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MYST Books

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:40 am
by Linksquest
I loved all three of the MYST books: Myst: the book of Atrus, Myst: the book of Ti'ana and MYST: the book of D'ni.

Now supposedly the fourth book, MYST: the book of Marrim is supposed to come out sometime this year, 2006. And they also have a fifth book planned (which I think will be named MYST: the book of Yeesha) but don't have a release date or title planned as of yet.

What do ya'll think of the books?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:08 am
by Tarnish
I've read The Book of Ti'ana and The Book of Atrus, and enjoyed both immensely. ^^

I own The Book of D'ni, but haven't gotten around to reading it all...from what I did, it seemed a bit...mediocre? Though I guess it *would* be hard to top the other two.

I anxiously await the Book of Marrim!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 8:16 pm
by Linksquest
Orenji wrote:I've read The Book of Ti'ana and The Book of Atrus, and enjoyed both immensely. ^^

I own The Book of D'ni, but haven't gotten around to reading it all...from what I did, it seemed a bit...mediocre? Though I guess it *would* be hard to top the other two.

I actually liked the Book of Dn'i A lot... it just took a while to get the story going. It's an incredible story and I definately want to encourage you to try and finish it. There were a few flaws... like randomely there is a plot element near the end that just feels like it was added on... but still a great read all in all.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 11:04 pm
by Maledicte
I loved all three! It took me a while to get a hold of The Book of Dn'i though. I don't remember them all too well, but I remember enjoying them immensely.

Almost made me go out and get the games, they did. Almost.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:31 am
by Felix
I have the 'Myst Reader' which is just all three packed into one book. (I always did feel smarter if I was reading from a massive book XD) I really like all three! The book of D'ni, while still being good, did feel kind of.. draggy I guess. It did lead up to a good ending, though, and it had it's moments. My favorite was the book of Atrus, and I really liked the book of Ti'ana as well.

There's gonna be a 4th and 5th? That's awesome! I wanna get them.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 7:38 am
by Sammy Boy
I didn't MYST had books too! Alas, I have been depriving myself!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:16 pm
by Linksquest
Ultra Magnus wrote:I didn't MYST had books too! Alas, I have been depriving myself!

indeed you must get them and read them and thus become... UN-deprived! :lol: Seriously they are awesome. :thumb:

PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:21 am
by Sammy Boy
Is undeprived a word? :)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:47 pm
by Linksquest
Ultra Magnus wrote:Is undeprived a word? :)

haha, I doubt it. :lol: