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Postby animefanatic777 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:50 am

OK, so, I wasn't entirely sure, and I wanted to make sure it was OK or something before I went and did something wrong >.<; In the writing section, I can see a bunch of stories and stuff, but it's all almost original ideas( At least that's what I think they are >.<; ) And I wanted to make sure if Fanfiction was OK. If it isn't, maybe make a new forum thingy for it to go in to? =D But that might be troublesome. ^^;

Loving the site so far, loving the community also =D
Christianity + Anime = Christianime. 'Nuff said, ja?


Phoenix Wright: "Stay down... This seems suspicious... I wonder who this guy is..."

Professor Layton: "Hmm... Why, this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Phoenix: "Wait, wha-!? Is this really the ti-!"

Maya: " Oh Nick, don't be such a fuddy duddy! Try out a puzzle! C'mon Professor, give him your best shot! Nick'll solve anything you've got!"

Luke: " Yes! The Professor only gives easy ones anyway. I am sure you won't have any issues!"

Phoenix: "OK... I guess, but don't you think-"

Maya: "Shh! Listen Nick! You'll miss something important like you usually do!"

Layton: "-Insert some insane puzzle/riddle thing-"

Phoenix: "..."

Everyone stares. Maya get's uncomfortably close.

Phoenix: "... Oh look! He's gone in to the castle, let's go after him and investigate! -Runs off-"
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Postby Midori » Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:10 pm

As far as I know, fanfiction is okay as long as it conforms to the creative writing rules. There may be some people who aren't interested in fanfiction, but there's nothing wrong with it. Go ahead! :)
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:50 pm

Would a Fanfiction section make things easier to find ^^? I think right now we just have the Writing section as a whole ^^

Like Midori said, it should be fine just as long as you keep the rules in mind ^__^
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Postby animefanatic777 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:14 pm

You two are lifesavers :3 I don't wanna write any original ideas because if I do, then I can't turn it in to a book :( lol Plus, if I write fanfiction or something, it'll be good practice, y'know? =D

Midori, thank you very much, you are probably right though, most people wouldn't be to interested in it >.<; But it doesn't hurt to just go for it! lol Tank you for your permission BD

Nah, I suppose not Tsukuyomi ^^; You're write(Ha! lol) it's easier to just have it all in one place :3 And I always keep rules in mind. =D I don't generally have to though, I don't like using language and the likes. My stuff is usually pretty good =D I can go slightly extreme though... Huhn... I should go check on the rules... lol I don't have to worry much about this story though, it should be in the guidelines fairly well =D Thank you both! =D
Christianity + Anime = Christianime. 'Nuff said, ja?


Phoenix Wright: "Stay down... This seems suspicious... I wonder who this guy is..."

Professor Layton: "Hmm... Why, this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Phoenix: "Wait, wha-!? Is this really the ti-!"

Maya: " Oh Nick, don't be such a fuddy duddy! Try out a puzzle! C'mon Professor, give him your best shot! Nick'll solve anything you've got!"

Luke: " Yes! The Professor only gives easy ones anyway. I am sure you won't have any issues!"

Phoenix: "OK... I guess, but don't you think-"

Maya: "Shh! Listen Nick! You'll miss something important like you usually do!"

Layton: "-Insert some insane puzzle/riddle thing-"

Phoenix: "..."

Everyone stares. Maya get's uncomfortably close.

Phoenix: "... Oh look! He's gone in to the castle, let's go after him and investigate! -Runs off-"
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Postby animefanatic777 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:30 pm

Sorry for double posting! But I shoulda read the rules at the start, it specifically states stuff about Fanfictions, meh bad XD lol And luckily, meh story would follow the rules very well :3 YAY!
Christianity + Anime = Christianime. 'Nuff said, ja?


Phoenix Wright: "Stay down... This seems suspicious... I wonder who this guy is..."

Professor Layton: "Hmm... Why, this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Phoenix: "Wait, wha-!? Is this really the ti-!"

Maya: " Oh Nick, don't be such a fuddy duddy! Try out a puzzle! C'mon Professor, give him your best shot! Nick'll solve anything you've got!"

Luke: " Yes! The Professor only gives easy ones anyway. I am sure you won't have any issues!"

