huff.

"By my grace I shall let you live, but I've got my eyes on you two!"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:43 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The Conductor smiled and clasped his hands in delight. Whirlwind frowned and elbowed Chase as she walked by.

"I'll be watching you too, Young Blood. It's the kids like you that go first."

The curtains and the chandelier shook violently, the lights began to blink. When all was normal, Whirlwind had vanished.

"You'll have to forgive Yoko", interjected Anthony, "she isn't exactly the star pupil of ediquette. Well! Since you are here, I would love to show you my base of operations. I am sure you will find it most helpful. This way, please."

The Conductor bowed and started for the great staircase.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:45 pm
by OfficerSting
"Wait!" exclaimed Chase

"This isn't your home, this is the HQ for the Successors! We must fight! It is the only dramatic way to go!"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:50 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
The Conductor spun around, confused by Charlemange's outburst.

"I can see why Yoko was concerned about you; a young child to eager to rush into confrontation. Alas, my friend, I am a musician and this is a symphony hall. I belong here; I have made residence here for over a year now. You simply cannot expect me to leave on such biased and unprovened conditions. Are you positive that you are aware of the Successors headquarters?"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:01 pm
by OfficerSting
OOC: Sadly, I must leave for an hour or so after this post, but alas...
"You're supposed to react!" shouted Chase angrily.

"I didn't spend a year training for the Successors to fight completely passive foes!"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:11 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Anthony turned around to see Chase.

"You must understand that you will not always get a dramatic rouse from your opponent; especially when in company of someone who have a similiar primary objective. You are still new to this, you will learn the ways in time. Meanwhile, calm yourself."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:23 am
by rocklobster
Voltage saw Whirlwind. Even though they were on opposing sides, he saw that as no reason to treat her unkindly. In fact, he had to admit he found her attractive.
"What's up, Yoko?" he asked.
"Conductor, I need to speak with you, alone." said Phobos.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:35 pm
by Phantom_Sorano

Yoko spun around to the voice that had addressed her; it sounded strangely familiar. Above her on the roof of an adjacent building was a tall angular man with a broad smile;it was contagious.

"Voltage, right? I met you a few months ago at Tony's. How's it been? Catch yourself any Kapoots lately?"

---The Conductor---

Anthony grinned, holding out his arm for her to take.


He then left the company of Charlemange in the middle of the stairwell and escorted Phobos to a small study.

"Now, Madmoiselle Joy, what is it that you really want to talk about?"