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GMAX questions

PostPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 3:33 pm
by Bobtheduck
I learned 3d with "3DS Max 5"

Though I had heard about the inability to render, I was relieved to hear that GMAX was essentially the same as 3DS Max and that I should be able to jump right into it...

Well, I've got a few problems allready... Things are set up a bit differently, for one. I have noticed that I can't see my sub-object selections on my textured perspective view. I can only see them in the "flat" orthographic views... I really need to see my sub-object selections to do box modeling, which is my primary source of modeling.

Is this based on an earlier version of max? I.E. 3 or something?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 2:48 pm
by Bobtheduck
Man... GMAX is crap... It's so buggy... I can't do box modeling because on half, and only half, of the polygon surface extrusion, it leaves out vertexes in the extrusion and I end up with funky extrudes...

Before you ask, I'm very familiar with 3ds max. I know to check my model to make sure nothing is selected that shouldn't be, and I know to have "ignore backfacing" on, but when it ignores vertexes that are part of the polygons I'm selecting (the polygons are all paralel, btw)

The POC thing works as I'm dragging the extrude wheel (iow, I see the exact result I want) but when I let go, it snaps to an extrude that eliminates important vertexes and causes the extrude to be misshapen.

Anyone have an idea about how to fix that?