Thread rules thread

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Thread rules thread

Postby WhiteÃ…ngel » Fri Jun 06, 2003 2:11 pm

I just realized that the more threads created in each tread type... the rules thread or important info thread goes to the bottom...

In other forums these a re stickied so that they stay at the top and are the first thing seen in that thread...

Do you think this is something that should be done?
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Postby MillyFan » Fri Jun 06, 2003 4:39 pm

Yeah, some forum rules would be a good idea. Although this is a Christian board, I once ran into someone who was a hentai addict yet claimed to be "Christian" on another board a long time ago. Needles to say, I did not think he was *really* a Christian, but you get my point: someone like that might show up here.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

Guess which bishounen is my avatar.
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Postby Ashley » Fri Jun 06, 2003 5:45 pm

mmkay, I'll get to work on writing a policy thread or something...and mon Noz-ster, can we make posts sticky? PM on how. Muchos thanks.
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Postby Rashiir » Sat Jun 07, 2003 1:03 am

hey, there can be Christians that are hentai addicts, all Christians sin. The only thing that matters is that one is trying to change. If one is not trying to change, then one must wonder what God one is really following.
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Postby MillyFan » Sat Jun 07, 2003 2:09 am

I understand that. I've had a few lemony thoughts in my time (and if you don't believe me, waltz on over to that thread I posted in right before this one) so I'm in no way judging anyone who's ever actually carried through with their sinful thoughts/desires/whatever and written/watched/read/blahblah.

However, this person I was referring to was unrepentant and would recommend hentai to anyone who asked him what his favorite anime was.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

First, Ban all the Trolls. . . :bootout:

Hey, whatever happened to "thou shalt not steal" anyway?

Guess which bishounen is my avatar.
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Postby Rashiir » Sat Jun 07, 2003 9:48 am

Agreed. :thumb:
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Postby madphilb » Sat Jun 07, 2003 8:29 pm

Originally posted by MillyFan
Although this is a Christian board, I once ran into someone who was a hentai addict yet claimed to be "Christian" on another board a long time ago. Needles to say, I did not think he was *really* a Christian, but you get my point: someone like that might show up here.

Well.... I'd say not to be too quick to judge, but at the same time, if they felt no remorse over the Henti stuff... then they're just fooling themselves. (not to mention that alot of people use the term "Christian" without understanding what that means).

Some of that would hinge on the term "addict" that you used. If we're talking more in the sense of "otaku" (or some sort of fan) then there are some serious problems there, but if we're talking "addict" in the traditional sense like a "drug addict" then we're talking sexual addiction which is a rough thing to deal with.

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Postby Ashley » Sat Jun 07, 2003 9:17 pm

Regardless of motives or depth, sin is sin is sin . In God's eyes it's all the same. Do I believe in forgiveness for all sin? Of course. But I think Millyfan's right...we have to be prepared for everything, and be mature enough to recognize sin when we see it.
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