Phoenix: "OK... I guess, but don't you think-"

Maya: "Shh! Listen Nick! You'll miss something important like you usually do!"

Layton: "-Insert some insane puzzle/riddle thing-"

Phoenix: "..."

Everyone stares. Maya get's uncomfortably close.

Phoenix: "... Oh look! He's gone in to the castle, let's go after him and investigate! -Runs off-"
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Postby FllMtl Novelist » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:54 pm

animefanatic777 (post: 1433808) wrote:I don't wanna write any original ideas because if I do, then I can't turn it in to a book :(

Why is that? I've never heard/read that.
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Postby Lilac#18 » Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:03 pm

[color="Plum"]I'm interested in fanfics. I made a Fanfiction Requests thread. I probably should of posted the idea in the "Comment Box" section though since the writing section might not be the right place. Wasn't thinking.[/color]
FKA Selenite
B careful of bad habits u form when ur single. In most cases u'll carry them over into ur marriage! - Damita Haddon

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Postby animefanatic777 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:32 pm

FllMtl Novelist (post: 1433864) wrote:Why is that? I've never heard/read that.

Well, it's not that it's that you can read it anywhere (To my knowledge you can't), but it's like, if I have posted up my story somewhere, and I wanted it in to a book, my story is on the internet. Someone could just search for it and stuff, and read it there instead of buying the book, y'know? Chances are the publishing company may try and look for it to to see if you've posted it as well, because if you have and a bunch of people have read it, they won't think they'll be getting any money, same as you. Plus, someone else can grab your idea and make it in to there own, y'know? Since it isn't copyrighted and the likes =/

A clever way to get around that though is to change the name of the story and such so if someone tries to look it up, they couldn't find it lol But that won't stop people from stealing your story... I guess I could write it... I know I would like to... And I pretty much trust you guys, I have no reason not to :3 Have you written any stories here or somewhere else?

@ Selenite: And that's good :3 You are a fellow Fanfiction lover! XD lol And regardless of where it was, if you didn't know, it could just be moved or something, and your idea was heard :3 Have you written anything as well? =D
Christianity + Anime = Christianime. 'Nuff said, ja?


Phoenix Wright: "Stay down... This seems suspicious... I wonder who this guy is..."

Professor Layton: "Hmm... Why, this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Phoenix: "Wait, wha-!? Is this really the ti-!"

Maya: " Oh Nick, don't be such a fuddy duddy! Try out a puzzle! C'mon Professor, give him your best shot! Nick'll solve anything you've got!"

Luke: " Yes! The Professor only gives easy ones anyway. I am sure you won't have any issues!"

Phoenix: "OK... I guess, but don't you think-"

Maya: "Shh! Listen Nick! You'll miss something important like you usually do!"

Layton: "-Insert some insane puzzle/riddle thing-"

Phoenix: "..."

Everyone stares. Maya get's uncomfortably close.

Phoenix: "... Oh look! He's gone in to the castle, let's go after him and investigate! -Runs off-"
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Postby Lilac#18 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:48 pm

[color="Plum"]I have written a story years ago, but never finished it. I would like to ask someone for a request, but I don't know how many read the mangas or watched animes with the anime/manga I've seen/read and still reading/watching.

That theard just got buried under other threads. I haven't been in the writing section in hecka long. I should check it out again.[/color]
FKA Selenite
B careful of bad habits u form when ur single. In most cases u'll carry them over into ur marriage! - Damita Haddon

"Apparently, it takes more than just the sword." - Mirai (Future) Trunks

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Postby LadyRushia » Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:55 pm

Plus, someone else can grab your idea and make it in to there own, y'know? Since it isn't copyrighted and the likes =/

Actually, theft of (traditionally) unpublished stories pretty much doesn't happen. Think of it this way: people who steal only want to steal things that they know will make money. A story that's not published through a publishing company isn't making as much money as one that is. Theft in the literary world pretty much boils down to scams and plagiarism from popular, already published stories.

A good rule of thumb to follow is that if you want to send something to editors or agents, don't post it online unless the site your using has some kind of "Friends Only" privacy policy or has limited access in general. As far as CAA goes, people must be logged in before they can even see the writing forum. If you're not really thinking of trying to get something published, but you want feedback and/or you want to build an online readership (which is a very good idea, by the way) then go ahead and post online.

