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Cross Academy

PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:57 pm
by rocklobster
In a small town, angels have taken over a church academy, after hearing that evil forces are plotting to corrupt the innocent children attending it. However, none of the children are aware of the dangers nor the angels that are instructing them and preparing them for spiritual warfare.
In this RP, you can be either one of the angels or one of the children. If you play an angel, you will have to keep your true identity a secret. Angels have the ability to heal and are also able to use ESP.
Age: (note: Angels don't die, so you can feel free to make your character in the centuries if you wish)
Alternate form: (Your human form's appearance. This is used to keep your true nature a secret)
Class: What your angel teaches. Note the academy has a stable for horses and such. The angels are also teaching fencing!
Age: anywhere from 5-18
Physical Description:
Remember that the humans are unaware of what is happenning. They cannot see through the angels' alternate forms unless the angels let down their guard.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:14 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Can I make an angel that poses as a student? pleasE?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:27 am
by rocklobster
Um, why not be a cherub? Traditionally, cherubs are angel children. (In other words, yes, you can do that)
I'm gonna go ahead and post some characters, maybe that'll drum up business.
1.Name: Joanne (everyone calls her Jo. She insists) Grant
Age: 9
Grade: 4th
Physical Description: She has red hair that she wears in a ponytail. She has hazel brown eyes. She has typical height and weight for a girl her age.
Personality: Jo is a tomboy and has a very amiable personality. She makes friends easily, but still keeps some of her true self a secret. Only the angels have managed to see through her facade.
Bio: Jo comes from a broken family. Her mother actually thought that Jo's birth would patch things up for the marriage, but it only brought more problems. Jo was enrolled in the school to keep her from getting distressed about the problems. She prefers not to talk about her family.
Extra: she wears a green baseball cap backwards.
2. Name: Zauriel
Age: Let's say he lived long enough to know St. Peter before he died. In fact, he's the angel who rescued him from prison!
Alternate form: Zauriel has short, brown hair and gray eyes. (all angels have gray eyes for some reason)
Class: None. He pretty much runs the academy, but will stand in for any angel who may be too busy.
Personality: Zauriel is a bit on the aloof side, mostly because he's the oldest of the angels. But once you get past that aloof nature, you find that he's actually a pretty nice person.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:40 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
If it alright to post my former character from the first attempt at this, then:

Name: Katherine Rufford (her human name); does not remember her angelic name
Age: unknown; appears to be in her late 20s
Alternate form: Katherine has long, curly auburn hair and grey-green eyes. She is fairly light skinned with some freckles on her face and small in build and frame, but with a feminine figure. She usually wears stiff clothing to state her position in the academy.
Class: Katherine is not a teacher, but a vice-president and disciplinarien.
Personality: Katherine is not a typical angel, nor does she act like it. Her attitudes and actions come across as very harsh and aloof, though her personality is far from it. She can be very ackward with some situations, and not being the most emphatic, is unsure and cold in her reaction to people. Deep down, she is a loving individual.
Bio: At oone point in time, Katherine could remember being human. The event is hazy, but she remembers that she and her family died when she was young, but is not to sure how. Her first real memory is heaven and seeing part of God. When she went to look at his face, he stopped her and gave her a strange offer. He wanted to make her into an angel, but she would have to back to earth and earn her wings (yes, very Clarence-esque...but I liked it then and now!). Since then, she has lived on earth for a few decades attempting.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:25 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Name: Kaya
Age: Is the youngest (and the most inexperienced) of the group of angels
Alternate form:*w9zevDnzf8ql3Jf3iXu9DD/anime_girl.jpg
Class: Actually, she poses as a student.
Personality: Is quiet, and pays attention to her surroundings.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 1:48 pm
by rocklobster
Aw! She's so cute!!!:hug: She totally needs someone to watch over her.
Name: Keedra
Age: 500
Alternate form: She has long flowing green hair and kind brown eyes. She has a very motherly appearance.
Class: What your angel teaches. Note the academy has a stable for horses and such. The angels are also teaching fencing!
Personality: Keedra has a severe motherly accent that she has a difficult time suppressing. She's been told she can't get too attached to the students, but can't help it. It's a holdover from her past as a guardian angel.
Bio: Keedra was once a guardian angel. Her child did very well with her help, so as a reward, she was promoted to caseworker. This is her latest assignment.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:03 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Thanks! And your character is awsome too!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:43 pm
by Furen
Alright here goes (if it ever seems I'm not doing anything, PM me cause I tend to forget to check threads...)

