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Wave Warriors: a Musical Adventure

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:41 am
by Phantom_Sorano
In the land of Ghararna, civilization has utterly changed. The once happy, merry people have been taken over by the genius of their own creation: technology. Robots, androids, and cyborgs now rule society and are initiating a new world order called the "Cyber Cleanse"; a movement designed to wipe out products of humanity that are not deemed constructive. The largest component the Cleanse is focussed on destroying is what computers cannot process as beauty: music.

And so, a small band of humans and few androids that were once human, have formed a small resistance known simply as Wave Warriors. Their mission is to preserve music and to use music to combat the Cyber Cleanse. For not only are computers trying to destroy music, but slowly break down humanity itself by capturing and transforming people into cybernetic drones for military use.

Wave Warriors wheld incredible power: the ability to play instruments and to use the songs both theirs and popular of old days to create musical warriors from the music. (Much like Yu-gi-oh in the respect of cards/monsters= songs/warriors.)

For this RPG:

Choose your side: Cyber Cleanse or Wave Warriors

Fill out following character sheet:
GENDER (if any):

If you have any questions, feel free to PM. I'm a very low-key sort of GM; I like to watch you guys take creative reign. There will be several evil bosses for this rpg. If not many are created, then I will throw one or two in to ensure good game play. I look forward to this with you all. ^_^

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:20 pm
by SeraphicCharm
Count me in!

ALLIANCE: Wave Warriors (will be...see below)
NAME: Gravity Shawn
RACE: Android
GENDER: Female
AGE: Looks 19
ABILITIES: She has superhuman levels of hearing and her mind operates like a super computer
MUSICAL POWERS: Piano performance, a perfect sense of pitch, and can sing very well if she is forced to. Her singing is the most powerful of her music attacks, but it drains almost all of her energy.
PERSONALITY: She is incredibly sharp and thoughtful, never making a move without calculating all the possible outcomes. Although her android state does not allow her to feel emotions, she strives to show emotion the best she can to be more human. She has no tolerance for those who don't understand music and who don't like to practice.
HISTORY: Caught by Cyber Cleanse robots years ago, Gravity was made into an android and remembers nothing of her human past. In spite of this, she harbors a strong hatred for the robotics who mutilated her into one of them and are now trying to assume power. However, she found she was extremely skilled in music, especially in playing the piano. She has no idea how she aquired these skills, but with her true appreciation of the art, she refused to join the Cyber Cleanse and ran away so they wouldn't be able to force her into joining. Since then, she has been traveling as a rogue (she doesn't know about the Wave Warriors yet) trying to save herself...or what's left of herself.
OTHER: When no piano is easily accessible, she has a keyboard stored in her forearms, an upgrade she did herself.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:18 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Welcome aboard, hon!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:12 am
by rocklobster
I think I might create a boss for you, Soran-kun. But first, let me create a heroine.
ALLIANCE: Wave Warriors
RACE: android
GENDER (if any): female
AGE: 12 (she has actually stopped aging as a result of being turned into an android. She has been 12 for 5 years now)
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PICTURES: Kestra is so human in appearance, it's hard to realize she isn't. She has a somewhat pale complexion and has brown hair that goes down to her shoulders in a ponytail. She has brown eyes.
ABILITIES: Kestra posseses superhuman strength and seems to have several volumes of encyclopedias stored within her brain. She is quick, but not like the Flash.
MUSICAL POWERS/GENRE/LIST OF SOUND WARRIORS (4 MAX): She carries a guitar that channels musical energy into her attacks.
PERSONALITY: Kestra appears to have a compassionate soul, but really does not comprehend emotions fully. She is very much like a feminine version of Data from Star Trek TNG, right down to the inability to use contractions.
HISTORY: Kestra has little memory of her humanity before the Cyber Cleanse got to her. She wishes to get it back, although she doesn't think it's possible. Thus, she has joined the Warriors in the hopes of preventing others from suffering a similar fate.
OTHER: Unlike others, she actually has her human soul still inside her, which manifests itself as a ghost only she can interact with. This ghost gives her guidance when needed, and acts as a conscience.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:26 am
by Diamond Dragon
ALLIANCE: Wave Warriors
RACE: Android
GENDER (if any): Female
AGE: 14
ABILITIES: She's REALLLY fast- just as fast as Sonic the Hegehog. She can fly with the rockets on her feet.
MUSICAL POWERS/GENRE/LIST OF SOUND WARRIORS (4 MAX): Singing (She sounds just like Hatsune Miku) And Electric guitar.
PERSONALITY: Outgoing, though sometimes aggresive.
HISTORY: She, like other androids, couldn't remember muh of her human life before the Cyber Cleanse caught her.
OTHER: Her guitar:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:43 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Very nice, everyone approved.

Please remember that people are needed too; they are the only ones capable of summoning warriors from songs.

