A Little Snow Fair Sugar...

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A Little Snow Fair Sugar...

Postby Kat Warrior » Mon May 10, 2004 7:11 am

I rented the disc called "Home Sweet Home" (first one wasn't available to rent) and.... I am HOOKED! I loved it! Here I was expecting some gushy, sickening cuteness like I though Hamtaro was, but this was actually toned down in rediculous cuteness and was even despressing! Must... buy...

Heh, and I was shocked that there's a bishounen in it. Turmericon is so cute! ^^ And you gotta love a fairy that's an artist...

...WAFFO! ;)
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Kat Warrior
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Postby shooraijin » Mon May 10, 2004 8:30 am

There's a review on this a while back:


I'll redirect this thread into the earlier one.
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