Angel class
Name: Ren (of course :P)
Age: 2718

Alternate form
Age: approx 31
hair: brown, short
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5'11''
build: Mid range
attributes: Defined

Computer technologies and Carpentry

An honest person, with a loving heart. He's a very relaxed but fair teacher, he doesn't force anything but does grade accordingly. He has a hard time saying no to helping a student with anything.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:58 pm
by rocklobster
Not bad for your first try. I think I'm gonna wait til after Turkey day to start this.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:01 pm
by Diamond Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:15 pm
by Furen
well it's not my FIRST try creating a character, just a first time trying to be dedicated to an rp
and that's Nov 25 for you over there right? (we had ours a month ago)

PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 11:46 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Yay Mr. Furen! First character! \^_^/ I can't wait!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:11 pm
by Furen
yeah ^^ so again if I fall behind or something let me know, I'll stay in but I'm bad at remembering

PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:39 am
by Midori
Okay, this RPG looks close to ready, but there's one thing I'm worried about.
Notice that these rules say "No mixing the supernatural with fantasy". Now I know we've been lenient about this in the past, such as in The Esper Project, but this RPG is even more that way, using angels and demons as something like fantasy devices. I'll discuss this with the other moderators and post once we reach a conclusion.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:38 pm
by Furen
yeah, I remembered that and just figured I'd stay away from some of that magic stuff :P or do you mean something else?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:16 am
by Masquerade1412
Name: Xavier Lee (to the fellow students of the Academy he is known as "X")
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Physical Description:
Jet Black, slicked back hair
Dark Blue eyes
Year-round pale skin
Sturdy build (looks like a heavyweight boxer)
Scar over right eye
Usually wears dark clothing
Normally cold and distant
Seems to always get into fights
Skips class often
In Reality:
Animal Lover

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:18 am
by Masquerade1412
Name: Xavier Lee (to the fellow students of the Academy he is known as "X")
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Physical Description:
Jet Black, slicked back hair
Dark Blue eyes
Year-round pale skin
Sturdy build (looks like a heavyweight boxer)
Scar over right eye
Usually wears dark clothing

Normally cold and distant
Seems to always get into fights
Skips class often
In Reality:
Animal Lover

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:21 am
by Masquerade1412
Name: Xavier Lee (to the fellow students of the Academy he is known as "X")
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Physical Description:
Jet Black, slicked back hair
Dark Blue eyes
Year-round pale skin
Sturdy build (looks like a heavyweight boxer)
Scar over right eye
Usually wears dark clothing
Normally cold and distant
Seems to always get into fights
Skips class often
NOTE: has some interesting secrets...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:32 am
by Masquerade1412
Name: Xavier Lee (to the fellow students of the Academy he is known as "X")
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Physical Description:
Jet Black, slicked back hair
Dark Blue eyes
Year-round pale skin
Sturdy build (looks like a heavyweight boxer)
Scar over right eye
Usually wears dark clothing
Normally cold and distant
Seems to always get into fights
Skips class often
NOTE: has many undiscovered secrets...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:34 am
by Masquerade1412
I honestly didnt know that this thread needed so many characters...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:49 pm
by Midori
I'm going to go ahead and approve this, since else has raised any objections. I think it'll be just fine. You may want to go notify all the players that its begun though because of this big long delay.

Anyway, here's your thread: