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Postby Usso-M » Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:01 pm

Bobtheduck..I was trying to make it sound like I should have never written it in the first place.....I'm sorry. I know your'e trying to be helpful but.....well, Is my letter really that poorly written? :(

(sorry all, I'm going to my 'shinji-mode'. I mustn't run away, I musn't run away....)
Image Arigato, Last Exile, my favorite anime (almost).

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Postby MasterDias » Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:05 pm

They have touched upon some pretty suprising issues that most Christian kid shows would probably never even dream of touching. They even touched upon murder in the recently completed Novacom story arc. The series has had its ups and downs and like you said it occasionally has something like the anti-D&D episodes or saying that video games are a waste of time, something I strongly disagree with. Most of the episodes are pretty good however with really good characterizations and a good blend of drama and comedy(some of the episodes are hilarious) with the occasional intrigue-filled story arc.

What is the neighboring show that touched upon sexual issues?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 11, 2003 7:05 pm

In response to Usso-M Hmm... What's everyone else think about what I said? I wasn't attacking or tearing down what you said, I was warning you about FotF and what they'd do... I did make a comment on a couple of your stances and you're free to disagree, but I didn't do this to tear down your letter. You know, I feel that criticism is needed in a large undertaking like this. And you asked for it (literally) so I don't see why you were so bothered by what I said. However:

Well, if what I wrote was really that bad, I suppose a mod can take it off. I'm getting off the computer for now. No need to close the thread if my post was the only one to cause problems.

Oops... just now saw the other response, about AIO... Ok, I forget what the other show is, but it is a bit more open in its discussion about sex (it's another radio drama show like AIO, only this one's not made by FotF)

EDIT: I keep saying I"m gonna leave, and I'm still here... Man, I'm such a forum monkey... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Usso-M » Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:30 pm

No that's Ok, I'm just really senstive. I'll try to take what you said into condersitation. I'll post a revised copy tommorrow.

And they said video games are a waste of time? I'd like to have a script, and I can safely say a sweeping story like Xenosaga is NOT a waste of time.
Image Arigato, Last Exile, my favorite anime (almost).

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 11, 2003 9:49 pm

Well, I forgot what the episode was called, it started with Jason trying to make a Christian arcade game... Jack said he wasn't being effective or something, I haven't heard that exact episode, but it comes up later and he said that quote that I said. Jason is the headstrong impulsive irresponsible psuedo-whit, and Jack is the more level headed and responsible person, and basically it gives a shake of the head to all of my dreams and really shows nothing more than the average christian fear of reality and new things (rock and roll, movies, music videos, and now video games)

I read a book by a very good theologian and I really respected everything he had to say until it got to his views on music... He believes that rock and things with rythym are made to entrance people and that they are only openings for satan and are tools of satan... Also, I don't know if you know about the "Cross and the Switchblade" but the pastor who led nicky cruz to the Lord (Nicky Cruz was a major gang leader responsible for murders and all sorts of other bad stuff) he once went to a christian concert shouting "Ichabod" which means something like "God is gone from here" or something (it's from Revelations, I don't remember exactly where) because he thought that they had lost the spirit because they had "rock music" It's funny because Nicky Cruz's ministry has rock music, rap, probably hard rock and whatever else as part of their ministry... But people, not just Christians, tend to be afraid of new things. I guess that will never change... Everyone in here will probably be scared and opposed to some work of God in the future because it doesn't fit what we think should be. And I will probably too... We all just have to ask for a tolerance of what God has planned (but not a tolerance for what Satan has planned) and that will be hard... Once we reach our adult stages and things we have learned settle in, it becomes harder for us to grow(EDIT: Giving me a new revelation on Jesus's words "become like one of these little ones"), but as Christians we need to always grow... We haven't reached perfection yet, if we did we'd have a charriot of fire (or, I guess, a whirlwind) for us right now and that would be that. As long as we're alive there is constant room for growth... That's what I love about being a Christian... I can grow! I don't have to stay stuck in my traps! I can go out of them and with prayer and reading God's word and fellowship and teaching and worship I'll grow out of things that are harmfull to me...

I guess I have no place in condemning FotF for being wrong on an issue or two... I mean, I'm wrong on hundreds of things and God has to fix that in me... But it's just when these things cause animosity between christians that it really becomes harmfull... I don't know... I guess I've got some bitterness... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:27 am

If I don't quit missing out on threads...I'ma...I dunno, get mad or something.

