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Supers in Chicago 2

PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:32 pm
by goldenspines
Round 2 on this one.

GM is OfficerSting.

Have fun and play safe! ^__^

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:24 am
by OfficerSting
Chase stood in the concert hall that was the headquarters of the Ambassadors. The doors were all barricaded so that no enemy could get in.

"Come on, you guys!" he said, referring to the other Ambassadors, "They could be here any second!"

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:39 pm
by rocklobster
Voltage was with Chase. "Now you understand. I'm only helping you as a friend. I have no interest in joining your exclusive club."
OOC: I was going to quote Iron Man 2 there, but it wouldn't fit the time period.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:45 pm
by OfficerSting
The barricades were starting to crack. An small army of River Men and their various monsters were about to come flooding in.

"Well," said Chase after downing a phial of energy manipulation potion, "It would appear that for now, it's just you and me, Voltage."

The barricades gave way, the doors flung open and the River Men and their creations poured in.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:19 pm
by Davidizer13
Chimerus rode to the scene of the battle in the back of his Dusenberg, watching his creations as they fought against those do-gooders, the Ambassadors. Thanks to a substantial donation to the Chicago chief of police's re-election campaign, the cops wouldn't be a problem for today's battle, no matter how rancorous it could get.

He checked the feed and safety on his tommygun - full of rounds and off, as usual. The theater the Ambassadors had holed themselves up in appeared around the next corner, its marquee shattered and the windows and doors covered with boards. A mob of beasts and gangsters battered furiously at the barricades.

Chimerus waved at the driver, and the car slid to a sideways stop, its doors facing the entrance. And what great timing - just as he stepped out, the last board came free on the main doors, and with a roar, his gangsters poured into the stronghold. With a smile, he started his transformation. What should I be today? he thought. A bear? A tiger? Or better yet, an alligator! And an alligator I shall be! His back cracked, his face lengthened into a gnarled snout, his fingernails twisted into scaly claws. Chimerus gritted his teeth against the pain - he did this nearly every day, but hadn't quite gotten used to that sensation. With a bellow, he stumped off towards the doors, his gun at the ready. There were supers to hunt down, and who better to fight a super than another super?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:35 pm
by OfficerSting
"Villains! Face the wrath of CHARLEMAGNE!" Chase exclaimed. He then proceeded to use his newly acquired energy manipulation powers to fire bolt after bolt of electricity at the River Men and their creatures.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:36 am
by Phantom_Sorano
"Good heavens! This is a path down memory lane I do not want to take! You fiends...GET OUTTA MY CONCERT HALL!"

Anthony, donned in his traditional uniform as the infamous Conductor, leaped from the orchestra pit, and sent a ear piercing sound wave at the direction of a group of River Men. As a general and one of the right hand men for Chase and the Ambassadors, he could not stand for such violence....and destruction to his 15-year residence.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:28 am
by rocklobster
"Hey, electricity is my department!" said Voltage. "Quit stealing my routine, Chase. Let someone who knows how to handle electricity show you how it's done."
He concentrated his energy and knocked out several River Men in one shot. "See? That's how it's done!"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:05 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
"You honestly have time to be showing off to Mr. Paladin, Berns? Nothing changes with you, huh?"

The Conductor looked up and smiled at the familiar voice; from a nearby box seat, a small woman with elaborate dress and an aviators hat flew down with about ten others dressed in black.

Whirlwind landed and in a unison with the others sent a hurl of various attacks aimed at the River Men.

"Black Sheep! Divide and conquer!", Yoko cried out with passion as she lunged towards a nearby villain.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:09 pm
by OfficerSting
OOC: For Info on Justinian, see the thread in the New RPG Ideas board.
Chase continued to fire bolt after bolt upon the River Men. The crowd was thinning. Suddenly, a teenage boy dressed in similar attire to Chase came busting in swinging, taking out several more River Men.

"Boss, I'm back!" he said

PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 5:36 am
by rocklobster
"Ah, you're the rookie." said Voltage. "The name's Voltage."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:13 am
by OfficerSting
Chase continued to blast River Men, and Justinian continued to pound through them. With the combigned efforts of everyone, the River Men army was starting to retreat.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:59 am
by Davidizer13
Just then, a massive green hand punched through the wall behind the ring of superheroes, followed by another. Chimerus kicked away the rest of the drywall, blasting away through the hole with his tommygun as he did. Didn't hit anything. Dang. Well, I've still got time for that, he thought as he grinned at the supers he had surprised. "Why, hello there! Name's Chimerus, and it's a right nice pleasure to meet ya on this fine day," Chimerus taunted, in his Southern drawl. He lazily waved his gun barrel at the people in the crowd. "Now, if y'all would just come with me, reaaaaal quiet-like, nobody else would hafta get hurt, y'hear? We wouldn't want things t' get messy when we've just made friends with each other."

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 2:15 pm
by rocklobster
"Hey, I don't make friends with nobody!" said Voltage. He charged up some electricity and sent it at Chimerus, full force.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 8:24 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Interested on how this "southern drawl" is gonna sound, being a Southerner myself. Hahaha!

Whirlwind spun around to see who had entered now; the bright green was very memorable. Chimerus; he was near the territory of the control of the Black Sheep. She knew of him, alright.

"Well, ain't you a sight? And I don't mean a pretty one. What's your business here anyway, Chim?"

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:43 am
by OfficerSting
OOC: For more information on the Orichalcum Man, see the thread in the New RPG ideas Section.
"Chimerus, your troops are abandoning you; I think it's in your best interest to-"

Chase was cut off by the painful scream of Justinian, who had just been blasted by a bolt of energy from The Orichalcum Man himself.

"I have returned," said The Orichalcum Man.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:00 pm
by Davidizer13
OOC: @PS: I'm going for a more Foghorn Leghorn than anything close to how people from the South actually talk - it's a comic book universe after all, and everything gets exaggerated!

Chimerus rolled out of the way of the energy bolt - he mustered the self-control to hold off on using the gun for the moment, to discuss the matters at hand. "Well, if it ain't Whirly! How've ya been, dearie? I'm just around to clear out a rat's nest here, don't mind me." He reared back to strike at the group - one of them shouted out something about retreating. Fat chance of that happening now. He was committed to this!

But just before he could make his leap, the hallway exploded with a flash and a lingering crackle in the air. Chimerus whipped around to shield his eyes, and when he turned back, there was a tall figure standing there. Where'd I see this guy before? Think! Chimerus thought to himself. Clearly he wasn't with those Ambassador fools - one of them just got taken out. Still, the new guy didn't seem like the type of guy who would make friends with him. "Listen, you, this is my turf, y'hear? I'll deal with this, and you can go clear out, a'right?"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:39 pm
by OfficerSting
The Orichalcum Man merely glanced at Chimerus before sending a bolt of energy his way as well.

"I don't converse with villains,"

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:35 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Whirlwind sent a blast of wind to throw off the target of Orichalum's blast; she didn't care for villains, but Chim was still someone she respected. Helping each side....a Black Sheep through and through.

The Conductor stepped forward, grabbing her shoulder with some force. The grip reminded her of where she was: Anthony's turf. She had to side with him on this one. His face was pale. He must be in shock aswell of seeing the Orichalum Man....after all...he had been figured to be dead.

"What business do you have here?", the Conductor mustered.

"Yeah, didn't we already kick your---"

"Defeat you!", Anthony had hastily before Yoko could finish her sentence.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:50 pm
by OfficerSting
"Oh me, oh my. If it isn't Voltage, Whirlwind, Charlemagne, and the Conductor. Four of the original five who took what was rightfully mine," said The Orichalcum Man.

"Why if it isn't Joseph, the Orichalcum Man. Why don't you haul yourself off to prison and save us the trouble-" began Chase, but, in the same vein as Justinian, he was hit by a powerful blast of energy from the Orichalcum Man.

"Chase, show some respect to your future king. You see, I only want back what you took from me." said the Orichalcum Man

"Also, Mark," he said picking up Justinian by the throat.

"You betrayed the Neo-Kapoots, and so you must die. That is, unless all five of my enemies, Voltage, the Conductor, Charlemagne, Whirlwind, and Silver Streak, off their lives instead," continued the Orichalcum Man.

"Lastly, Chimerus, look around you; your River Men have abandoned you. I suppose you could go back to the River Men HQ and get another small army, but for right now, you are in my clutches."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:53 am
by rocklobster
"We aren't going anywhere, Orichalum Man." said Voltage. "I've still got enough power to mop the floor with you. And this floor is pretty dirty, so I hope you clean well."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:29 pm
by OfficerSting
"Then Justinian dies!" said the Orichalcum Man as he flung Justinian across the room with bone-shattering force. He then sent a wave of energy at Justinian's motionless body.

"Justinian!" exclaimed Chase.

Chase suddenly dashed in front of the blast and was hit instead of Justinian.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:46 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
"That's quite enough!"

The Conductor's voice boomed with great force, sending rows of chairs and the blast of his voice at the Orichalum Man.

"Your order was not intended to benefit the people of this country. You needed to be stopped. I certainly, will not sacrifice myself or others for your deranged causes."

Whirlwind stepped beside Voltage and the Conductor.

" vile, yellow-bellied, sick disgrace of a person! Neither I or my organization will stand for your actions! Don't ever dare try to strike down a young kid in my presence, or so help me...I'll withdrawl the very air out of your lungs until I hear bones poppin' like kernals on a hot pan!"