Also, if you want to create minor bosses, you won't need to go through a big character sheet. Just list who they are and their abilities. Sound okay?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:10 pm
by Althaia
ALLIANCE: Wave Warriors
RACE: Human
GENDER (if any): female
AGE: 21
ABILITIES: when she plays her cello it tends to emit sonic waves that in turn cause people to be lulled into a deep sleep
PERSONALITY: quiet keeps to herself
HISTORY:she is on a search for a her lost brother however she doesn't know where to start but she figures if she play her music enough he may find her on her own
OTHER: see cello below

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:44 pm
by Davidizer13
ALLIANCE: Wave Warriors
NAME/ALIAS: Sir Alec Grafton, a.k.a. Comatose Termite Vengeance: The Experience Part IV
RACE: Human
AGE: 38

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PICTURES: Looks to be about 50; he wears clothes of mid-1980s vintage, thrown together with blatant disregard to fashion, taste or the screams of pain from those who look at them and their piercing colors. He carries a battle-scarred keytar, with an amplifier strapped to his back.

ABILITIES: He can make music with anything that has a keyboard on it: pianos, organs, typewriters, it doesn't matter.

MUSICAL POWERS/GENRE/LIST OF SOUND WARRIORS: Plays synthpop and New Wave - with his keytar, he can generate a doppelganger out of energy who wields a drum machine like no other. Together, they can summon an armored, laser gun-armed moped from which they can continue their musical attack.

PERSONALITY: He's the quintessential rocker personality: a hedonistic, devil-may-care fellow stumbling through life as if on lots and lots of recreational drugs, but he still manages to pop out a few good songs every so often.

HISTORY: Supposedly, before the robot uprising, he was some burnt-out one hit wonder, trying to revive his career but never getting past the reputation of his one hit. When they came to ban music, however, they say he fought off a whole company of cyborgs and ran off into the wilds, where he found the Wave Warriors.

OTHER: Loony out the wazoo. He doesn't seem to mind.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:19 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Characters are approved. Looks good. Hopefully with a few more people, we can start up soon.

ALLIANCE:Wave Warriors
GENDER (if any):male
AGE: early twenties
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PICTURES: Tall, angular, somewhat lanky and muscular, Clef is a well built man with green eyes and sandy blonde hair. He is somewhat clean cut and wears a unkempt suit of black.
ABILITIES: Plays the bass which is able to cause small earthquakes aswell as summon his warriors.
**Opus 37--classical-- a magician like creature donned in red robes that increases attack power with Clef's speed
**Opus 12--classical-- a black figure that consumes its enemies
**Opereta 9-- classical-- a fair maiden dressed in yellow and flowers that can lull enemies into stupor
PERSONALITY: Clef is quiet, but a good-natured gentleman with an eccentric personality. He is undying loyal and passionate about music. He is open with his feelings and with others and expects the same in return.
HISTORY: "Clef" was once Aaron Wagner, a young aspiring musician hit with the movements of the technogical government. His mother and only parent, was a concert flutest, and one of the first waves of musicians to be arrested and taken away. Since, Aaron abandoned his old life and name to pursue music and justice.
OTHER:Hates pop.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:15 pm
by Ella Edric
Are you still accepting characters? And is this idea still alive? o.o?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:50 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
Im still accepting characters, and if I can get some energy in here, I'll submit it, hon.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:42 pm
by Wind
ALLIANCE:Wave Warriors
NAME/ALIAS:Trinity and Jazalyn(Jassy)
RACE:android and human
GENDER (if any): female
AGE: Trinity:22 Jazalyn:120
ABILITIES: Trinity and Jassy are a pair of singers
MUSICAL POWERS/GENRE/LIST OF SOUND WARRIORS (4 MAX): Trinity: Rock and Roll, Crimson Note Dragon, Shadow Notes, and Dark Heart. Jazalyn: Fire Notes, Dark Magic Band, Silver Note Dragon, and Gold Note Dragon
PERSONALITY: Trinity is a bit intellectual and subdued Jazalyn is more open and a bit crazy
HISTORY: will reveal in RPG



PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:07 pm
by Vega
Im really intrested in joining! Is it too late?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:25 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Of course not!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:10 pm
by Vega
ALLIANCE:Wave Warriors
NAME: Kegan
RACE: Human
AGE: Kegan
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/PICTURES: (Picture below) Kegan is tall and skinny with a dark appearance.
ABILITIES:Hes a ble to send huge shockwaves of energy with is Drumset
MUSICAL POWERS: Hes a hardcore Drummer for life. Nothing will get between him and his drumset.(Picture below)
PERSONALITY:Hes very quiet but no doubt hes always been a man of action. He has trouble outwardly expressing his emotion and is bvery loyal to the wave warriors cause.
HISTORY:Kegan grew up as the son of one of the worlds most powerful billionares. As a child he was trained in the art of percussion. By the age 7 he was recognized as a prodigy. Things tthen turned worst. His father wished for his son to inherit his corrupt economic empire which Kegan wanted no part of. Kegan was banished from his household and since he has lived alone only seeing his sister every few months.