A lot of good points have been made in here. :] ::hugs everyone who has posted in here::

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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Oct 12, 2003 10:24 am

(side note about Adventures in Odyssey)

When I mention AIO, i'm talking about the radio drama and not the books or cartoon. The radio drama is the REAL AIO and all the other stuff can only be described as "Alternate Universe", particularly the cartoon which is a lot more fantasy than the radio show (though the "Immagination station" was fantasy enough, I suppose)

The cartoon was very slapstick and, well, cartoony... I had hoped that it would have the same type of storytelling, but it's an example of once again people just don't respect animation... They figured it has to be cartoony if it's a cartoon... What I'd love to do if I had the resources is animate the second battle for Whit's End arc of the series... And Eugene's backstory, and his thing with Katrina... I'd love to see ALL of the important parts of Eugene's story animated, actually, as his story contains some of the most important parts of the show. I may do something like that, animate a radio episode, maybe for my full sail final project. It will be 3d animation of course, but hopefully at that time i'll be better than what I am right now (cuz that would really suck) and I hope I'll be able to model human characters... I'd change the designs for Eugene a bit, but there are no animated designs for Jack and Jason and Katrina and connie and Dr Blaggard, so I'd have to base it off of illustrations that they have made up for the radio show. And, of course, change them a bit. The only one that I really liked is the design for Mr. Whittaker, and the animated whit is EXACTLY how I pictured him.

Hmm... conflicting Ideas as to what my final project will be, and I'm not even IN the school yet...

1. The Ruum
2. A short section out of my book (probably the first battle)
3. An episode of "Adventures in Odyssey"

I certainly can't do all of them (though I wish I could!) Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Benu » Sun Oct 12, 2003 9:43 pm

FOTF...Well there are pros and cons to them. But I told my mom about what they had said (I think Bob the duck had said somthing to the effect that they called Japan A dark nation or somthing to that effect) about Japan and she said that their was alot of truth to that and she said they tell the truth wether or not we want to hear it or if it offends people. But yea back then it the old days in Japan there was alot of Perversion and Dark Religion in Japan, I found that out by doing some research about japan in the Feudal Ages. But it's not like that now but some of the stuff is still part of there culture but does it make Japan it self evil and dark I don't think so. Like Mexico they have all that Aztec stuff and all that but does that make Mexico A Dark and Evil Nation...NO! I hope you guys are getting what I'm trying to say somtimes there is truth to what people say but it offends us right away and we don't understand what they are trying to say. We don't see both sides of the story right away as we take somthings to be attacking Anime or somthing else. But If that idea that Anime is evil because Japan had all that stuff back then and all things from Japan are evil and dark is crazy and whoever says thing like this are very closed minded and I would care less about what they have to say. Anyway I had A cool conversation with my parents and my youth pastor(he like my second father) today at church about anime. This minster that used to go to my church stood like all day at my house yesterday because He needed me to convert some tapes of a camp he directed to dvd and I started tell him about how I want to make Christian anime and manga and he said that sound great as long as you don't draw anything that is sexual or looks sexual. I was tell that to my youth pastor and my parents and my mom said why do people always think anime is sexual and porn then my dad said because it is because back in Japan..then I stopped my dad and I never have explain this to them before but I said it's because there is Another type of anime called Hentai that is well Animated Porn because there are sick pervs in Japan that make that stuff but because of sick pervs over in america they push Hentai over here more that they do good clean anime. Then my dad said that's why I never knew that. Then My youth pastor started to say that really Cartoons really weren't made for kids really back in the day Bugs Bunny and all that were animed more for Adults then kids, that back then they would get mad at a cartoon like Tom & Jerry Because it had guns and silly volience and stuff, and that they were more of political statments back then then anything else....that was so scary! Now I know Jesus is Coming soon when My Parents and Youth Pastor Start Defending anime! That's my two yen, cents, pounds or what ever you wanna call it.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:24 am

Keep it up, Usso-M, you've done a good job with a rather tricky subject to an even trickier company. I'm glad you're giving this careful consideration. I'm sure you understand now that Bobtheduck wasn't trying to tear you down, just help. But do consider some of the things he said. Remember, a katana is folded thousands of times before it becomes a blade.
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Postby madphilb » Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:02 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:the pastor who led nicky cruz to the Lord (Nicky Cruz was a major gang leader responsible for murders and all sorts of other bad stuff) he once went to a christian concert shouting "Ichabod" which means something like "God is gone from here" or something (it's from Revelations, I don't remember exactly where) because he thought that they had lost the spirit because they had "rock music" It's funny

I read about that a long time ago, the group was Mylon and Broken Heart (I think Mylon was still using his full name with the band at the time). I'm at a loss for the pastor's name, still runs a big ministry with the AoG up in NY (Teen Challange I think is the name, could be wrong). The article I read claimed he had seen satan rise out of the stage set... (or something like that).

I've had the privlage of fellowshiping with the (lead?) guitarist who was with the band at the time... the ministry was impacting peoples lives like crazy...

I don't know too much on where the pastor stands on these things now, but I know a friend of mine receives mailings from his ministry (written by him).

I guess I have no place in condemning FotF for being wrong on an issue or two... I mean, I'm wrong on hundreds of things and God has to fix that in me... But it's just when these things cause animosity between christians that it really becomes harmfull... I don't know... I guess I've got some bitterness...

This is a bit of an issue I have too.... Honestly, I think I give non-believers alot more grace to be wrong with than I do believers :D

However, I'm equally hard on stupidity with everyone LOL!