So, have some things you publish online and some things you don't. There are going to be some stories or writings you care about more than others. The ones that aren't necessarily so close to your heart would probably be good candidates for online content. You could make some type of division in your thinking and say "Okay, these things are for the internet and these aren't."
Fanfiction (updated 1/1/11)-- Lucky Star--Ginsaki ch. 4
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Postby animefanatic777 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:09 pm

LadyRushia (post: 1434074) wrote:Actually, theft of (traditionally) unpublished stories pretty much doesn't happen. Think of it this way: people who steal only want to steal things that they know will make money. A story that's not published through a publishing company isn't making as much money as one that is. Theft in the literary world pretty much boils down to scams and plagiarism from popular, already published stories.

A good rule of thumb to follow is that if you want to send something to editors or agents, don't post it online unless the site your using has some kind of "Friends Only" privacy policy or has limited access in general. As far as CAA goes, people must be logged in before they can even see the writing forum. If you're not really thinking of trying to get something published, but you want feedback and/or you want to build an online readership (which is a very good idea, by the way) then go ahead and post online.

So, have some things you publish online and some things you don't. There are going to be some stories or writings you care about more than others. The ones that aren't necessarily so close to your heart would probably be good candidates for online content. You could make some type of division in your thinking and say "Okay, these things are for the internet and these aren't."

Hmmm... This whole thing that you said here makes a whole lotta sense lol I like the way you think!

I put all that through consideration though... Except the first part of your post, that never cxame to mind >.<; Not saying I won't do it, because that same thought occurred to me, that since this place isn't as easy to reach such as places like Gaiaonline, Myspace, or Facebook, it'd be OK. And I would use this opportunity to get feedback on my writing skills, how the plot works, and y'know, just criticism in general =D You just thought everything I did, which fills me with more confidence and a want to post some type of story.

I have like three or four though roaming in my head, so I just need to pick one lol Thank you for posting, I think I'll post something, I just need to pick one now... lol

@Selenite: Ooo, I am interested in what you've written :3 Though I may not know the anime or something, I am still interested XD lol And I think you should to, you seem like someone with good writing skills, as the topic says, UNLEASH THEM! XD I'd be willing to read from something I don't know, and if I needed to check up on something, Wikipedia is always useful =D lol
Christianity + Anime = Christianime. 'Nuff said, ja?


Phoenix Wright: "Stay down... This seems suspicious... I wonder who this guy is..."

Professor Layton: "Hmm... Why, this reminds me of a puzzle!"

Phoenix: "Wait, wha-!? Is this really the ti-!"

Maya: " Oh Nick, don't be such a fuddy duddy! Try out a puzzle! C'mon Professor, give him your best shot! Nick'll solve anything you've got!"

Luke: " Yes! The Professor only gives easy ones anyway. I am sure you won't have any issues!"

Phoenix: "OK... I guess, but don't you think-"

Maya: "Shh! Listen Nick! You'll miss something important like you usually do!"

Layton: "-Insert some insane puzzle/riddle thing-"

Phoenix: "..."

Everyone stares. Maya get's uncomfortably close.

Phoenix: "... Oh look! He's gone in to the castle, let's go after him and investigate! -Runs off-"
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Postby ABlipinTime » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:15 am

@animefanatic777: I know how you feel (I have a story of my own I'm working on). The best idea is finding people you trust and sharing it with them. PMing might work.
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Postby Lilac#18 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:29 pm

animefanatic777 wrote:@Selenite: Ooo, I am interested in what you've written :3 Though I may not know the anime or something, I am still interested XD lol And I think you should to, you seem like someone with good writing skills, as the topic says, UNLEASH THEM! XD I'd be willing to read from something I don't know, and if I needed to check up on something, Wikipedia is always useful =D lol

[color="Plum"]I'm not that good of a writer. Grammer or the way of wording everything. I guess I can some critique. And besides, the contents will be a bit too much for this site's rules. It has some languages, violence and a little bit of sexual content that are inappropriate. It's not R rated, but it's not PG either.[/color]
FKA Selenite
B careful of bad habits u form when ur single. In most cases u'll carry them over into ur marriage! - Damita Haddon

"Apparently, it takes more than just the sword." - Mirai (Future) Trunks

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