LadyRushia (post: 1500288) wrote:That depends on if you want to self-publish or go through traditional publishing and THAT depends on your goals for the project. Are you trying to start your career or just do it for fun?
With traditional book publishing, the process basically goes like this:
-submit your MS directly to the publication or a literary agent (this depends on their specs for submission. If a publisher says they don't take unsolicited manuscripts, you need an agent)
-when I say "MS" I really mean send them what they ask for. If they only want a synopsis and the first chapter, don't send them your entire story
-from there, the agent or publication will either accept your work or not. If they do, they might ask for the first 50 pages. After that, they might accept your whole manuscript or decline it
This website has some good articles about the pitching and publication process. Since the farthest I've ever gotten is having an editor interested in publishing one of my poems, I don't have much personal experience with these things.
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
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