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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:55 pm

I just read the particular article you referred to, and I must say I am somewhat offended as well. While they bring up some good points, overall the article paints with a brush the size of Kentucky and is (in my opinion) biased from the beginning. This letter is something I believe is very necessary, if I didn't before.
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Postby Gypsy » Mon Oct 13, 2003 3:11 pm

Ah hah! Other Adventures in Odyssey fans. I used to love listening to those.

I really am forced to say that, although FotF takes a very conservative stance on some things, they have reached many, many people through powerful ministries. It's hardly fair to shred them apart on their stance on anime. Their review department may be lacking, and perhaps downright mistaken, but Christian reviews are a very small part of what FotF does. And besides, we all know how controversial anime is among the Christian circle anyway, so there's no need to get nasty about it. Getting mad, ranting, and throwing accusations around will not gain us one inch. It's what we do to show that anime is not all bad that's the important thing - not how strongly we disagree with other stances. Usso-M is the perfect example of this mindset, and I commend him for his forward thinking. I hope the letter is effective.

Anime is awesome, I love it, and I'd like nothing better than to sit and watch it or draw it all day long. Yes, I get a little put-off when I have to deal with stuff just because I'm an anime fan, but you know what? Anime is ultimately a form of entertainment - not a lifestyle that I feel have to ferociously defend.

So instead of picking apart another Christian organization because of their stance on something as small as anime, think of ways to shed a different light on Christian otakus instead of writing emotionally charged and tantrum filled rants. If it makes you mad, take some kind of constructive action.

If you're an anime fan, all the more power to you. You've come by it honestly, and you know that not all anime is evil porn. It always comes down to what you're going to watch, regardless of how many people told you not to.

Go for it, Usso-M, and you have my best wishes.
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Postby Benu » Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:21 pm

Preach it Gypsy!! Preach it!!
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Postby Shinja » Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:33 pm

ha ha i remeber adentures in oddesy, i think i may still have an old cassete tape still kicking around somewhere in my stash of junk. but yeah gypsys right.

welp im off to wits end to get a snow cone.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:26 am

Just to tell you, Usso-M, I thought your letter took a very moderate stance, not really attacking them at all. The way a letter pointing out a mistake should be written. I still think you did a good job.
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Postby Usso-M » Tue Oct 14, 2003 3:35 pm

Thanks everyone! I'm making the final corrections as we er, type, and I'll put up my final copy that I sent to them. Thanks for your encouragement!
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Postby Nightshade X » Thu Nov 06, 2003 11:53 pm

Ok... umm... I think that I read something about FotF's apparent problem with gore? Anyway... has anyone seen the Christian movie Omega Code 2: Meggido? If you don't know what I'm getting at... I'll just mention (and I don't really care if this is a spoiler or not) the part near the end of the movie when they show a part with a soldier who is MISSING HALF OF HIS LEG!!! :mutter:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Nov 07, 2003 12:04 am

Nightshade X wrote:Ok... umm... I think that I read something about FotF's apparent problem with gore? Anyway... has anyone seen the Christian movie Omega Code 2: Meggido? If you don't know what I'm getting at... I'll just mention (and I don't really care if this is a spoiler or not) the part near the end of the movie when they show a part with a soldier who is MISSING HALF OF HIS LEG!!! :mutter:

Um... I don't remember that, it must have been really quick... They actually gave Megiddo a bad review, as well as omega code and Carmen's "Champion" They seem to have it in for TBN and friends... They said the omega code movies were too violent, and complained about the, what I considered quite humerous, scene with the other Boxer doing the ads... Because of the name of the product... Oh, and they said it was a rocky ripoff and no one would believe any of the characters and so on and so forth...


Then they gave "Time Changers" (also a TBN film...) a GOOD review... They talked about Carmen's movie not being believeable and then turne around and gave time changers a good review? That movie, IMNSHO, was the biggest piece of tripe to come out of the Christian media in my memory... The first 20 minutes or so was one big theological debate, and it focused on the "American Christian Culture"'s idea of what Good Christians should do... For those who haven't seen it, it's like Kate and Leopold with no romance, no plot, and no fun... And a lot of arguing and really questionable conclusions... I really don't want to see them touch "To End All Wars" or, at least if they do, get the same person who reviewed Two Towers to do it...

sorry to rant on them like that again, but the last message just reminded me... Obviously they have varied opinions on their reviewing staff, but come on... I still love "Adventures in Odyssey" Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nightshade X » Sat Nov 08, 2003 12:52 pm

Oh, yeah... Adventures in Odyssey is cool. :thumb:
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Postby bemanisuperstar » Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:22 pm

that was the most offensive article I have ever read.

Well Focus on the family has crossed the line from Credible to damaging to chrstian relations with the outside world.

They're a bunch of Hypocrites anyway.

I tired to like them but they offend me more and more and they LIE they LIE alot.

that's just my experence with them. Your milage may vary. Oh and one other thing. THEY CANNOT BE REASONED WITH.
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