So, about this new skin...

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So, about this new skin...

Postby Slater » Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:15 pm

... when do we get it?
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:00 pm

id Software: "When it's finished."
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Postby Slater » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:18 am

well if id's making it, it's gotta be worth the wait! ;)
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Postby Arnobius » Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:21 pm

id? As in the people who made Doom?
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:02 pm

Yes. Also the creators of the engine behind the "Duke Nukem Forever" game, sometimes refered to as "Duke Nukem for Never."

This is more or less the accepted deffinition of "Vapor Ware."

To be more specific about the delivery date, probably not for a long time. I've hit a time in my life where I will be very busy and I may not have much time to spend on coding-for-fun in the near future. I expect things to get a little easier by next summer.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sun Feb 19, 2006 7:07 pm

What new skin?
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:35 am

There has long been discussion of changing the appearance of the forums, abandoning the "Lite" and "Dark" skins altogether in favor of a single design. Designs are in the works, but they are also a lot of work. Thus it will be some time until the change is made.
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Postby Slater » Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:40 pm

maybe you should draft some of our more tallented artists to help with the artistic part of the new skin. Of course, because of the nature of the project, it wouldn't be wise to enlist more than 2 people...
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Postby Zilch » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:44 am

Oh, geez, I KNEW it...

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:16 pm

Actually, I think the artistic part has more or less been decided (at least I recall approving a number of designs). As far as I understand it, the main issue is coding it to work with vB databases.
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