list your anime pet pieves

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list your anime pet pieves

Postby heero yuy 95 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:48 am

There are plenty of great anime out there. But some have things that just really bug me. Heck I've even turned down some that had really good potential due to this. Here are my biggest anime pet pieves in no certain order:
1. it is really great but I have to turn it down just because something that went against my standards was randomly thrown for no good reason.
2. (mostly for mecha) when a large battle that you know is just gonna rock is about begin but the characters spend the whole episode reminescing and preparing until you're faced with the inevitable "next time on...."
3. when women are displayed as sexual objects for the sole purpose of fanservice rather than human beings(usually don't have a problem with this but it really irks me)
4. when they kill off your favorite character on like, the third episode(nadesico)
5.(mostly partains to those of us who live with their parents) when there's a really great anime that is pretty clean and you've seen plenty of episodes and you know that your parents would be cool with you watching it but there just has to be that ONE bad episode and that just happens to be the one episode they see so they're all like "don't ever watch that show again!"

Okay, these are mine, now list some of yours.
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Postby Kenshin17 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:02 pm

1) Fanservice
2) That one annoying episode formentioned, a.k.a the bath episode
3) When they kill the girl :mutter:

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Postby Ssjjvash » Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:56 pm

ditto, Heero yuy, except for the mecha 'cause I'm not extremely big on it.

Another of mine is when the episode ends and they say "next time on..." and then they basically give away what's gonna happen. :shady: This frustrates me to no end!! *cough*dragonballz*cough-cough*

And when they are starting to get into what looks to be an awesome fight only to ruin it with useless talking that lasts four episodes.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:45 pm

When somebody good dies
When there is this great giant battle, and the bad guy looks like hes dead, but he really isn't (naruto on TWO accounts)
Shoujo with some really rude guy in it
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:50 pm

When somebody good dies
When there is this great giant battle, and the bad guy looks like hes about to dead, but he really isn't (naruto on TWO accounts)
really horrible dubbings
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:32 pm

When they cancel a show, like Astro Boy! They just stopped without an explanation!

When it's on after you go to sleep. Rurouni Kenshin is on at ten thirty on Saturdays and we go to bed at nine!!!

And I hate it when right before the big battle starts: To be continued. I remeber DBZ and YGO being horrible about that.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:06 pm

"Yes, I will defeat you freiza!!!!"

*13 episodes later*

"YOU'LL loose! I promise that freiza!"

its like most of the show is dialogue, and a tiny bit is fighting
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Postby Kaori » Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:42 pm

heero yuy 95 wrote:when they kill off your favorite character on like, the third episode(nadesico).

Ah, yes, Nadesico. What was worse was how, later in the series, they introduced a character that looked just like him, who also died. That was a bit upsetting.

Aside from that sort of thing, my biggest pet peeve would probably be when a character with dignity either does something undignified or is forced into an embarrassing situation, like when Motoko (Love Hina) suddenly decides to wear a maid outfit in a misguided attempt to become more feminine, or Hatori Sohma (Fruits Basket) turining into a seahorse. Characters who act dignified to begin with should be allowed to remain that way.
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:00 pm

^_^; The worst thing I can think of is when they think they can pan across the same scene at least three times to get the point across that it's a long way down/over/whatever. (Isn't once enough?)
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Postby Chaps » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:28 am

I really don't like fan service, and I'm not a fan of excessive filler or two episodes is fine, especially if it's some lighthearted humorous episode to ease the tension, or if it's a recap- but other than that, it can get annoying.

**Poor animation- gah, I REALLY dislike it when they reuse animation cels or they do a moving still across the the just have a stil of a guy punching or someting, and drag it across the screen with the background flashy lines to express cheap motion. That's just downright laziness.

-Poor Seiyuu cast- Sometimes a fantastic anime is ruined just because the voice actors couldn't get it right.

There's sometimes really annoying conveniences that happen in some (usually action genre) anime. There's always coincidences in an anime to progress the story or make a plot twist, but Conveniences are annoying. I don't mind this a few times, but ESPECIALLY one of my pet peeves when used in excess is the "I must summon the hidden internal power within me despite all odds" excuse to overcome all odds....Personally I thought it was used a lot in Bleach (sorry Bleach fans!), and a heckuva lot in DBZ. And it's (slightly) getting a bit noticeable in Naruto too. That's just way to convenient for the hero that he can only do it when it seems all is lost.
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu Jan 06, 2005 12:31 am

I really hate misuse of CHristian Symbolism (as some of you might know) which is the worse. Also fanservice.

Poor voice-acting is something I hate as well. I just think of some of the life-less voice-acting of "Grave for the Fireflies" and I go "disgusting".
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:29 am

bigsleepj wrote:I really hate misuse of CHristian Symbolism (as some of you might know) which is the worse.

im guessing that would mean like hellsing?
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Postby Sync » Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:25 am

5+ titles coming out on the same day... be it DVDs, music or manga.
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Postby Aoyama » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:47 am

4. when they kill off your favorite character on like, the third episode(nadesico)

I so agree with that lol! Gekigan Flare

I don't like a lot of Gore in my anime, I don't mind violence but lots of gore and I won't watch it.

I also don't like when they drag things out for example DBZ where fights last way to many episodes because for like 1 episode they spend 20 mins of it powering up and staring at each other lol.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:25 am

Pet peeves? For the moment:

1) When I'm happily watching Fruits Basket and my sister starts making fun of the voices of american VAs. AHH! Just be quiet and watch, would ya?

2)I don't like it when characters loose limbs. If you're going to kill them, please leave their limbs intanct!
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:19 am

When people refer to Chobits, Love Hina and the like as "shoujo." I'm also leery of calling these titles "romance," but at least that's not entirely unjustifiable.

Also, gratuitous panning, spontaneous fiancés, and any of a million other things that reinforce the idea that the only people who watch anime are greasy computer nerds who need something to compensate for a complete lack of female contact.
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:54 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:im guessing that would mean like hellsing?

Yes, I suppose. Never saw Hellsing. :lol: I was thinking more along the line of the "X" movie.
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Postby EvilSporkofDoom » Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:25 pm

1)animes with overexaggerated, gratuitous violence scenes (exploding heads, etc.)
2)animes with plotlines that are too predictable and commonplace
3)way too much fanservice (e.g. I Me My Strawberry Eggs. Ugh, I hate this anime. Not only because of the panty flashes every five seconds, but it's also just plain shallow and stupid).
4)screaming throughout entire episodes (okay, so I'm speaking specifically about DBZ - is it just me, or is there way too much unnecessary caveman-like roaring and yelling going on? >_<)
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:25 am

I don't like the backgrounds that move...

I don't like extreme takes (ala Looney Toons... Anime has a bit of that) I get annoyed, at times, by cheesy sound effects, though that shows up in Japanese live action, which is even worse... I hate hearing a sound effect for something as simple as someone turning their head... Really unnecissary...

I love serials, which is one reason I watch anime... It goes to figure I wouldnt like episodic anime much (Cowboy Bebop, Lupin) though I can tolerate them...

Another reason I watch Anime, or Japanese TV in general, is that things END... There is no need to keep something going 4 seasons just because it is still popular... So, things like DBZ really bug me... I put up with it in Sailormoon just for nostalgic reasons, and i put up with it in Kodocha because the show is so darn addictive... I stopped watching Ranma and Inu Yasha... I just got bored with them. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:58 am

Bobtheduck wrote:I don't like extreme takes (ala Looney Toons... Anime has a bit of that) I get annoyed, at times, by cheesy sound effects, though that shows up in Japanese live action, which is even worse... I hate hearing a sound effect for something as simple as someone turning their head... Really unnecissary...

Aww, you don't like the head-turning sound effects? I can think of one that might be my favorite sound effect of all time! Pita Ten has a lot of unusual but very good sound effects. But then, I've never seen any J-dramas. I can imagine that kind of thing would be very annoying in live action, or when improperly applied in anime.

Have you ever seen Flame of Recca? They do this thing where they play a random barnyard animal sound over a still of a facial expression. It was kind of entertaining because it was just so out there, but it's probably the worst application of a sound effect I've ever seen.

Bobtheduck wrote:Another reason I watch Anime, or Japanese TV in general, is that things END...

