Shatterheart wrote:(it was also masking things people would say to me...making me look like a bot
AnimeHeretic wrote:This may sound like a stupid question, but can you explain what a bot is? I had never heard of it until this issue came up
Shatterheart wrote:It has come to the staffs attention that someone here on our beloved using bot programs to pester other members. Sometimes these bots are harmless...othertimes they are carrying virus' or links to porn sites. This will stop immediatly. If you are caught doing will be banned. No questions asked. If you have been doing this, and want to will not be banned for actions before this point. Call it immunity. If you know someone who is botting, PM a staff member. Your indenity will not be made public, and action will be taken against the offending party. Some of us share our personal info with a site with thousands of members (I am speaking about staff members) We don't have to give out our personal online info, but we do because we care about you guys. Things like this only abuse our trust...and gives everyone a bad image. Don't let one rotten apple spoil the lot. So, quick recap.
1. Don't use bot programs such as found on ebuamsworld.
2. If you are caught using one, you will be banned. No strikes, no fanfair, no crying parents.
3. If you know someone botting, report them to a CAA staff member. Your idenity will be kept in confidence.
Thank you, and I hope you are all having a pleasent saturday evening.
Yumie wrote:Yeah I talk to SmarterChild sometimes when I'm really bored. . . gets annoying after a while though because it starts repeating itself and stuff. . .
netnurse wrote: Can you tell me more about bots? What exactly is a bot and how do you know if you have one? Thanks.
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