She raised her hands to strike an attack, but Anthony quickly grabbed ahold of her arms and forced them down to her side.

"Are you really wanting to wage another war, Joseph?!", asked the Conductor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:00 pm
by OfficerSting
"Whirlwind, Whirlwind, Whirlwind," began the Orichalcum Man

"You were once my most trusted officer. What happened?"

The Orichalcum Man paused.

"I don't really want a war per se, but I do on the other hand want my vengence. If you surrender thyselves to me, I solemnly swear to take down all the villains in the U.S. If you simply hand yourselves over to me, I will cease my killings and return to the moral high road I was on before YOU destroyed me. Illinois will be in good hands: mine."

The Orichalcum Man paused again.

"Or I can kill Charlemagne and Justinian right here," he said.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:32 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Whirlwind lurched forward, clutching her teeth to trap the words that were trying so hard to escape. Anthony held steadfast, not letting her gain much ground.

"Only a coward would sacrifice or harm others for the purpose of self gain! You asked what ever happened?! I will never work under anyone that uses fear and threat to gain what they desire! You are a true disgust; a plague upon this country! You want me?! Fine! Come and get me then! If you can beat me fair and square, then I'll come willingly. But we know you can't....not then and certainly not now! Don't hurt the kid or Paladin, you swine!"

The Conductor looked at Voltage, trying to find his opinion. He turned to look at Justinian and Charlemange. He was an Ambassador, and under Charlemange's order of justice. There was no way he would betray that powerful cause, but he had to defend his personal honor.

"I too will come, Orichalum, if you can defeat me by just, fair means. If you mean to fight me like a man, if you are even capable, then so be it. I will not just come with no fight. If anything, I will give my last to defend these two from your malicious, unjust tactics."

He walked Whirlwind over in front of Chase and Erik; Yoko understood then what he meant. She eased up and moved beside him, creating a human barrier.

"If you want Paladin, you go through us first."

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:40 pm
by OfficerSting
"So be it!"

Upon saying that, the Orichalcum man launched a blast of energy wide enough to hit both Whirlwind and the Conductor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:53 pm
by Davidizer13
Chimerus got sick of all this talk of standoffs and morality about halfway through the Orichalcum Man's explanation of his actions. Besides, he noticed that nobody seemed to be addressing him. Why wasn't anyone talking about his raid? If it weren't for what he did, he reasoned, none of this explaining would be necessary, because the Orichalcum Man had obviously been attracted to the base by his attack! How quickly the great achievements of a generation were forgotten...

While Whirlwind made her spiel, Chimerus sneaked back around a corner. Who cares about that kid; I've got to save my own skin! he thought to himself. He scrambled through the green room, past the box office and through the broken front window. Behind him, there was an explosion. Things must have gone badly. Oh well! That's what you get for making enemies with the wrong people. And now, which alley was it? Ah! Here we are - my car! After transforming back into his human self, he slipped into the car, got dressed and drove away, back towards the Cardshark.

As he drove, he thought about what had just transpired. That Orichalcopyrite guy, or whatever he calls himself, is certainly not one to be trifled with, and unfortunately, he can't be turned to my advantage. Unless... Unless he can be leveraged to turn the Successors against each other! And what about Whirlwind? She just saved me from a world of hurt, so now it would seem I owe her a favor. Then again, that girl and her group is up against the entire world. A little help would be appreciated in that endeavor, I would think. He smiled as he navigated through the streets to the waterfront.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 4:53 am
by rocklobster
Voltage smirked. During the in-fighting between groups, he'd had time to find out new abilities and develop new techniques. Flying solo had its perks. Now was a chance to use one.
"Time for something new a friend of mine invented." Voltage said. He immediately took out a disc and pressed a button. It grew to an enormous size. He rolled it as he ran in front of the blast. The disc took the blast, sparing his allies and himself.
"How's that? I call it my force field disc. My sis and I worked on it. She got tired of playing medic and thought this would help." he bragged.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:00 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
OOC: Rocky....I'm totally lost by your post...
And Mr. David....I'd love to collaborate with you!!!!

The blast of energy felt like a thousand hot needles attacking Yoko and Anthony's skin; their bodies flopped down from the force for a moment. They had taken Orichalum's blast head on. Anthony stood up first, looking behind him at Justinian and Charlemange. It looked like they didn't receive any of the hit. Yoko was up by this time, and looked back with the same notion.

"Yokata...", she muttered.
"Indeed...", he added.

They turned and faced Joseph. Anthony lifted his baton; Yoko gathered her fists into ball.

"Try harder."

They both then sent blasts of sound and wind hurling straight for the enemy.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:37 am
by rocklobster
OOC: Voltage has a disc that works like a huge shield. I'll just use it another time sorry. Give me an opening and I'll fix it.