AMEN BRUTHA!!! I wish American TV would pick that up more. I mean, it's not like American audiences will reject anything with a finite time span - look at 24!!!
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jan 07, 2005 9:03 am

Here's mine:
1. SD in a serious, not at all light-hearted anime or manga
2. Heroes who kill without remorse
3. Alien races who hate humans (unless the humans wronged them, that is)
4. Everyone who says FLCL rocks :bang:
5. When they make someone you're just starting to like reveal a skeleton in the closet that makes you start hating them (Wolfwood in Trigun)
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Postby Ichigo_89 » Fri Jan 07, 2005 1:32 pm

Too much fanservice
sex (Reason why I havn't seen Ninja Scrolls)
sexual references/innuendos (reason why I didn't buy FLCL)
Swearing in every other sentence
Too many fillers (Nadesico, Trigun, DBZ)
Boxsets costing so much
Majorly cringable gore
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Postby rocklobster » Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:52 am

Here's more I remembered:
6. When companies don't translate the kanji onscreen.
7. The fact that we don't get to see song translations on TV (except Cowboy Bebop's ending theme)
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Postby Spazztik » Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:42 am

My pet peeves about anime are. . .
1. All the fanservice (and all the stuff that goes with it)
2. The main characters, especially the ones I like dying
3. Sad endings. . .
4. Too much cussing
5. Too much gore
6. The same plotline over and over and over
7. Anime that dont make a lick of sense
8. Peoples misunderstandings about anime and the weird looks I get when I say I watch it.. . .
9. Anime costing too much
10. Lots of the good anime getting ignored by TV in America
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Postby Jeikobu » Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:10 pm

My problems with anime are when they are too full of bad material. Too much fanservice is never good, and Samurai X is my limit for violence, but the worst for me is when it goes to bad religious material. If there's too much I will skip the anime for sure.
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Postby Noodles » Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:45 pm

I really don't know why people don't like sad endings. It is a break from all of the good ending stuff you see. It is good to see a good character die off every now and then thats why I like the original Gundam because many good guys died and it makes it more realistic.

1) When they are showing more than 40% skin. (I understand if they are in their bathing suit at a pool or at the beach but when they are running around in almost nothing.... its just wrong)

2) In things like Dragon Ball Z where they delay the cool fight scene with mindless talking.
"Hey Goku, I can see my house from here!"
"Hey thats cool..... hey ummm we need to find another distraction because there are only 5 more minutes left until the end of the episode."
"Hmmmmmmmm..... Hey Goku I could see.... your dog from here!"

3) When people get waaaaaaaaaaaay to involved in the anime. There is a line and many people cross it.
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:47 pm

You all have such great entries! I just came up with one more.
6. When the anime is pretty clean but they make the dvd cover art look kinda' smutty/fanservice-y I mean, just the other day i bought a final fantasy unlimited dvd (vol. 2) and the cover featured Lisa with like, no skirt and she looked a bit bustier than on the show. My dad was all like "are you sure mom lets you watch this?"
*in an annoyed voice* "yes, dad I'm sure" - -
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Postby Joshua Christopher » Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:55 pm

Happy endings.
Sexual scenes.
F-bombs and G-d's.
Occultic stuff.
Lack of robots (just kidding).
Everyone living.
Changing scripts when translated.
Changing music (unless it's for the better...which never happens)
Music that doesn't synch to the visuals.
97% of animes.
Lack of Pat Croce.
Steven Blum not doing any voices.
Planets not being cut in half.

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Postby Knives » Sat Jul 09, 2005 11:27 am

#1 A good anime ruined by bad content.
#2 Fanservice. (Its hard enough not to lust without that stupid crap)
#3 Language, is it really needed?
Those are some of mine.

(Edit) I thought of some more.
#4 Occultic stuff.
#5 Covers that make the anime look much worse than it really is.
#6 How few animes are rated by the MPAA!!!!
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Postby Myoti » Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:31 pm

Actually, most of the stuff you guys are posting aren't much different from the average shows we have here. Really, they're not. :/

4)screaming throughout entire episodes (okay, so I'm speaking specifically about DBZ - is it just me, or is there way too much unnecessary caveman-like roaring and yelling going on? >_<)

Well, they're alien monkeys, right? :lol:

#6 How few animes are rated by the MPAA!!!!

Yeah. I want to know why it's rated what it's rated, since just posting the rating doesn't always help.
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